
Servant of the 4th Wall

When death comes, regaining the memories of your past lives was an uncommon occurrence. Because of a wish, his fate was doomed. He expected to move again from a new world. Not attracting the attention of meddlesome beings and confining him in this world as a Servant.

megurashimono · Otras
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11 Chs

Orleans Singularity: Deviation (3)

" Incompetent and weak. Why did the Holy Grail summoned a servant like you? "

Jeanne Alter said as she stared down at me. I raise my head and glared at her.

" But it was interesting that you can still defy my orders and think of your own repeatedly. Does the Mad Enhancement not affect you?...I guess it doesn't matter. "

Jeanne Alter sighed for a moment before she walk further more in the castle. She would probably talk to the creepy Gilles de Rais and discuss or plot the deaths of many people. After the sudden appearance of that strange horse dragging a carriage, new servants have appeared. They were strange but nice servants. Those servants helped the Jeanne Alter's enemies (those two masters and their servants) and her other self to escape. She was displeased when it happened. After that, we returned to the castle and Jeanne Alter started saying our faults during the battle. Mostly of them was involve in saying how weak and useless I am in the battle.

I guess some of it was true because of my E– luck. I can't even summon a proper useful item. I have wasted all of my remaining summons and I got rewarded with more useless things. And now we, – her unwilling servants (maybe only I or Saint Martha and probably Atalanta) are currently kneeling on the floor. Should I just keep kneeling on the floor? She haven't said anything to dismiss us but she have already left. I glance at Saint Martha who was currently kneeling on the floor. Her face was impassive and not readable. The more time and time that passed, Saint Martha's control are slipping out. She was also descending slowly on Jeanne Alter's control and the Mad Enhancement that was applied to us. I couldn't say that I was also in one hundred percent control of myself. Even it was E rank, I am still within in Jeanne Alter's control and there were moments I can feel myself blanking out and my mind to be filled with something that wasn't I.

Eventually, after 3 hours– Jeanne Alter has ordered us to stop kneeling in our minds. She ordered us to pay visit to some of the nearby towns and villages and make certain that there is no additional nuisances. Like the living Saber Caster de Gilles and the french soldiers. There was also the Dragonslayer Siegfried who have defended the Lyon but pulverized by our numbers. Or so what has Jeanne Alter thought. Unknown to Jeanne Alter, he was still alive and present. Still manifesting– the definition of alive in Heroic Spirits. He was currently hiding inside on the ruined castle of the destroyed Lyon. Injured but still available and alive to fight Jeanne Alter once he recovered on the curse and injuries. Why does i know them? Well, Saint Martha was the culprit on hiding the Dragonslayer and I was her willing accomplice. Too willing in fact. I was very happy to help Saint Martha in giving Jeanne Alter a "fuck you" sign on her face even she doesn't know it.

So far, days have passed and Jeanne Alter didn't suspected that the Dragon Slayer was still alive and she wasn't giving us any suspicious looks or punishing us for our insolence. Everything was fine so far (not really) and our (her) enemies escaped.


Morning came. After checking over some of the destroyed towns and villages, we returned to the castle and came the unexpected additions and news. We notice that one of our teammates were missing. Atalanta wasn't here. And I guess we are missing some wyverns and those poor soldiers who became zombies because of Gilles de Rais and the Holy Grail.

I observed the two additional servants within our ranks. The first one has a white hair and icy blue eyes that was cold as ice. It was like that I was staring at my death. He has a black and white color scheme. The second one– it's face was unrecognizable. I don't know if it was a he or she. They are fully covered in armor and filled with malevolent and unholy aura. There was the red glow on the holes of its head armor. The only thing that I was certain of it's identity was that it was a knight.

" Unfortunately, one of your fellow ignoble servants can't join you for today. "

Jeanne Alter said stepping forward and glance at us with her burning cold eyes. Today? So Atalanta wasn't killed by Jeanne Alter.

" She was currently being treated by Gilles. "

I felt a cold shiver on my body as she said those words. Being left with that creepy caster? What is Gilles doing with her right now? I don't want to think about it. How horrendous must be it for her to be under that mad prelati user.

" It was so unexpected for her to suddenly act out of my orders. It is true that I expected that there may some disobedient servant. How unseemly that it suddenly become her. Truly unexpected."

I can feel her gaze on mine. I know the underlying meaning behind those words. Some of the servants know it too. And I know it too. If there was a chance, I would willingly betray her and let her pay for what have she done.

" Don't you think so Servant Hughes? "

I hesitantly nodded my head. She look at me with a mocking expression on her face before it turned into a cold intimidating fury.

" My patience is limited. I am not a merciful saint. Once that I saw any of you was a turncoat expect that the only punishment waiting for you is agony and death. But since you are all a servant, a mere threat of death must be nothing for you, yes? Then, I shall promise that you would never betray me as the reward for it was a mental agony that you would never expect. "

Ughh... She was truly not a saint. I think I am now slowly understanding this 'alter' business. I would be truly thankful if the holy grail has provided me any information of this place. I know that I was supposed to be designated in a holy grail war in Fuyuki City. But due to a certain error, I was summoned her in Orleans. This isn't a Holy Grail War, I am certain. This event is wrong. So far, spending my days in servitude with the other servants under Jeanne Alter has resulted in more deaths of the innocent, rampage and wreckage of the villages and towns. After the certainty that I can't really escape from Jeanne Alter's grasp and the other servants, I have keep my eye on the thing that summoned us in the first place. The Holy Grail– I haven't seen any glimpse or shadow of that accursed item.

" As for the other trivial matters, there would be two additional ignoble servants to help with our goals of destruction of France. "

The white haired servant glance at us. Is that considered as an acknowledgement?

" I shall execute the Queen. "

He suddenly said surprising myself. Queen? Hmmmm.... Is he talking about Queen Marie Antoinette that we have encountered earlier? The one that helped those good guys escape? I am certain that guy was talking about her. After a few moments, I look at the servant beside him. It didn't even answered a bit. For some reason, he was really familiar to me. Let me think a bit. Nope, I was certain that he wasn't in Fate Aporycrypha. My mind was truly a mess huh. Hmmm... Nope, definitely not Fate/Stay night. Wait, I now fucking know it!

" ... You're Lancelot. "

Everyone stares suddenly turned into myself. Underneath the head armor, Lancelot's red glow intensified further. Crap.... I can feel everyone's stares under me.

" Interesting, Servant Hughes. It seems that you are aware of Berserk Berserker's identity. "

Shit. I shouldn't have slipped. Damn mouth. Don't I have a filter?

" So, tell me. Why are you aware of Berserk Berserker's identity. "

Jeanne Alter stared at me coldly. I can feel the command seal messing with my mind. It would be dangerous if she or they learned that I was–

" I am aware of the events of Fourth Holy Grail War in a certain timeline. "

" Holy Grail War.. I see. My curiosity has been satisfied. But such trivial thing shouldn't matter. "

Jeanne Alter's gaze swept towards Saint Martha. I can suddenly feel the rising worry within myself.

" Berserk Rider, Observe the 'trash' and those enemies. "

" Yes, Master. "

Saint Martha kneeled before starting walking out of the castle. I followed after her, but looks like Jeanne Alter has other plans.

" Where are you going Servant, Hughes? Unfortunately, you aren't going to accompany your pitiful and helpless Saint Martha. "

I can feel Saint Martha's gaze towards me. She also stopped walking when she heard that I wouldn't accompany her just like the usual.

" I heard from Gilles that there was a wandering servant in the ruins of Lyon. I would assign you on a simple task. Recruit that servant. "

I can suddenly feel my body kneeling even I don't want it. Fuck, even myself... I am slowly becoming vulnerable and under her control.

" Yes, My master. "

No. I don't want this fucking bitch or anyone to be my Master.

" What are you still doing here, Saint Martha? "

I could hear Jeanne Alter's displeased voice. I raise my head and turn my gaze to Saint Martha. Her eyes met mine as she smiled slightly and replied.

" I shall.. observe the enemies, Master. "

While she said those words, she was looking at me with sadness, kindness and sympathy. I was left standing with the other servants as she walked out of the castle.

" what are you still doing here standing servant Hughes? Do your task. As for the other servants, if you find any rebel, destroy them. "


" Christine! Christine! "

As Jeanne Alter have ordered I have headed towards the wreckage of Lyon. There was also a moment of nervousness. In my mind, I thought that Gilles have seen the Dragonslayer Siegfried. Thankfully, it wasn't. It was really just another wandering servant summoned by the Holy Grail.

" Ohhhhhh, My love. You are truly as beautiful as ever. "

And looks like that this Servant wasn't right in the head. He's crazy!

" My song! My life! Christine! Christine! "

And I am also certain that this Servant was the Phantom of the Opera. He has been muttering 'Christine this, Christine that' since I have encountered him and tried to recruit him with my words.

" Sir Phantom... I am under the orders of Bitch– I mean Jean D'arc Alter – The Dragon Witch of Orleans to recruit you. I hope that you would cooperate with us. "

Nope, I am not really hoping that you would cooperate with us. I am just wishing to see that Dragon Witch soon defeated and dead along with that Creepy Caster Gilles.

" Christine, Christine, Sing for me! "

Suddenly, The Phantom of the Opera rushed towards me with his gruesome monstrous hand. As expected, Jeanne Alter's task of recruiting a servant wasn't easy at all. Simple task? If I have the complete records of throne of heroes, I am certain that I would be included in the list of the weakest servants. Probably, there was a chance that I was the most weakest servant that exist in the Throne of Heroes.

[ Servant Hughes Everett

Servant Rate: ★

Title: Pseudo Scientist of the late 20th Century, Servant of the 4th Wall, The Delusional Fool

Attribute: Man

Growth Curve: Linear

Alignments: Lawful Neutral

Gender: Male

Traits: Humanoid, Male Servant, Enuma Elish Resistant


(Personal Skills)

√ Active

• Summon

Rank: F rank (Can be upgraded)

- Summon random ordinary things from another world 20 times a day. Mostly all of this items range from useless objects or trash and to ordinary items that was considered or acknowledge that didn't contain any 'mystery'. It has a probability of 3% of random summoning of a E rank object. Summoning items hugely relays on luck.

Condition for skill to upgrade to E rank: Summon F rank above items 10 times.

• Summon Inventory

Rank: A Rank

- Store items that has been summoned. Summon Inventory is limitless. Only things that has been summoned are allowed to be stored. 'Alive' summons aren't allowed to be stored. Time doesn't move in this place. This is a space that doesn't exist in the far side of the world, far side of the moon, the moon or any place that exist within the age of Gods. Summon Inventory is a culmination of Servant 'Hughes Everett' consciousness.

√ Passive

• Instant Summon

Rank: A+

-Regardless of any rank or mystery, all things are summoned instantly.

• Summoned Mastery

Rank: EX

- Know any history, background information or usage of the things that has been summoned.

• Master Status

- Allows servant 'Hughes Everett' to view his information and status.

Noble Phantasm:

• 'Many World's Interpretation'

Rank: ?? (Passive)

- A 'Noble Phantasm' that can't exist or activated by mere words or actions alone. Whether the people believe in it or not doesn't matter.


Effect 1: It allows Servant Hughes Everett to summon different things from different worlds.

Effect 2: "Hughes Everett" is an evidence.

Effect 3: Enuma Elish resistant.

Effect 4: E– luck

Effect 5. Has a 000000000.1% probability of activating a certain person's noble Phantasm " Schrodinger's Cat "


Strength: E

Agility: E

Luck: E–

Endurance: E

Magic: EX

NP: ?? ]

My stats as a servant was horrible. A skill that relays on luck and a total passive unknown rank noble Phantasm? Truly, I am miserable as a Servant.

I really hope that I can make that fucking Alaya suffer.

The recent happenings was truly a disaster. 5 days without electricity and a malfunctioning phone? it was horrible. sorry, if I have just updated today. (^_^)

megurashimonocreators' thoughts