
Another man dead

The police sirens echoed through the streets of Sesame. People around the neighborhood was flocking and trying to get news about what has happened. According to the police, another man has been murdered. With no apparent motive, no murder weapon nor evidence to point out any suspects, the investigators reached another seemingly cold case.

"Excuse me, excuse me. Detective coming through!" A slender woman in her late 20's wearing the cliche "cool badass woman" clothes was pushing through the crowd the surrounded the dead body.

"What have you found out so far?" Detective Ann Smith asked the inspectors who responded to the scene of the crime.

"Well, judging by the body. He was brutally murded. According to forensics, he was dead by about 11pm to 1am." Inspector Sean Johns told the detective. Walking close to the body, he continued

"Two-Three stabs on the throat, genitals cut, scratches on the stomach, a crush on the skull."

"Any prints found in the body?" Detective Jo asked

"None so far, the suspect seems smart enough to clean his prints"


"Well detective, there is no way that a woman could do this stuff right?"

"Surely, unless she is very strong, but why was the genitals cut?" The detective asked while pulling the jacket covering the body away.

She did her own inspection, and found everything what the inspector said. She instructed the forensics to check on the wounds, and search around the raduis for weapons that might have been thrown while the suspect was running. She looked around for a stone big enough to crush a skull. The suspect might have left it in the scene since he would have not any time to carry it and throw it while running. She went bear the body again and checked the belongings of the victim. Nothing seems to be lost, so it wasn't a murder-robbery. As she was walking back and forth, thinking, "*crush*" she heard a crushing sound, she might have stepped on something. Looking at it, it was an earring. The kille might have left it, either on purpose or on accident, it was evidence. How lucky could her day be, she found blonde strands of hair on the victim's body, it was too early to confirm if it was from a boy or a girl so she kept it for the forensics to check.

The killer seems to be playing game. A piece of paper was ignored by the inspectors who were cleaning up the scene of the crime.

As Detective Ann opened the paper, it looked like a code left by the killer.

"This isn't detective conan!" She thought as she read the code.

Checking on the wounds, reviewing the method of killing, and the forensics telling her ehat could have been the weapon used, she needed one more thing to confirm. She looked at how the victim's stomach was slashed. She smirked as she saw the pattern.

"Another man has been murdered. And now, there are evidences that has been recovered. We have breakthrough!" She announced.

"Seems like the Serial Scissor has slayed again!"