

Caulifla Sadala is given the opportunity of the lifetime of being the nanny to esteemed CEO Chi-Chi's son Gohan. For the most part, it's a simple job, and it has its perks. It's not until Caulifla meets Chi-Chi's husband Goku does she start to have her doubts about the job. Of course, her brother Renso and one of her best friends Cabba doesn't really approve of her wanting to be a nanny, while the others accept her choice. Aside from that, she has to deal with her growing feelings for Vegeta, her best friend Tarble's brother while being a mom figure to Gohan. The more Caulifla lives in Seven Star City however, does she discover that underneath the bright lights and tall buildings are multiple secrets buried beneath the city. When almost all of those she trusts are in Six Star City which is an hour away, she will have to learn to fend for herself and attempt to fight off the darkness that dares to consume her. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ This dragon ball fanfiction is going to be filled with mature themes such as: ❀ age gap ❀ smut and sexual themes ❀ graphic violence and major character deaths ❀ crack ships and hardly any dbz canon ships ❀ potential love triangles ❀ alcohol and drugs ❀ infidelity themes ❀ taboo themes And many, many, many more, so please refrain from reading if any of this makes you feel uncomfortable. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer! Dragon Ball belongs to Akira Toriyama, Toei Animation and all other ownerships. I do not claim dragon ball as my own or the characters! Only the fanfic itself so please don't post it anywhere! It will be also be posted on Archive of Our Own, Wattpad, Tumblr, and Quotev. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Started writing: May 4 2022 Finished writing:

sombrasaiyan · Cómic
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5 Chs

FOUR | Good Girl Kale

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ KALE HAS THE DEVIL ON HER SIDE SINCE SHE was in sixth grade. Well not really Lucifer, more like the devil in disguise. That's what everyone called the girl that saved Kale. The devil. Lucifer. Fallen Angel. Lucifer was the first of the many nicknames that was banned from being crowned to Caulifla. So, instead everyone just called her Luci. From Kale's first day of being the new kid at the junior high she was warned about the so called devil. Kale pictured Luci as some big maybe fat, scary kid who bullied everyone.

But no. It was just some girl who if you gossiped a little too loudly about or even mentioned her in your conversation, she would be up in your face in a heartbeat. If there was a food fight, chances were she started it. If a teacher was calling her names or being plain rude to someone in class, Caulifla would yell at them, telling them to do a better job.

At first Kale feared Caulifla from all the stories she's heard.

Kale was such a shy girl, always sitting alone at lunch and never bothering to talk to anyone. No one really did since she was hard to remember. Then again, Kale didn't really interact with anyone for them to even want to sit with her or hang out with her.

Then, one day he came along like one of those boys in those sweet young love stories. He had such cute short hair with one big strand of it falling forward to one side of his face as he made his way over to a table Kale had claimed as her own. He had a small smile on his face as his cheeks were turning pink. Everyone knew him as the quiet kid, not really talking to anyone unless he had means to.

" . . . H-Hi, I'm Cabba. You're Kale, right?" He greets her as he holds his lunch box in one hand.

Kale was mesmerized by the fact that someone knew her name and decided to come up to her. She eases a small smile on those lips of hers as she nods. "Yes, nice to meet you Cabba."

Cabba points at the bench and then asks, "Is this seat taken?"

"No, no. Not at all."

Every day after that Cabba just sat with her and enjoyed his lunch with her. Every day was just the same, only their conversations were different. Sometimes the subject of their conversation would be random. Kale didn't mind since she had at least someone to talk to, but every now and then she would find herself missing the quiet countryside.

Before her grandfather chose to retire, Kale lived in the nature smelling forestry in a cottage that seemed so small on the outside. Her father Beets mentioned how he grew up on a farm with his parents and grandparents. It wasn't until he moved to the city that he also grew to like city life as well, thanks to Kale's mother Tights. For a good chunk of their first daughter Erasa's childhood they lived in the city before Tights finally accepted a temporary choice of moving to the countryside—which then became permanent because Tights grew to love the countryside.

Holidays consisted of going back to the city to spend some time with Kale's grandparents and her wild but fun loving aunt Bulma. Every chance Bulma got, she would take out Erasa and Kale, show them the joys of the city.

Erasa loved the city, Kale loved the countryside.

Even now when Kale really thought about it, she only loved the city because of her friends. If she wasn't close to anyone she would've decided to move to the countryside after she graduated high school—or maybe after college if she chose that route.

Kale did her best to avoid Caulifla at first, but it wasn't until a girl who was much bigger than her that started bullying her did she realize that Caulifla wasn't as bad as a person as everyone said she was. Caulifla had declared from that day forward (after beating up the girl) that anyone who laid a finger on Kale who be pummeled to a pulp. She invited Caulifla every other break to come with her and Cabba to the farm to hang out and enjoy what nature had to offer. Caulifla's parents almost always said yes, minus summers. Summers were reserved for Vegeta and his family.


It was now winter break as this was the first time Kale's parents didn't accompany them. Kale was surprised they allowed Cabba to tag along without his parents.

These two were laying on the bed, cuddling with each other in the bed. They began dating sophomore year of high school, and have gone out to date this long. They were Cabba and Kale, so no one was surprised because these two have always been inseparable.

"Do you think Caulifla's going to get the job as Chi-Chi's nanny?" Cabba nudges her gently with his leg up her bare leg. She was only in black short-shorts and an oversized red shirt.

"Are you seriously doubting one of our best friends?" Kale grins up at him as she playfully pinches one of his cheeks.

"Nope," Cabba replies, popping the 'p'. "But think about it, there's like, a ton of other candidates so Chi-Chi choosing Caulifla would be like a miracle."

Kale moves herself on top of Cabba as one limb rests between Cabba's legs, causing him to wince a bit. He reddens as he could feel her breasts press up against his chest.


She simply grins down at him, "So are we going to that party this week?"

"I kind of forgot that party was this week, are you sure you want to make the drive back there and then come back here?" Cabba asks.

Kale nods. "What's the harm in going to one party? Maybe we can convince Caulifla to stay here with us for the next week until we have to leave for school."

"Do you think she's even going to want to come with us? She's been obsessing over Vegeta again and knowing her she's going to have her tail wrapped around him." Cabba replies.

"Oh yeah," Kale nodded. "Well, let's just go to the party and then we dip. We can bring some of my sister's weed to the party then." She grins as Cabba chuckles, rubbing her back.

"Who would've known Kale of all people would've loved weed?" Cabba didn't even believe those words that were coming out of his mouth.

"My sister." Kale reminds him. "But not a word to my parents about the party you hear? Erasa already told them that we're going to spend the whole day hiking that day."

Cabba simply nods, bringing her in for a kiss as they stay like this for a few more moments.