

Marian met Aiden during her last year in school. He is a not-so-popular kind of guy and just busy himself by studying and lurking around in the library looking for new books to be read, but after his classes, she always see him at the basketball court having his practice. She never noticed him before, not until she was assigned to supervise and teach a group of junior students in their college by September, and Aiden was one of them. He was performing great actually; gets straight As on their exams and mock-up test. He was quiet but loves to ask for queries.

After two weeks of being under Maria's supervision, they started greeting each other whenever they cross path wherever, whenever. He even calls her up just to ask for an assistance. Everything was normal, but things changed eventually and especially when teaching on a one-on-one basis.

Simple random calls turned out to become a habit; school related messages started to become deep conversations; t'was from being ordinary people, to being special ones.

Marian doesn't mind it at first, no malice, no suspicions. She gave no meaning to what's happening or the situation they're in. He may be an ideal guy for her but there was no fleeting moment of attraction and infatuation. Most of her friends tell her that they have this so-called "Chemistry", a sense of compatibility, but she just ignored it all and continued being a student that teaches their junior colleagues and a sister that he can talk to whenever he wants.