
Senhor Supremo: Eu posso extrair tudo!

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What is Senhor Supremo: Eu posso extrair tudo!

Lee la novela Senhor Supremo: Eu posso extrair tudo! escrita por el autor HideousGrain publicada en WebNovel. ```Em um mundo onde a era interestelar trouxe tanto promessas quanto decepções, Michael Fang sonha em se tornar um Senhor no misterioso reino.Ele anseia por explorar ruínas antigas de civilizações caí...


``` Em um mundo onde a era interestelar trouxe tanto promessas quanto decepções, Michael Fang sonha em se tornar um Senhor no misterioso reino. Ele anseia por explorar ruínas antigas de civilizações caídas e construir um território amado e apoiado por seus súditos. Mas suas aspirações são destruídas quando ele percebe que não é nada especial e apenas um garoto comum em um mundo cheio de prodígios celestiais. Isso é, até que ele tropeça no Portão que leva à Expansão Origem, um reino misterioso que promete mudar tudo que ele pensava saber sobre si mesmo e seu destino. Com um novo poder e determinação inabalável, Michael jura transformar sua má sorte em oportunidade, não importa quão perigoso seja o caminho. "Assistam e testemunhem enquanto eu extraio tudo!" Acompanhe Michael Fang em sua jornada pela Expansão Origem enquanto ele luta através de obstáculos e inimigos para alcançar seus sonhos e se tornar o Senhor Supremo que sempre foi destinado a ser. ** Discord: https://discord.gg/Zr8QvWJKVT ```

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VZero · Fantasía
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A Mob's Guide To Survive (Being Rewritten!)

What's good about being reincarnated in another world similar to an otome game you played during your life on Earth? Many people would easily answer: with my knowledge I can be famous, achieve impossible goals and even marry the main heroes and the heroines! But for Kailan Castrin, a man who has been reincarnated for the 4128* time in this very world as a doomed character, there is only one goal in his mind: To be ordinary and live peacefully! No matter the damn cost! =============== Kailan, an ordinary European ex-worker, died pathetically and suddenly found himself caught in an endless loop of non-ending deaths across multiple timelines of the same "otome game" world. Reincarnated for the 4128* time, he despaired with the way this world treated those who were not destined for the line of protagonism and the way the hierarchy was troubled, where some held complete dominion over others. It was as if he and the others were just animals that served as stairs for the protagonist and her companions to ascend in this world. The only exceptions to this were the game's romantic targets — a group of elegant, handsome, and brainless men led by the heir of the most powerful ducal house in the kingdom. Faced with these bizarre circumstances, Kailan has only one weapon at his disposal: his knowledge of when he played the otome game in his previous world, obtained after completing the game, after his girlfriend forced him to play it to the end. And also his prior knowledge of the story's script changes, due to all his regressions so far. Kailan, now out of patience for clichés and imbecile young romances, just wants to live quietly in the corner of the country's nobility, and will use anything at his disposal to oppose his impending fate, antagonizing the beautiful women and men who are the true protagonists of this miserable planet. And they better prepare for what's to come. For this is the beginning of the end of a long journey, long begun. ============= If you want to see a better work of mine, go read [Farewell Hero: The Mob's Pov]!

Seven_007 · Fantasía
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1 Chs

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