
Arc 1-Hasan Asgar

This arc will be dealing with a lot of character development. This is split into a few different arcs this is still a system story so by the end of this arc our main character will be world hoping the actual system itself will appear in the early chapters


To him, his original name is unknown long forgotten, lost. He lived lifetime after lifetime a change of name each time he doesn't know when he started to forget his original identifications but it became hidden deep in his memories. Yet the trauma surrounding that name being vivid in his memories. The reason why is mysterious to even himself.

The one thing he truly prioritized is falling in love. The beauty of such a thing became unobtainable to himself. It was nearly impossible to obtain love, not the type of warmth that comes with family no not that at all he wants the type that will bring drama and lust something that would last a lifetime.

Yet the only thing he got was heartache after heartache. He went from watching the one you yearn for fall for another person to seeing them die in your arms before you were able to confuse. Oh in this is a good one them hating you or rejecting you in every way possible. At some point, it became a comedy show but he was never amused.

Every now and again envy covers his eyes in pure jealously blinding his vision in an ugly green. He was never the type that held on to hateful emotions for long even when he swears you revenge the thought is easily forgotten. So when such emotions are planted in his heart he quickly gets over it covering it in hope. But it is truly painful to watch the people around you get what you can't, and they don't try. It hurts even worse when someone you have fallen for desires someone else. But he is not a cheater and never will be so he will not put anybody in a position to be one after all he loathes cheating the most.

He got reincarnated once more in the body of a boy the setting of the world was something mixed with modern time technology and European old-time fantasy. He wasn't acquainted with worlds of this background he was familiar with simple modern time worlds, fantasy worlds, and futuristic worlds.

This was a bit new

Cough, Cough

He gasped out for air helplessly as he jotted up from the unfamiliar bed in terror, despite the softness of the bed it was unable to calm him. His breathing became unsteady as his chest heaved up in down harshly. His hands clenched his pouncing heart, the sound of it filled his ears. 


A look of horror flashed through his eyes as his blurred vision left him detached from the world around him. He gripped his head as memories flooded his head.

"No, no, no, no."

It all felt unreal out of his control he couldn't do anything he isn't strong enough.

"Please, please, please."

His hands pushed against his eyelids feeling something warm slitter down his cheeks.

Knock, knock

He steadies his breathing hearing the knocking on his door.

'That's right I died, I'm reincarnated again.'

The more he thought about it the calmer he became, once the thought settled in his head the memories of his new body accompanied his brain as new memories leaving him a migraine-like headache. He got over the pain because the feeling became all too normal to him, it's the same painful headache he gets after gaining the memories in every reincarnation.

He is Hasan Asgar a dark skin beauty with short black hair and golden-brown eyes that can typically get mistaken for yellow especially in the sun. He is the youngest child of the Asgar family renowned for being the family's black sheep. If he had to describe the male in one word it would be foolish well the boy Is more ignorant than foolish. Hasan is a spoiled and sheltered child, sheltered to the point of not understanding the world. It was more or less the Asgar family's fault for shielding their youngest child to this point especially in this type of world.

Hasan is openly gay usually that wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't for the world that is homophobic. Most gay relationship is hidden, looking over the memories it was obvious that there were a handful of relationships of such. Since his father is a closest bisexual male he wouldn't mind his son if he wasn't a fool. Hasan's open sexuality wouldn't be as looked down upon and he would have applauded for his courage if he acted differently.

The young male already has a fiance; Estrella Royston. She is an elegant girl with long smooth black hair and jade blue orbs. Her body shape growing in a perfect hourglass and her face small and round. Usually, these looks would be accompanied by a gentle personality, but that wasn't the fact for her she was a fierce expressive person. Because of his traits and personality, she became a popular well-known beauty in both school and the huge kingdom of Graiprazia.

Hasan being a fool thought his fiance hated him. The young woman always held her head up in pride and everyone under her gaze felt pressured but Hasan took this look as resentment. So why would he care for someone who hates him, he tried on more than one occasion to break off their engagement. Knowing his sexuality Estrella swallowed her pride of being an unwanted bride and helped the boy. Hasan who saw a few misunderstanding things took this as her disgust towards him. The boy's acts towards the girl became violent than the girl's pity slowly turned into hate.

Estrella was in no way homophobic being taught to be open-minded in her upbringing and everything that went through her head was looked over with logic. It was obvious that the youngest member of the Asgar family despised her but she couldn't find the logic in it. So naturally, she began sharing the same feelings towards him. The dark-skinned male also was an idiot and was weak the kingdom focused on power wits and Hasan simply had neither. He has a foul mouth and a bad attitude.

Then of course there is Xander Winterbourne a homophobic jerk that is a playboy and he happens to be the prince of the kingdom. Then to put a bow on top of it he is Hasan's crush. From the memories of the male, Xander is a worthy prince with a righteous attitude towards everything but his lover. He is a cheater and that is the exact type he doesn't like. All of Xander's good traits disappeared when it came to Hasan who repeatedly courted him in every way possible. It got to the point of Xander using violence the first time Xander was guilty by the second time all of the male goodwill vanished.

Hasan had to be somewhat masochistic because he kept courting the male even after getting bet near to death by his guards. It was pitiful and it reminded him of himself. Of course, his courting with males in different worlds was fierce and straight to the point of him letting them physically abuse him. (Well maybe in a few Lives) What reminded him of himself the most were Hasan's multiple rejections and he still believed Xander loved him.

"No family love; no backing, no friends, golden thigh female fiance has turned her back on him, and he is bullied not only by his crush but a bunch of other students who publicly humiliate him daily."

He clenched his hand shut finally opening his eyes a small smile creeping on his face as he inwardly chuckled in relief.

"It's not like it's the worse I been through."

His last world was in a forever war; he had no family here he has one, he had to live off of mold and scraps here he has food. One time he was tortured for two months straight, so trifle attacks from high school students couldn't compare, and his love was not only married he was his sworn enemy.

This life simply couldn't compare it was more of a paradise, to be honest. He had been to multiple worlds that were worse than his last one and multiple ones that we're better than this one. It is easy to adore the small stuff with a past like he's.

"Young master Asgar?"

'Hasan Asgar.'

He thought to himself embedding the name in his thoughts. He crawled out his Giant mattresses once he made it to the edge he place his feet on the cold castle floor.

"Come in."

He took in a breath, taking in the appearance of the room that was covered in luxuries and gold this room may compare to the royal castle. He steadied his breathing as his butler walked into his room.

"Young master are you ready to bathe?"

He only nodded his head in response a cocky smile slipping on his face as he got into character.

"Do you have to ask that question daily? If I allow you in this room just assume that I'm ready."

His voice came out grumpy and childishly filling his spoiled child character.

"Sorry young master I understand."

After hearing that he stood from his bed smiling.

'From here on I will be Hasan Asgar my only mission is to find my true love.'

Hope you liked it be sure to vote, comment, and send gifts if you want to and you can.

for the next chapter, we will get into the action since this chapter is filled with mostly explaining, and here is a small spoiler Hasan will make at a huge change in the next few chapters and will stray from the original Hasan's personality

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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