
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Otras
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40 Chs

The Last Dragon

— New World, Silver Mine • 1465 —

I woke up on a desert island surrounded by glowing metal rocks. I obviously thought I was kidnapped and dropped on an unknown island since as Charles Vane I did have some enemies but normally nobody hated me enough to let me die from hunger nowhere. I soon noticed I still had my smartphone on me but before I could start rejoicing the no network signal icon glowed.

I then visited the island trying to get any connection for two hours without success then the battery was flat. I evaluated the idea of trying my chance swimming but even when not talking about how I never swam in sea I wasn't fan of potentially drowning.

After half a day and still seeing nobody, I started to search for food. Another half a day passed and I only found a weird fruit that's obviously poisonous.

I deliberated for a long while before deciding I preferred to not die from hunger and try my chance. It tasted like nothing I have ever eaten. I was then assaulted by an acute pain before some informations appeared in my mind. What I ate granted me true immortality, super adaptability and superhuman physiology compared to my previous one; plus I could transform into a lizard like being. It was obviously a Devil Fruit and I named it Saka Saka no mi: Model Last Dragon. That means I isekaied to the One Piece world.

But I was still stranded on a desert island.

<Charles Vane>

• Human form

• Initial zoan form : Each time he adapt his zoan form may change.

While I was according to my assumptions SCP-682, I still feel hunger and the sea did incapacitate me. Two days later, I adapted for the first time to be able to quench my thirst with sea water. Seven days later came my second adaptation allowing me to gain vital nutrients from the sun, earth and air.

My powers being confirmed I decided to leave the island swimming. I soon got the ability to breath in water and the sea curse effect on me is weakening each second. After that my muscle grew stronger from the effort of swimming in these impossible water not talking about the great element resistances.

After 4 months of swimming, I didn't get lucky enough to stumble on an island. What was the chance of choosing a direction that led me to the Calm Belt where I actually was assuming all the turbulences didn't change my cap. I did get astronomically strong in so few time as I could now knock out a Calm Belt sea king in less than 10 minutes plus eating their raw meat also seemed to change my body. I decided to not change my cap as it would just increase my chance of getting nowhere and leaving the Grandline wouldn't do me any bad.

I came to the Ilisia Island and after satisfying my human needs (which aren't really needs anymore) with money I gathered, I thought about what to do in this world. I soon decided I wasn't the adventuring kind (no piracy), the idealist kind (no revolutionary) and it doesn't bother me at all to be government dog as long as I enjoy myself.

My goal was to replace the World Government. For the common people there will be no change as they consider Marine and World Government the same thing.

If only, I could get a newspaper but nobody around here seems to have heard about News Coo, yes we're talking the same language which isn't English. I decided to join the Marines to start with.

One month after joining the Marines, I was still doing shores so i decided to act. I bet with an officer that I could beat anyone from the base. Soon enough my claim was proven true and I got promoted and recommended to the headquarters after helping the Captain maintain his relationship with the local drug lords. They did have great drugs.

I soon got to the headquarter and got noticed by the higher ups and especially the Admiral Iron Bones, Kong that was impressed by my physical strength. I was put through the elites program. They taught us basic sailing and basic healing techniques to survive on the Grandline plus strategy classes for us elites. After that we have marksmanship, swordsmanship and brawling lessons. And I wasn't registered having a devil fruit, I participated in the swimming and diving lessons. Us elites weren't required to participate in patrol as much as normies.

— MarineFord • 1469 —

The current Fleet Admiral is preparing for his retirement and the new generation of Admirals shall be trained. The task fell on Kong and he obviously choose me alongside new promising recruits like Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr and Tsuru.

I was already an expert sailor, doctor, sniper, swordsman and master fighter and tactician from my more than three years in the Marine and got the Captain rank. I mastered the Rokushiki well enough and Semei Kikan just matched very well with my devil fruit power. I could already beat most if not all Vice-admirals.

Kong introduced Haki to us and I quickly got basic Observation and Armament Haki as I was trying to awaken it way before. But no sign of awakening Conqueror's Haki.

I quickly befriended Zephyr and the golden trio and we went on many missions together.

— New World • 1472 —

Sengoku awakened his Conqueror's Haki and under his stimulis I did as well. My Observation and Armament Haki is already at the second level peak and there was sign to go beyond. I was more worthy of the title of the strongest creature of Earth, heaven and sea than Kaido would have been in the future. Same for his unkillable reputation.

I found a devil fruit in my adventure and according to the headquarter database it was the Raki Raki no mi. I decided to obviously eat it. That's when I once again adapted for a long while now. And as easy as that I got a second devil fruit.

I was promoted to Vice Admiral rank.

— New World • 1474 —

I created my own information gathering and spy agency. I also made myself a persona in the Dark World named Joker, totally didn't steal that.

I became Marine Instructor which allowed to ensure the new recruits loyalty towards me. I also got the Fude Fude no mi from the New World, my luck helping. I declared that fruit and started learning painting from professionals.

I can now beat Garp and Sengoku together without using any devil fruit powers.

— • 1484 —

My intelligence agency started to looks good. I went to the Sky Islands some years ago and got myself the Goro Goro no mi. I made Skypiea my agencies headquarter destroying all opposition and forbidding anyone to go out without written permission.

I also ate the Doku Doku no mi and perfectly adapted to it. I control most of the Dark World now and my devout Marines number kept growing.

The famous Rocks pirates attacked God Valley. I was dispatched along with Garp. I soloed Xebec but I was already too cheated for an equal fight. I then got promoted to Admiral, Charles, the while Kong became Fleet Admiral.

I went stealthy to Linlin, killed her cook, broke her mind and rebuilt her as I see fit. She will be my represent in the pirates side. Also she didn't already gave the Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu to Kaido. One more power for me. I ordered her to take over Wano some years later and destroy all resistances. I still needed Roger to become pirate king and gather the government attention.

— • 1490 —

I got two great devil fruits: the Hana Hana no mi and the Bari Bari no mi; they are awesome together. I'm also officially a bomb man.

I subdued the Germa kingdom without notice. I captured Kaido, the young Weibull and some other special body guys for my Germa to enhance their powers. With my funds from all over the world, I will soon get myself an army of better Sanji. I also did the same for one random Kingdom and other Blues. I would then start to empower them waiting for the decisive day.

I got myself the Kioku Kioku no mi. First thing I did after that was getting to Water 7 and steal Pluton plans and launched mass production in my headquarter. After that, I went to Wano and learned how to read poneglyphs from Kozuki Sukiyaki mind.

I decided to subdue as many forces as I could from my memory. Using my mighty powers and some memory alteration, I would soon be God to them. First was Amazon Lily, yeah it's been a long time that I enjoyed the carnal delights. Many followed after like the Fishmen Island.

— • 1495 —

I caught Marshall D. Teach and read his memory for his different secrets. I then decided to appropriate myself his plans.

In the meantime, after killing Trebol and Diamanti before they could meet him I started training Doflamingo as my successor in the Dark World and future Yonko. It was easy to find him as it was our job to protect the former Celestial Dragons. I did still give him the Ito Ito no mi.

My first try to subdue the Elbaf Giants resulted in a failure. They were still as weak as ants in front of me but their long lifespan and simple mind made it hard for my memory alteration. Where I used to only alter the memory of the leader and let him control his people, here their simple and straight belief in Elbaf rules made it impossible. But I won't give up so soon on the strongest country.

I ate the Hobi Hobi no mi.

My spies managed to infiltrate the CP0, soon everything will be ready. I started slowly converting the Marine higher ups: Tsuru was the first to fall.

— • 1500 —

With my funding, Judge produced the first generation of Super Soldier.

I found the Mera Mera no mi and gave it to Vergo. Their trio are almost at the helm of my Dark Empire now.

Elbaf finally belonged to me.

Roger execution was a great stage. I went there with Garp and I used the occasion to get rid of Shanks. I didn't want any unstable factor in my plans.

With Roger death came the great pirate age and I became Fleet Admiral. I used the occasion to gain many resources from the World Government while preparing for my independence. Plus with the rise of pirates threat, my marines forces integrated many countries to protect them.

I personally went to supervise Wano take over by Big Mom one of the current two Emperors. I killed Oden and all his family and subordinates, killed all the Daimyo and the Kurozumi as well. Perospero became the new shogun and some of my subordinates went to become Daimyos. Fun thing is that, I met Issho and Aramaki acting here as Daimyo. Killed them as well.

Dragon created his revolutionary army. Everything that hindered the World Government was a boon for me.

— • 1502 —

Shiki escaped from Impel Down but he was unlucky as I passing around there. I just killed him.

To promote my chess piece Spandane into the Cipher Pol, I personally planned the Buster Call on Ohara to ensure there was no survivor.

When the Buster Call was ongoing, I attacked the Marine scientific division and made sure to kill Vegapunk.

— • 1507 —

The World Government sent Lucci to take care of some pirates. I used the occasion to capture him and rebuild his memory to my liking. I also started to train him each time I could to make him rise quickly in rank.

Rosinante went to Doffy but was immediately dealt off under my order.

— • 1511 —

I ate the Ope Ope no mi. Fun fact is that I could use the eternal life operation as many times as I want.

I finally awakened my devil fruit. It did take a while but it was totally worth it. I got SCP-6820-A powers: reality warping at a higher level than the Sun God fruit could have allowed (yes I did steal and eat it as well) and resistance to other that may attempts it on me. Plus there was Mind Manipulation, Information Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Resistance to Mind Manipulation and Conceptual Manipulation. I became God in one leap.

Doflamingo became the third Emperor and Hancock became Shichibukai.

— • 1517 —

With my help from the Dark the Revolutionary army became a large threat to the World Government quickly and I'm still refusing to oppose them as they don't go against the Marine order which earned me Garp thankfulness.

— • 1521 —

Teach killed Thatch and fled with Yami Yami no mi that he brought to me. Ace obviously went to pursue him and he was better than he should be having not eaten any devil fruit.

Anyway he was caught and soon his execution was announced to the world by my underworld news. While Marine was preparing to oppose the pirates it was a golden chance for Dragon to attack the Government especially when the execution won't happen on MarineFord but in the New World, G1. Plus he had Uranus on his side which greatly boosted his chances.

While the whole world was focusing on my farce against the three Emperors, Dragon launched under the strong persuasion of his collaborators a total attack on Mariejois. On my side when the camera was shut down I did a quick work of the dying Newgate and took Sengoku fruit as well in the confusion. Garp unfortunately died as an hero.

Zephyr having left the Marine a long time ago and died in unknown circumstances the whole of the Marine became a monolithic block under me.

After a three day hard fight, Dragon lost to the 800 years overlord and Uranus was killed. But before the Celestial Dragons could begin rejoicing, I launched an attack with my full forces, Poseidon and Pluton following.

It should have been an easy victory according to my plans but if my fruit wasn't awakened I would have lost against Imu who had unbelievable reality warping powers as well. The World Government forces quickly died under my subordinates attacks led by Doffy and the betraying of my numerous moles.

My fight against Imu destroyed the Red Line and two Moons but with my adaptation powers I still ultimately won.

— Vane World • ??? —

The World turned great under the lead of a selfish immortal tyrant, me. I'm now thinking of finding new planets to conquer.


Idea of Zerak on questionablequesting which I find personally too cheated to make a good story.

Evil_For_the_WINcreators' thoughts