
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Otras
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40 Chs

Reborn as Tatsuya Himekawa

This is the story of a man with many names.

At his birth, he was named Byron Walker. He was born in a fairly rich family with four other members. His parents and siblings had always been close to him and he also liked them. He was always revered as a genius at school and at home. He never had to try much to succeed in anything he tried so obviously he grew lazy.

When someone is lazy but has too much time to waste, he becomes bored. Our protagonist couldn't escape this universal law. What could he do to distract oneself without working too much? From one thing to another he came upon fictional works. Others people thinks and create amazing story, and you just have to enjoy it. It was paradise. But this paradise had a price.

Think like this: You only need the minimum to do better than most and you can get this minimum by staying at home lazing around. What would you do? Obvious answer. Unfortunately his professors weren't really thrilled by this idea. His notes suffered from that. Confronted to his parents anger, he managed to partition his time between going at school and enjoying his fictions. Thanks to that he made himself a life.

After he got his first wage, he eagerly went to a bank to retrieve it. But misfortune was on him as some armed hobos decided to do a bank robbery at the bank he were. Worse was that an idiot beside him took a gun and wanted to be a hero. So our protagonist went as far as he could of him to avoid getting isekaied. Fortunately he succeeded and survived this encounter.

After all this, he quickly left the bank. On his way he saw a really cute cat that was going to squashed by a truck. So he... did nothing. The cat died. A little farther, he heard a woman wailing for help and there was noone beside him. This time he couldn't ignore that. So he... took his phone, called the cops and told them where to come.

He went home at last and decided to lie down a little to forget that tiring day. He won't wake up anymore at least not as Byron Walker.


When our protagonist opened his eyes, he could only see vague shapes and blinding colors. He could not move and he could only cry... like a baby. Many years as otaku gave him the answer immediately. He was reborn and probably isekaied. It could also be a dream like he never had or that he was in the coma but he preferred the isekai hypothesis. He couldn't do much anyway in the other cases.

He tried to listen around himself and quickly deduced that he was in a Japanese setting as he could only hear Japanese or a language that resembles it. Like that one year passed.

He was an incredibly cute baby according all the big sisters that let him molest them. His name was Tatsuya Himekawa and he had shoulder length white hair. His mother was beautiful even though he could never consider her as such she was like a doting sister to him. He noticed that he was born in a family even more wealthy than his old one and that everyone was sucking at him. Life was good.

Only his father was odd. He had an awful pompadour and kept trying to make him brush his hair like that also with ridiculous idea like he would get stronger like that. In short, Tatsuya was glad to have taken his mother looks.

It's when he was two years old and was already conditioning his body to laziness that his father took him to a ugly statue of a baby and told him the story of his great grandfather Tatsuemon Himekawa and this statue. It's finally clicked in his head. He was in Beelzebub and simply because he was there canon was already fucked up. Of it was the anime end he could survive whether Oga won or not but if it was the manga end and Oga lose he would be petrified literally by Fuji and Satan. So he could not ignore it. ¨Plus he had a thing for some of the girls.


He had to get stronger and quickly. With his money, he could quickly enter the Solomon Company and contract one of their demons but all these demons are shitty beside Satan. And Satan is crazy and he didn't think he could control him.

His second option was to search for Lucifer. It would be easy to find her once he involves himself with the supernatural world as he had just to search for an expedition coming back with a rusted coffin. Plus her powers were amazing for the few she showed: Gravity manipulation, Soul and Memory manipulation and Levitation But again this would have been a bad choice as he didn't know why she spared her contractor and accepted her.

Third option. Wait for Beelzebub IV and contract him. The advantage would be that it will be easy to get Hilda but there's a chance won't succeed plus it's too far in the future. Also relying on the strength of a demon could be dreadful once abandoned.

The fourth option was to train as much as he could. To go learn to Kunieda grandfather dojo and or under the lazy prof. This was the most viable option as he could even become a spell master without contracting a demon. Satan's contractor was one such spell master and he was said to be a monster even before contracting Satan. So this was the option he chose.


So he pestered his parents enough that they hired him nutritionists and what not to give himself the best bases possibles. He then faked being a genius for his parents to give him more liberties.

From two years already he was building his body to combat. He didn't neglect his studies as it was a condition given by his parents. They even found a friend for him a tom boy. As he knew what would happen with her he started telling her that he liked girly girl.

At five, he subscribed to the Kunieda Dojo and was accepted. He was made to do gruesome tasks but he didn't give up as an adult he could understand the underlying meaning. He also met Aoi and befriended her with a lolipop. From that day his training was harsher. He learned to fight unarmed, with a katana and with a naginata. He was more talented than he thought he would.

After three years of juggling between home, school and the dojo, he came upon Zenjuro Saotome. He acted like an impulsive kid and defied him to a fight. He lost obviously but he started pestering him to learn under him. Every time he fled, Tatsuya will use his parents resources to track him. After one year of constant pestering he accepted to teach him and one activity was added to his timetable. In fact if a spell master doesn't have a contract with a demon, he could extract energy directly from the demon realm but it's less efficient and less powerful.

Two years after, he became a master of the Shingetsu Style and was at inhuman level physically. It's at that moment Saotome came with a little boy named Shinobu Takamiya. Tatsuya knew it was Lucifer contractor but didn't do anything.

Emblem spells were too useful. As long as one have imagination and intelligence , one could do anything with enough demonic energy. If one lacks imagination and intelligence like most in this world, they could just use more demonic energy.

He noticed that he was also talented in emblem spell study. His goal was to be able to create a seal that would suppress all supernatural energy and force everyone to rely on physical prowess like Oga but with a twist. It was easy to create the same seal as Oga but he didn't have as much as energy to make it cove a city like Oga did. Also to suppress more demonic energy you need to spend more. Plus he wanted to not be suppressed by the seal himself. He partially succeeded. He could be immune to the seal and he diminished the required energy but it was still too much.

Three years later Saotome came back with a new guy, Fuji future contractor of Satan. It's also the year our protagonist stopped his training. He could now fight against Saotome for a full hour without losing and without going all out. Yes he had an ace up his sleeve.

He managed to create his own branch of Black Tech and fused it with his Emblem Spells. Contrarily to Emblem Spells, Black Tech need a contract with a demon. It's in fact merging with the demon to use all his strength in the human world. But at higher level, the need to merge bodies disappear and one only need to to take the demon energy in one body. Tatsuya idea was to skip the first step and directly take raw demonic energy in his body. He wasn't careless about it (he was in fact too cautious) but he was gravely injured many times due to this. It's only because his body was far superior to human standard that he didn't become cripple or worse dead.

After three years, he managed to do it and created his own branch of skills that he dubbed Black Spells. He assumed that he could fight end-game Oga to a standstill with this technique and only lose due to the lack of demonic energy.

In that year, he also left the Kunieda Dojo. As a goodbye gift, Ittosai gave him a katana. Kunieda was already in love with him, same for Ushio but his adult mind didn't allow him to accept them yet. He was also engaged to Ushio even if his parents didn't say it was her.


At 14 and far stronger than most, he decided it was time to do something of his life.

What can a teenager with too much money do? He didn't slack his training and even leaned to use modern weapons but he started a life of debauchery. Auto racing, casino, sex and more. He also regained interest in Japanese animation and the likes.

At 16, he went to Ishiyama Highschool and became known as the strongest. Even Hidetora Tojo was ridiculously weak for him. Nevertheless, he befriended him to get close to Shizuka Nanami, one of the only intelligent girl in the show having common sense. He will succeed in his courting one year later.

In that year, he also started to search way to attain the Seven Deadly Sins level of demonic energy. He could use his Black Spells and amass more demonic energy as time pass much like a demon. This would be the safest way but he would not reach their level anytime soon. He could rely on technology. If the Solomon Company could build a machine able to absorb a demon (at Beelzebub IV level) energy, his society could reverse engine it and transmit this energy to it. There's one advantage of this method: reach unbelievably high level of demonic energy. The downsides were that it would only be momentary and that he would have to capture a very strong demon (or demonic beast) and put it in the machine. The machine should also be strong enough to bear the demon trashing as all demons are not as useless as Beelzebub IV without a contractor.

Finally, he decided to use the two methods together. The first was passive and will not need any input. Also with all his money he could permit himself to try the second even if it ultimately fails.

One year after, Kunieda went to Ishiyama and was distraught about the fact that Tatsuya had a girlfriend. The ToHoShinKi was formed and led by Tatsuya Himekawa.


One year later, we can see Tatsuya Himekawa in a luxurious car looking at a river with goggles. On the river bank was a teenager looking weirdly at a baby. Tatsuya smiled and went his way.


Tatsuya would pass by school many times to try to flirt with Hilda but will not be successful. He will not fight with Oga and will stay a mystery same for Tojo.

Aoi will become infatuated to Oga since Tatsuya kept avoiding her.

Finally, Oga will fight Tojo and destroy the school and be known as the second strongest. They will all be transferred to St Ishiyama Academy.


When they will all be put in the same class at St Ishiyama, he will come and talk a little with his old acquaintances and be present himself to Oga as the strongest person he will ever see but won't fight with him.

He will then go flirt with Hilda who is stalking around the school. Hilda will get intrigued by him since he seems not to be just a pretty boy. But he would have to cut it short since his girlfriend is in the Academy.

Canon will be played out until Shizuka stop Miki. At this moment Tatsuya would whine that it was becoming interesting but won't really try to make them fight as they would be too weak for him.

After that the competition of volley-ball will be decided between them. Oga would defy Tatsuya along Tojo. He will take them together and beat them in one strike (like Zenjuro did in canon).

They will play the match with Kunieda as the captain and Tatsuya trying to flirt with Hilda who will be pondering about his strength and if he is a demon. They would win by cheating (two players knowing the rules cannot win).

After that Zenjuro would come, and beat the three troublemakers (Oga, Tojo and the guy with glasses) in one strike. He will be closing he dimensional gate when Hilda will attack him. He will beat her and immobilize her when Tatsuya will come. They will talk a little about what happened since his departure then he will say he came for Hilda as he is trying to court her. Zenjuro will then remark that he already has a girlfriend and flaunt his experiences with girls to his former disciple. Tatsuya will answer by saying that he's still single. Zenjuro would then go and Tatsuya will discuss a little with Hilda (reassuring her that they aren't after her master).

When members of the 34 pillars of Behemoth attack Oga, Aoi, Shizuka and others, Tatsuya will choose to go help his girlfriend as Zenjuro will go to the other side (plus he could not just suppose that all will follow canon).

During Oga training, Tatsuya will visit and borrow one of Zenjuro tools. He will also give some advice to Oga about his Super Milk Time (canon knowledge).

After that, he will flaunt his wealth by playing against En'o (they will ask for his help as without him they don't have the resources to do their little pursuit). When Hilda will be fighting her sister, he will wonder how useful it would be contract a transdimensional demon but will quickly reject the idea as they aren't generally powerful. And also his plan was better

When Oga will be overwhelmed by Baby Beel power and go on a rampage, he will come and stop him easily by being slightly more serious (and saving his building by the way).

Time will pass and Tatsuya will intervene once more when Behemoth and Jabberwock will attack. He will come and challenge Behemoth to a fight. Zenjuro, Ittosai and the principal will refuse but he will do it nevertheless when Oga is trying and failing to save Hilda.

They will go to a place he already prepared for the fight. They will fight for 12 hours and Tatasuya will come slightly short and they would stop. He will be going all out and Behemoth would be suppressed as he didn't have contractor.

When Hilda would be put on the stake, he will come to save her to avoid her loss of memory episode but will let Oga and Tojo battle Jabberwock. He will also stop his pursuit of Hilda as there's no place in her heart beside her master's.

Later when Oga and Hilda will ask for his help to retrieve the Demon Lord drawing he will direct them to Ushio who will help them without being a bitch.

And finally, just before their return to Ishiyama he will finish his project. An artificial demon with more demonic energy than the original Seven Deadly Sins, their powers plus a transdimensional demon power (and some other miscalleneous powers).

In fact, he borrowed Zenjuro music player (modified it to make it work for him) to create Shadow Clones of Beelzebub IV, the five seven Deadly Sins imprisoned by the Solomon Company, Lucifer (he asked his kouhai to let Lucifer near the music player and quickly captured the clone to avoid it being seen) and some others demons with useful powers. What is good with these clones is that they knew how to use their powers, sometimes even better than the original.

With these clones, he managed to create the demon with the most potential. More demonic energy than ever and all kinds of powers (the Shadow Clones died in the process). This demon was somewhat robotic as he/she was raised by an AI. Tatsuya contracted this demon and started to train him/her. He/She had an inkling of how to use her ability but he/she still have to train them. Her loyalty was irreproachable.

Tatsuya didn't participate in the dick measuring contest between his kouhai. He intervened only when Fuji and Satan wanted to petrify all the city. He showed them why they shouldn't do it (he beat them) and went his way.

***********************************************THE END***********************************************

I know that the ending was somewhat disappointing but it's the only logical conclusion (for me at least). With all his training and preparations, he could not logically be fazed by the canon events. That's why I posted another chapter with more challenges to him at the end. Don't read it if you find this ending satisfactory.

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