
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Otras
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Ragnar Pirates

My name is Dominique Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfe­schlegel­stein­hausen­berger­dorff­welche­vor­altern­waren­gewissen­haft­schafers­wessen­schafe­waren­wohl­gepflege­und­sorg­faltig­keit­be­schutzen­vor­an­greifen­durch­ihr­raub­gierig­feinde­welche­vor­altern­zwolf­hundert­tausend­jah­res­voran­die­er­scheinen­von­der­erste­erde­mensch­der­raum­schiff­genacht­mit­tung­stein­und­sieben­iridium­elek­trisch­motors­ge­brauch­licht­als­sein­ur­sprung­von­kraft­ge­start­sein­lange­fahrt­hin­zwischen­stern­artig­raum­auf­der­suchen­nach­bar­schaft­der­stern­welche­ge­habt­be­wohn­bar­planeten­kreise­drehen­sich­und­wo­hin­der­neue­rasse­von­ver­stand­ig­mensch­lich­keit­konnte­fort­pflanzen­und­sicher­freuen­an­lebens­lang­lich­freude­und­ru­he­mit­nicht­ein­furcht­vor­an­greifen­vor­anderer­intelligent­ge­schopfs­von­hin­zwischen­stern­art­ig­raum, Junior.

No just kidding. Is it even important that I say my name. Let's do it simply, I'll call myself Jack like Jack Sparrow from Pirates of Carribeans. Sounds good, no?

Anyway we aren't here to talk about my name but my wonderful self instead. You see I'm a humble guy and with all my humbleness I affirm that I'm a fucking messiah send on Earth to save you all. Just kidding but seriouly I'm perfection incarnated.

The important thing here is that I'm dead. I don't even understand how it happened. I was supposed to have a routine surgery, nothing that should have went wrong. But it did nevertheless. I fucking died on a plastic surgery. It make even me laugh.


In the void and I meet this gorgeous lady, ROB Atlatonin. Most beautiful woman I've ever seen. We talked about many things my passions (vikings, pirates, morality debats,...), hers. I complimented her she giggled.

We talk about each other lives (I couldn't lie like always as she already knew everything of me). A great date and then we should have concluded she blue balled me saying that we could talk after I entertain her enough during my next life in One Piece.

I wasn't really happy but she said that she would give me a nice body and an incredibly powerful devil fruit. I wasn't really convinced but I couldn't do anything besides accepting.


I'm born in Elbaf if all these vikings decorations mean anything. So these big vikings should be giants. Weirdly enough the giant that I assume is my father has horns contrarly to others and my mother has gills. I assume that's one of Atlatonin gift as I can fell little stubs on my head.

If I was a guessing man I would say that my assumed father descend from Ancient Giants and my mother has Fishman genes. With parents like this I assume that I'm at the apex wherever I go. That's good.


It's been 11 years and I'll say one thing I was freaking bored. Us giants grow slower than human and in all these years I only look like a 5 meters 3 years old. The good things is that I finally learned their language.

I'm known as the little scholar prince of Elbaf. Yes I'm the prince but it doesn't change much as in our culture royals and civilians are almost equals. And the strongest giant is the King. My scholar title came from the fact that with all my boredom I started going to the elders to learn about history and read books. So compared to all the nags around here I'm a genius scholar.

Anyway, today is a special day. Atlatonin sent me my second gift. The alleged incredibly powerful devil fruit. To be honnest I really hesitated here. With my genes and body, I can grow insanely powerful already. Should I really eat this devil fruit and become weak in water even if I won't die?

But again a ROB said it's an incredibly powerful devil fruit so I took the risk.


It was a movie and game fruit. The Mini Mini no mi. I'm still silent since 2 days ago I ate that shit. I mean how can you pit someone like that. It's not a bad fruit but come on.

The Mini Mini no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to become smaller than their actual size while keeping their strength. That's the main point I keep my strength whatever my size is. That means I just overcame the main weakness of giants, their mobility and maneuverability. But I'm still angry about that damn woman.


I'm 16 now. By the way, my name's Ragnar now (forgot to tell you that). I'm starting my formal training with my father. I choose the giant typical sword as my weapon. One thing I noticed is that the giant training is focused on strength mainly.

So for speed, haki... I train alone. For speed and endurance I do the Sanji training. Running around the village till I drop. It worked like a charm for him so why not for me. My goal is to be able to run on water a day like Brook.

For Haki besides fighting every animal I find around I do Rayleigh training with the village kids. For now there's no result but I'm sure I'll succeed a day. After all, there were giant vice admirals and Oda himself said every vice admiral should have a proficiency in Haki so I know it's possible at least.


It's been 20 years now since I started training and I'm freaking strong now. I just learned Elbaf Spear. And I can kill a bear with a stray punch. Everyone saying that I'll be the next Giant King but 've more ambition than that. This world is mine.

My Haki training started paying off. I can now cover both my arms in Armament Haki when in my Human form (2 meter high).

I understand now why few giants use Haki. For Armament Haki the surface to cover before it being meaningful is huge compared to human. So a giant have to possess a Haki ten times stronger thann an average human before using it to the same level. For me that's not a problem with my fruit.

It's worse for Observation Haki. To giants humans are like ants. So to feel what a human is doing they have to use their Haki like a microscop. They have to train both range and precision where precision is innate to human. For a human, a giant is like a beacon but it doesn't work in the other way. Once again, my powers help me but I'm not really sure yet as when I can fell other giants and their intention I can't feel ants intention in my giant or human form.

Oh by the way, my little brother Loki is born.


I'm 55 this year. I look like a 18 years old only that I'm 19 meters high. My strength kept increasing and I can now beat my father everytime in all out duel. Our duel last usually from 3 to 10 days but I'm working in shortening that time. I'm moderatly good with Haki now. I can cover my whole body in giant form with Haki that can bear attacks from average giants. So when I gather all this Haki on my fist or go in my Human or more little form it's just amazing (that's how I usually beat my father but I want more).

I discovered 10 years ago that I had Conqueror Haki. It was a bad day. I was angry and my little brother Loki kept annoying me. I bursted out of Haki when I was about to backhand him. It calmed me and I started recalling that feeling to train it later.

Since then I trained it everyday and now I can knock out average giant warrior with it without even trying.

Anyway, today one of our village got destroyed. I was sent to investigate it and learned that it was Big Mom debut. Charlotte Linlin on the eve of the Winter Solstice Festival went crazy and destroyed everything in her way killing one elder. She was banished with Carmel and the other orphans but that was my cue that the interesting things would start soon.


This is my sailing day. It's been 5 years since what I call the Semla incident. I awakened my devil fruit two years ago and now I can see how ot can be considered strong.

I can use my power on others things than me and what's on me now. I can even use it on others. The problem is that it still doesn't weaken them but it can be used to disorient the enemy before a fatal strike. Or I can shrink one member and destroy their balance. To many ideas to few time to test.

A squad of giant will drop me off on one island in the New World and I would go from there.


From now on, I stay mostly in my human form. I joined the marines 2 years ago (after going around the world spending gold I stole from random pirates or merchants to casinos, brothels... for 5 years. I made sure to not let any living witness.) and is on my way to the headquarter. I have an unconceivable strength for a kid according to the Vice Admiral of my base hence why I'm sent to Marineford to be trained into an Admiral Level powerhouse.


It's been 8 years since I came to the headquarters. I'm training under Admiral Kong with Garp and Sengoku. I found a girlfriend, Tsuru. She may become a decrepit grandma in 50 years but for now she's a bombshell.

I learned the Rokushiki easily enough. With all my previous training, I managed it well even with my body. After that is the advanced forms of Haki. For Armament Haki, it was good as I learned projection. For Conqueror Haki coating, I'm still working on it.

We did great thing for the world these years and I'm somewhat proud of myself. We're all future admirals according to Kong and it would have been an interesting venue if I wasn't still lying to them about being human (the World Government prohibited trainiing for non-humans) and that my goal was to enslave the world. Everyone would be equal under my shoes.

Today, I'm deserting. The marine Jack would die and the pirate Ragnar will come to be.


I let my beard and moustache grow and changed my size to 3 meters to not be recognized. I went to Hachinosu to form my crew. That's where Xebec did it in the original and I want to see if I can recruit him with all the island.

I found future famous pirates there like Newgate, John the greedy, Shiki and Charlotte. To be fair beside her nose, Charlotte grew to be a gorgeous woman and I'm a man who live in the present not the future so I'm courting her. It's more complicated since I don't want any family with her. Not many results af of yet but there's enough prostitutes and slaves here to make me be patient.

Most recruitings here happen with Davy Back fights or you can just beat your target to submission. That's how I recruited Charlotte and a young Kaido. Charlotte doesn't know how to control her Haki yet and only rely on her monstruous strength and devil fruit. Kaido is young, too young without any devil fruit. It was easy fights. I'm hunting for the top powerhouse or individuals with potential only.

Xebec came and starting recruiting. I'm on my way to get him.


Ok, everything didn't go as I planned. I'm now the second of the Rocks Pirates. I tried recruiting Xebec and our battle was legendary. Unfortunately, I lost. To start, the guy is already admiral level powerful with Haki and all and he has the Darkness fruit.

Once he used it I lost my advantage and became a giant target. That was my loss. At that moment, I either joined him or died and somehow I like my life here.

So at us two we finally unificated Hachinosu and the Rocks Pirate was officialy formed.


So it's been 3 years now. We had fun. Killing, pillaging, orgy, feast that was a great decade. Kong became Fleet Admiral and Sengoku Admiral. We have had fight with them and other many times and it was always great. Many deaths on both side and great growth in the midst of battle.

Beside my giant target problem I think I can now beat the captain. I can now coat my whole body with conqueror Haki like the future Kaido and without great Armament Haki or Conqueror coating I'm now invulnerable. But I sill didn't dare confront the captain as if I lose I would die. That's the crew rule. You can get everything as long as you're strong but if you fail your life is forfeited unless the winner decide otherwise. And I know that dude would kill me.

We're on our way to God Valley, the secondary island of the Celestial Dragon because there's many treasure there. Devil Fruits, Poneglyph, Weapons, Gold, Slaves and more way more. In our crew, if you find (steal) something it's yours but you can still be challenged and lose it.

I know that our crew will soon be disbanded and I'm a little sad that I still didn't dare challenging Xebec myself. His fruit gives him too much of leeway on me.


So the battle in God Valley was like nothing I ever saw. Celestial Dragon dying everywhere. Marines led by Garp, Cypher Pol agents, Roger crew, Newgate that rebelled VS Rocks Pirates (at least what remained of it). Shiki deserted after finding the Fuwa Fuwa no mi in the Celestial Dragon Treasury, Charlotte found the Uo Uo no mi Model Azure Dragon and a Road Poneglyph, Newgate found the Gura Gura no Mi. She along Kaido deserted with me as planned. John was blinded by his greed in front of all these treasures and was the first to get away with most of it. But I'm a close second in the amount I collected.

I invited Shiki to join me but he refused. I would have normally killed him for that but we were not in a really good position so I let it slide. Some other deserted and it's a greatly affected Rocks Pirate that lost to the Hero of Marine Garp.


It's been one year since the God Valley battle. The Ragnar pirates is officialy formed today with two proeminents combatants Charlotte and Kaido which got the Dragon Fruit, a doctor Kureha (I gave her a choice, either she joins me and lives of she dies with everyone she has ever known, not really loyal yet but hope she will trains some loyal minions), Shakuyaku (a former member of the Rocks Pirates in charge of the intelligence department) and some riff raff.


It's been 7 years now. I went to Kuraigana Island and recruited Mihawk as an apprentice on my ship that I constructed from the previous Rocks Pirate ship. Now there're four pirates that dominate the New World: The Roger's Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates, the Gloden Lion Pirates and us the Ragnar Pirates.

By the way, I transformed my sword into a Black Sword. It's normal somewhere as it's been a damn while since I was using it. But I still can't really claim to be a swordman as I fight fine without my sword.

I recruited some Giants in my hometown. Plus I went to Little Garden and beat some sense into Dorry and Broggy. They're now in Kaido divisions. Yes everyone that reach Admiral level get to make his pwn divisions.


It's been 3 years now and I'm recruiting someone in my crew. A medic with a mythical zoan. You guessed it it's Marco.

He is in Whitebeard crew since 1 year ago but we're snatching him and we will nuild him in our image. I will have the Dragon and the Phoenix in our crew.


We snatched him succesfully. But he is somewhat in disagreement with our invitation. That will pass soon.


There's a new scientist group the MADS. When I learned their location, I directly went their to snatch them before the World Government. They're now working for me on a nameless island in the Calm Belt.


Roger became the King of Pirates. To be fair I'm not interested by the Forgottten Century and its secrets. I just want the Ancient Weapons. And I still have enough time. I'm patient. I just took the Fishman Island under my protection and got my own Celestial Dragon slave.

I'm on my way to the Women Island. That's where I will spend the next year of my long life.


I went to Ohara when they were making their bustercall and took a shipment of scholars. Nobody couldn't do anything to me.


Ace is setting sail and time still didn't let a single scar on me. Having Roger son under me is too much of a great inside joke for me to let it pass.

I'll recruit him, break him and slowly rebuild jim like I want.

I got children in the meantime (I lived for years on the women island). They are all superhumans as well as me thanks to the MADS research.

They're all grow up now.

I found Pluton and it's mine now. Only an Alabasta royals could use it but it didn't matter.

Every Supernova that reached the New World and met any of my divisions submits or die. That's how Moria and Crocodile became member of my crew.

Uranus is in the Revolutionaries hands but I'll let them for now.


So Luffy set sails today. In his future crew, Zoro, Sanji, Robin, Chopper, Jinbei work for me. Not talking about his fleet or allies. With my scientists help their memories got altered so they won't let anything out.

I'll let them do their thing and come to win after them.


So fate worked its charm. Luffy became the King of Pirates after beating many of my generals (they all survived) and went to war with the World Government along with the Revolutionaries and their allies.

They won after many sacrifices and are exhausted. That's my cue to start.


Everything went well so easily. There were to many moles in their midst once we attacked and they betrayed the Alliance, it crumbled.

I'm now King of this World and my crew is enslaving every independants person or countries remaining.


It's been 50 years. This is getting old. My new goal is the stars.