
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Otras
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40 Chs

Aburame in Cloud?

AN: I read the fanfic of Itachi101, The God of Ant Farm and I liked the idea but not the execution. So this is my take on it.

Timeline used: https://keepyourpantsongohan.tumblr.com/post/170439568877/timeline-of-naruto-universe


Year 37

The Third Raikage stumbles upon an abandoned newborn in the Land of Tea which isn't really surprising in those war years. The surprising thing is that this 5 days newborn from what he is looking like is nourishing himself from insects, water and pieces of leaves. Some insects sacrifices themselves as his meal while over bring him water and other things. Also, his body is littered with insects that move him around and protect him.

Intrigued he decided to take the child back to Kumogakure.


I suddenly appeared in the middle of nowhere and a screen was in front of me. On it was a weird humanoid woman(?) talking. If I have to compare her(?) to someone I would say, th West Supreme Kai from Dragon Ball.

*Welcome trainee God of Insects.

I'm the previous God of Insects and I'm dead. You have inherited my legacy and this is the guide to use it. An 1 cubic meter space with a newborn Mother of the Insects is given to you. You can increase the farm space by collecting the necessary resources that are available in this world: Water, Earth, Lightning, Fire, Wind, Yang and Yin energies. You better keep these energies balanced: Yin and Yang in the same quantity; the 5 elements suppressing themselves. Natural Energy can be used to substitute to these needs but its quality will decide its effectiveness.

You can get stronger insects by increasing the number of insects under your rule and the size of the farm. When you get 1,000,000 of insects living at the same time and increasing the space of the farm to 5 cubic meters, the farm will level up. After that to level up each time, the number of insects required will be ten times the previous ones and the space required will double. A level 2 insect is counted as 10 level 1 and so on.

Newer insects eggs will be laid each time the required food is fed to the Mother of Insects of any others eggs-layers. You as their God can choose what Insect will be born otherwise the Mother chooses herself. Stronger insects will need more times to hatch and more resources to lay.

Natural energy can reduce the hatching and growth time for new insects.

Also, you can get stronger by eating your ants. Specialized ants will give you special boosts while normal ones will give you overall increase in strength. You may not feel the increase after eating a few low leveled ants but it's there.

Good luck, trainee God. And be the best.*

That's how I became a trainee God. After around 10 minutes of reading and re-reading this panel, it disappeared. Memory of some insects, their living environments, their lifespan... appeared in my mind. I then started to check if I have a system or anything like that. That took me another 10 minutes and I didn't get anything.

Next step was to check my surrounding environment and that resulted in another failure. I assume that I was born not long ago as I couldn't even see any worthwhile thing to start moving.

I then decided to check the promised insects farm. My first success in this new life. My view pointed changed to the embryo of a complete world. I could detect at least 8 biomes that could appear: Tropical rain-forest, Temperate forest, Boreal forest, desert, tundra, savanna, freshwater and marine biomes. The farm is partitioned into 10 enclosed spaces with unknown light and heat sources. One for each biome I mentioned and one I couldn't recognize. The last one at the center of the nine others is where the Mother of Insects is. I also noticed that the oxygen level in all the farm is many times higher than normal which give me hope of having giant insects like those of the Carboniferous and Permian periods.

Focusing on the Mother, I could sense her thoughts which were very basic: eat, lay eggs, eat. I could also possess her body and do whatever I want. She has six legs, four fly like wings a huge posterior, antennas, a chitinous carapace and a long neck. Her length was roughly 50 cm.

So seeing that my body started to become hungry, I tried to get her out of the farm to find me something to eat but I failed to get her out whereas I could teleport her freely in the farm. In hindsight, it would have been stupid to get her out as if she died I could forget my Godly future. I then decided to make her eat and lay eggs and I put her in the tropical rain-forest landscape with that order.

On hour of torturous waiting later, I got 1000 worker ants at minions. I then ordered 200 to take care of the Mother of Insects while 800 appeared on my body and started to search food for me. Soon, I ate hundreds of them as I was already dying from hunger.

That's how the next 5 days of my life went. The Mother was eating and producing insects, mostly ants as I decided so. Most of them goes to search for anything they could find that I share with the mother (as I don't want to use up the farm resources to soon). The insects being my ears and eyes my 'territory' was quickly expanding even if I couldn't find any humans in the 1km radius I covered. I have a blanket made of insects and they can quickly move us around when we detect a predator like a... magpie or a rat. We did lose some men to these terrible predators but we survived so far.

And after 5 dawns, I found a human that soon found me too. It was a blond giant with a face like the world owe him. And from his forehead protector, I assume he's from Kumo. After looking at me flabbergasted for a while like he has never seen a baby, he decided to leave. I wouldn't have any of that, I followed him with my ant legion.

After around 30s, he finally stopped and took me with him, saying I would be a good helping hand for his son. That's the beginning of my glorious adventures.


The first year, I spent in Kumo I stayed in a ninja children orphanage. We were taught language and how great the village is and weirdly enough 1 year kids could speak fluently.

I have now a regular army of 100,000 insects and my farm got bigger 3 cubic meters already; when I figured what the required energies were: It was basically chakra. The Yin and Yang energies exist in any living beings with a soul and a body. Regular hunts ensure steady income of these energies. Any leftover is fed to the Mother and egg-layers. For the five elemental energy it's harder. Living beings with the corresponding affinity would do best but it's too hard for the army to survive against these beings less killing them. I can substitute them with water and soil. For fire having workers transports lighted match do and for wind I enclose it in any some containers and let them take it in the farm. The problem is lightning. I finally installed some makeshift lightning rods in the backyards and when lightning get captured the insects move it in the farm after many sacrifices (they contain it in their corpse). That's why the number of my minions is still so low as most of them die during each lightning operation.


Two years old. I was presented to the 6 years old A. I would be his shadow, the fog that would cover Kumo hence my name Enmu. I was taught to control my chakra and not let it flow wildly as I was doing since my birth. That does explain some things like why if I don't eat some of my insects for 4 hours I grow tired as if as if I ran a marathon. While I have enough spiritual energy to go around for a day, I was in a baby body and the only reason I survived so far was because of the elderly minions sacrifice.


Year 41

My farm leveled up finally. Its size is already 10 cubic meters but I just reached the 1,000,000 numbers. There's mostly no remaining critters around here. With a level 2 farm, my insects can gain chakra but I don't have enough resources for that now.

I started academy this year. I'm the strongest as all my insects diets accumulated to give me a very strong body even for Kumo standard. To that you add a ridiculously good chakra control and I'm a veritable monster. But as I'm not supposed to exist, my astonishing result were kept strictly secret.

Most of my time at the academy, besides learning survival skills, I focused on proper taijutsu and kenjutsu. Plus, my control of my insects is becoming more refined. In some years, I'll be better than the Aburame.

The Third tested my chakra nature and was disappointed that I got water. I added that to my training schedule.


Year 43

I graduated the same year as A. Dodai became our trainer. We learned advanced taijutsu and bukijutsu for me. I obviously 'created' Rasengan that I exchanged against some of the Aburame and Kamizuru clan scrolls that Kumo gathered over the years.

We got some nifty jutsus: the Shadow Clone Jutsu being one of them. l asked to learn Medical ninjutsu and I was allowed as long as it didn't impair my training. That came from a revelation I had; I am the God of Insects and guess who's an insect... Katsuyu. She became one of my target.

I also recreated the Bikōchū, Kidaichū, Kikaichū, Kochū, Rinkaichū, Shōkaichū... in the meantime


Year 44

I was sent to the battlefield against Iwagakure. In one year, my farm leveled three times as I dealt with the shinobi corpses. I also mastered Water Nature and I started training Lightning Nature. All my specs, massively increased from eating high level insects.

After 6 months, I was known as the Black Plague on the battlefield as nobody knew my name. At level 3 and 4, the insects had more chakra and their instinctive understanding of it increased. Plus, I could create bigger or even smaller insects. But at level 5, they got elemental affinity. Unfortunately, I only have Earth and Lightning insects in large number as there were the affinities readily available on this battlefield.

That's why I asked for a transfer.


Year 49

I toured all the battlefields but I became known it got harder to easily farm. Plus the war ended two years ago. But I still got to level 8. I got a S-rank bounties issued by the 4 great shinobi village as well as some land I went on like the land of Rain.

I mastered the Five Elements as I noticed I could learn them faster by mimicking my insects.


Year 50

I was allowed by the Third to create an organization like Root in Kumo. I started scouting for good seedlings and they will be controlled by my new brand of parasite insects.

So far, I got the necessary infrastructures in place and got some orphans I'm brainwashing but it's a long term project.

I started to research Senjutsu but no summon of Kumo has it. I wanted to create my own Insect senjutsu and use it to level up my farm.


Year 53

We along Kiri, Iwa and Suna attacked Uzu last year. We were tipped by Konoha but who cares.

I got 20 new orphans for Fog. Plus we got some sealing scrolls. It launched the Second Shinobi War and I got to level 10. Now my ants could harness Nature Energy. That boosted my research, plus the war was giving me a steady income of test subjects.

I learned the Third skills. Strongest shield, strongest spear and awesome speed. Also black lightning.

I found the Nagato trio and sent the best of my Fog trainee to them. To infiltrate Akatsuki before its inception.


Year 54

I started some deals with Danzo for Hashirama cells but it still didn't give a good enough result.


Year 55

Insect Senjutsu is ready for use and I developed a new way of spying. I found a far away island and created the Fourth Sage Zone in it. I created a Princess for my Insects. It consumed many resources but I got the perfect being. She will serve as the Insect Sage.

The different villages 'accidentally' got Summoning Scroll to this new Sage Zone. Some years later, I'm sure that my insects will become the common summon of the ninja world. Plus, anyone learning Insect Senjutsu will unknowingly send a part of their Sage Chakra to nourish the farm.


Year 57

I decided to create the Enmu clan. I got some women to have my progeny. Kumo doesn't lack pretty women. So now the next generation of the Enmu clan already got 5 members.

Fog now infiltrated all the five villages.

I tracked Tsunade and kidnapped her while one of my insect clones was posturing her keeping her losing strike in good line. Shizune got in Fog.

After some months of torture under me, I got the Yin seal and Kumo medical technology got boosted. Now each team, have a Medic nin.


Year 58

I decided it was a waste to kill Tsunade off and that she should work for the resurrection of the Senju clan. They will just be a branch of the Enmu clan though. I got twins.

Also Katsuyu became one of my minions. But to not make it known her Sage Region was kept.


Year 61

My first children integrated Fog. After having 4 babies with me, I think Tsunade started having Stockholm syndrome. I give her a little more freedom.

My Insects summon plan is going well. I mastered Yin and Yang Nature and it gave me all sort of breakthrough for my insects creation. But I couldn't form Truth Seeking Balls. Seems like, Six Path Senjutsu isn't so easy.

I also became interested with the Kiri weapon especially Samehada as it was alive which implies a formidable use of Yin and Yang Release. I also started researching Bloodline Limits.


Year 62

I got Samehada, Maito Duy corpse as well as his son. The others were killed by me. Using my Yin Release, I got the Eight Gates Jutsu and its training method from his memory after breathly recalling his soul.

What is best for a group of perfect killers? A sure fire way to kill and that's what the Eight Gates grants them: a perfect suicide attack. I developed some less powerful moves from it but they were less risky as well.

As Guy became useless, I fed him to my soldiers.


Year 63

The Third went to confront 10,000 ninja alone. One day in the confrontation, I came. I made sure to bring him back alive but I made it looks like he died in the confrontation.

Meanwhile, A confronted Minato. He became Fourth Raikage when he went back.


Year 64

My farm went up to level 30. Now, I can make insects with Kekkei Genkai if I got the right resources.

I also managed to form some kind of Truth Seeking Balls. They were white but had the same properties as Truth Seeking Balls.

I could now create living weapons too.

The aliens became my goal. I also caught some Jashinists but I still don't get their powers.

As the Bloodline Hunt is in full swing, under my advice A got some new clans or orphans for Kumo.


Year 66

I wasn't finding the aliens. I set my sights on the moon. Going alone, I could release my insects in all their glory once more.

I got two babies to brainwash and the Tenseigan generator. I decided that having the Tenseigan wouldn't do me any harm. I used my cloning tech to keep the Otsusuki supply running.


Year 69

Hizahi Hyuuga got to live as the kidnapping went smoothly, carried bu Fog agents. I then got my Tenseigan after some months of research. I got real Truth Seeking Balls. They aren't stronger than my Wrong Seeking Balls as I named them but it's cool to have both.

Hinata integrated Fog. She will later marry one of my kids and grow the Enmu clan.


Year 70

I got hints on the Aliens. After some months of tracking them, I found their hideouts and got myself a Ten Tails and a Rinne-Sharingan. After sacrificing it to my farm, it grew to the moon size. And I got stronger minions from their corpses and souls. From my estimate, each of these 100 insects can deal with a Hashirama level threat.

I started preparing with A the unification of the ninja world.


Year 71

My kids got some Uchiha breeding mares.

I killed Orochimaru and one of my clone replaced him. He then went to control Rasa and prepare Suna surrending little by little.


Year 75

I personally helped Mei become Mizukage.


Year 78

Hiruzen died and 'Tsunade' became Hokage. She started purging Root.

We took over Suna (One of our greatest spy became the intermittent Kazekage and adopted the Sand siblings) and started negotiating with Ixa to attack Kiri then Konoha. Onoki finally accepted after Mei sacrificed some ninjas that were too headstrong.


Year 79

Iwa was destroyed and Suna, Kiri, Konoha and Kumo shared their leftovers. The 4th Shinobi war that started finished immediately while the little villages like Taki chose one of the remaining 4 villages as liege.


Year 81

Gaara became Kazekage.

Obito launched the 5th Shinobi war and confronted all the villages resistances.

When Hagoromo gave his power to Naruto and Sasuke, I tracked him then killed him along with the two kids.

Kaguya was captured as the only woman I still deem worthy of me.


Year 82

The Ninja world is unified and the universe is open to us.


Year 154

In fact, I'm in the Universe 1 of the Dragon Ball Super series, the strongest Universe aggregating all the races. And I'm still pitifully weak as even someone like Roshi is not much weaker than me.

[AN: Don't cry too much. The strongest of Naruto is still planetary level.]

I still have a long way to go. But, I'm still confident in myself as if I really inherited a special Supreme Kai (like Chronoa) powers like I'm thinking (which would normally make me an Apprentice Supreme Kai?), I still have a huge growth potential as even the weakest like Shin claimed to be able to clap a Freeza.

Dragon Ball world, I'm coming.