
Chapter 27

Staring at the ceiling, mind completely blank, relaxed and somehow contented, situations ignored or solved, not having a care for the world for a couple of hours, felt like a paradise to Layla, never mind what can happen in a few hours from now, thanks to her very exciting life, she is very calm and for once, she is happily calm and even though Amon could walk in her room abruptly, she will no doubt remain happily calm. She is thankful that she could have a peaceful and relaxed moment even just for a couple of hours.

She and Amon had gone into the other world that unfortunately has her only cure and she had yet a couple of hours till she gets ready for school. She obviously doesn't want to go, she prefers to just lay down and sleep for the whole day but she wanted to prove to herself that she can and will. She doesn't care enough to prove to Sir Kingsley herself and her capabilities because she hates him anyway. If possible, she doesn't want to see him again but that will only happen in the depths of her dreams and her daydreaming.

Amon almost convinced her to stay inside the house and spend some time together for bonding and because he could still sense her anxious mind but as of now, she had every time to think and to make peace with her problems so she decided to just go and set a good example to her classmate to be brave when facing problems especially when a teacher dislikes them.

Time passed quickly, before she could even think or relax some more the alarm that Layla has set had rung out loud and she immediately gets up and heads to the bathroom to clean herself up. She sighs in both peace and exasperation before fully closing the door.

Amon being left alone in the house for most of the time had taught himself how to use his powers to cook and so, he is currently in the kitchen while Layla bathes, cooking something simple for her to eat before she heads to her school, which consists of an egg sandwich and hot chocolate because Layla likes to eat in the morning with hot chocolate and never coffee. She only drinks coffee after breakfast. Amon never thought that he'll know what Layla wants but now that they're living in the same house, he caught on to her likes and dislikes. Still, that is very surprising and unexpected.




Sir Kingsley walked into the hallways of the prestigious school, one hand in his trouser pocket and the other holding a briefcase which includes his belongs which he always brings when heading to teach. He walked despite the darkness of the ways, it was still very early, only the night shift guards were roaming around the school to do their last-minute check before they ended their shifts and be replaced by the other guards. They told him that there wouldn't be many lights open because the school's maintenance would only arrive one hour before others could arrive too, and there's still one hour left before they would arrive, but, Sir Kingsley doesn't mind at all, hence, that's why he's walking alone in the hallways and through the corridors. And he especially doesn't mind being alone because he's so used to it.

He is taking his time walking while constantly eyes shifting around, deep in thought about the reminisces of what had occurred during his terrible evening. He was just so tired of dreaming about someone who means nothing to him in real life, in his theory, it maybe is someone that he loves from the past and everything is familiar to him even though it doesn't mean anything anymore. The past just keeps coming back despite having let go of it.

He refrained from sighing and instead, walked a bit faster. Just as doing so, he was startled by the ringing of his phone and he wanted to ignore it because he doesn't feel like having a conversation with anyone at this time of the hour but he only allowed someone to have his number when it is needed or if its someone that he dislikes less so it might be important and worthy enough to hear.

He gets his phone out of his pants pocket and looked down at the screen, slightly frowning but eventually greeted the person with his deep and intimidating voice. "What could you possibly want at this time of the day?" Already annoyed and bitter from the eventful evening that he had and after seeing the person's name on the screen is enough to make him so annoyed.

The other man sighed in patheticness. "Killian, well for starters I've missed you and your attitude very well but that's not the point. Anyway, I called because I wanted to know how you're doing since you didn't contact me, not even once."

"You've heard me long enough to imagine how I'm doing so there's really no point in asking, don't even bother." He says, sarcastically with gritted teeth. "And do spare me with your lies because there's also no point in lying when you aren't even good at it. Even the dumbest of the dumb could realize that you're lying."

The man sighed shakily and faintly on the background, Killian can hear the tapping of his fingers on his very large, extremely messy desk. "I...need you."

Killian continued walking but his frown is quickly replaced by a small, one side of his mouth lifted, smirk at the desperate and fear in the man's voice. He's going to have so much fun with the man. He didn't answer, wanting the man to continue speaking.

"Killian? Didn't you hear me? I said that I fucking need you. Fuck, I didn't think that I will ever say those words to you..." He added indistinctly with the same tsk that he always does and it irritates Killian so much that he had to rely on his self-control so he wouldn't shut his mouth forcefully. Not as if his self-control is strong enough but surprisingly he still hadn't shut him up...maybe even permanently.

"Oh, now you need me, Uncle. Great, now, listen to my voice and use your little intelligence in knowing whether I care or not." He told monotonously, eyes rolling at the man.

The man sighed in defeat while shaking his head and Killian could almost see him adjusting his tie and crossing his legs as his way to comfort himself in situations that are way out of his control. "For fucks sake, look. I do not care if you care or not but I need you, the company needs you, your family name needs you. You're right okay? When you told me that one day I'm going to seek your help, it is happening right now, Killian. Therefore, couldn't you just be happy that what you predicted happened. As always..."

"Alright, alright. I'm going to help you." Killian starts using the very fake happy tone that made him cringe at himself.


"I'm going to help you sell every-fucking-thing that you think you own." He gritted his teeth once again emphasizing his hatred against him and wants him to know Killian's purpose.

The man's mistake was to believe that Killian would help him to save the company that he ruined. He sighed in exasperation while Killian just couldn't give a fuck.

"Wait, let's talk about this at my office." The man pleaded. Killian opened the door to his office, opened the lights, then closed the door again behind him.

"Hmm, y-yeah, sure." He mumbles under his breath, absent-mindedly while he stares at the person who's in front of him in shock. He momentarily paused then quickly looked away while his brows went deep down on his forehead with a big frown.

"Look, you think whatever you own is yours? Well let me explain it down for you in the simplest term, I own that company and I own everything that you have, so do not tell me what to do. I will talk t-"

"Killian! For fucking's sake, I'm still your uncle! I took care of you when your parents died! I have the right to own what I want to own!"

Killian rolled his eyes. No one took care of him, he took care of himself. "Beg." He told.

The man in the other line groaned. "What?! I'm not one of your toys to play and mess around!"

"Beg if you want me to save your ass."


"Okay then, let's meet at the court." He ended the call after that then he stormed towards the woman in front of him, who is naked, at his desk.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" He scrunched his nose in disgust and grabbed Mrs. Vivian by her arm forcefully and harshly, grabbing her towards the door but the woman fights back to stay where she is.

"Killian-" She whined but was cut off by Killian who grabbed her face harshly and while secretly smirking inside his head because the first thing that he did when he arrived at his first day was to make sure to leave a camera on, in case, he installed it himself because he doesn't trust anybody. Mrs. Vivian can never go against him because he has evidence and besides, nobody is around at this time of the day so he can do anything he wants. But then again, that's what Vivian thought too.

"You never learn." His fingers gripped her face tighter and she yelped in pain while trying to get his hands away from his face. "Don't be fooled by my looks because what's inside me is uglier than the men you screwed around with. Far more fucking hideous than those who fell for your disgusting efforts in seducing. Far more awful than the pathetic little talents that you use so desperate that I can only look at you with disgust. You don't know what's hiding inside me that could tear you up and ruin what's left of your reputation. And I don't fucking mean it sexually so don't get ideas in that small brain." He pointed at her head harshly. "Now fucking get out!"

He pulled the frightened woman out of his door and then left her naked there as he picks up the clothes that she left on the floor scattered. He threw it at her. "Expect the worse from now." He closed the door with a loud thud then walks over to his chair, sitting down with an exhausted sigh.

Hey! I was so busy with my school so I'm sorry that I wasn't able to update sooner. I hope you're all okay!

Penguinnecreators' thoughts
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