

some incident led two kids into becoming friends till they grew up, everyone expect them to end up together but that didn't happen. One of the friend lover frame the other friend leading this accusation to breakup their friendship not only that but he also send her to prison and ceased all her assets after all this she was torture in the prison which almost cause her death He later found out that he had been in love with his friend for so long but because of his foolishness he send his childhood friend to prison without trusting her. what will happen between the Lina and Desmond friendship. will Desmond get a second chance to be with her? let's continue this journey to found out.

Jessy_blinks · Ciudad
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16 Chs


Hey pretty! Stop there, some dirty men running after me shouting for me to stop, like hell I will stop I keep on running like my life depend on it, and yes it depends on it because this men are both drunk.

Today is my 9th birthday but my parents told me they can't celebrate it for me because they have an emergency meeting.

I was so sad about the fact they is no single person to celebrate my birthday with,I went out to clear my head.

Now here I I'm being chased by two drunk men, whiles running I staggered on something and fell down.

This give the two men chanes to get close to me.

Pretty why did you have to run away from daddy? Mr yellow teeth said in a teasing tone ,I just give him the name since all his teeth is yellow .

I spit on his face when he try to touch me, you little bitch didn't your mama teach you manners? how dare you spit on me,he said in a furious voice but

all my attention was on his yellow teeth and god I couldn't hold myself anymore and burst in to a loud laughter.

Small girl what's so funny here,

They both look at each other and noded and turn their attention on me with their shrew eyes, even though I just turned 9years but my body is older than my age .

Worry not baby daddy's gonna treat you well right after he finishes speaking they pounce on me.

"Dare to lay a hand on her and you will regret it for the rest of your life" in this bad moment there came a Cold voice.

The men run away when they heard the voice, without finding whom the it belongs to.

I turned my head to look at my savior and I was surprised to see a boy same as my age I think so standing infront of me.

I was so scared out of my wist , but I pretend to be brave for the boy who is looking at me as if I'm a looser .

He helped me from the floor.