
Second Chance || Harry Potter and Percy Jackson

Female Harry Potter or OC Morgana Eirene Potter. The Girl Who Lived. The Golden Child, etc. She hid under these titles for years from the moment she was born. She was more dangerous than the current dark lord. Was the older brother of a certain greatest wizard that ever lived. Was the lover of a certain ancient King of Sweden and Germany. She's the current mistress of Death and Light. The one ending the feud between light and dark. She used her second chance wisely

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6 Chs

Chapter 4

Morgana blinked for what seemed to be the tenth time before tilting her head. It was darkness around her, but the eerie and warming from the black hooded — almost blend in — figure standing in front of her was visible. The figure was as tall as an adult and had a large black-purple Scythe, two black purple ord glimmering from the inside of the hood.

"Welcome, young mistress. I do hope you have been prepared for our meeting?" The same raspy voice was heard and Morgana swore she felt that the being in front of her was being sarcastic and amused while raising its brow.

"You're joking, I was sleeping. How am I looking at you and talking to you now? How am I supposed to know our meeting was after I sleep?" She ranted to the being that represented death like they were a joke.

The being raised its nonexistent brow once again while being amused and surprised by the disrespect of their little mistress. "First of all, I thought you knew. And second, people tend to die peacefully while sleeping so the dream is the border of death, and also acts as a gate to me."

Morgana nodded subtly and looked around and it was the same darkness. Was her dream always like this? She certainly didn't know her dream was darkness. "Onto the real topic, when was I your mistress along with God of light?"

The being didn't say anything for a while. "There's some condition to be our master or mistress, one of them is being favored by the master god. The other one was something that one specific person experienced something that led them to become the master. In your case, it was both."

The being gazed at their mistress while she was trying to process the information given to her. They were also surprised when they heard it from the God that created them, to personify them as they were the lieutenant of the god they were created from. Death was the most surprised though when they heard their god even have someone he was interested in and liked.

"wait a minute, what do you mean master god?" she pointed at Death while her curiosity was at its peak.

The being sighed, not quite understanding what their master wanted from such an innocent youngling. "We are being that represent the god that had created with their power and what I mean is divine power. For instance," he stretched out his skeleton-like finger, "I represented God of Death, do not get confused with the king of the underworld, young mistress. Well anyway, our power sustained us making us live while we do our job as the lieutenant of that specific god."

Their young mistress seemed to have figured out what's they were and what going on they kept quiet as well. They were questioning if it was a good idea to meet so soon, so abruptly at that. "To top it off, we need a master or mistress to help us in our job and share our power."

"Does this include the fact I am reborn with my memory clear as the sea?" She pointed out again with a deadpan look on her face.

Death sighed once again, maybe it came out as cold air. "I don't know about that part, your soul was taken care of by master god himself. I think it was intentional?"

Morgana shook her head lightly and messaged her temple. She thought she was going crazy but the being in front of her confirming it was real, along with the master god and master or mistress business seemed to get to her. After a while, she sat down in her dream listening to Death while he — as she found out — listed all the things the master or mistress were supposed to do when coming of age. One of them is helping sort souls into their rightful places and help with paperwork.

Worst kind of job anyone wanted to get...

Morgana sighed as she brushed her unruly hair for the 5th time that day. She grumbled slightly before looking at herself in the mirror.

Yesterday was Sirius' trial which she managed to let happen with the help of the goblins along with the greedy minister of magic -she wouldn't lie that man was helpful but too greedy and stupid. She had glamoured herself with white hair and a pair of emerald blue eyes, she appeared as an 18-year-old girl. She just sat in the audience area and let the trial proceed, and it ended in a success when her Godfather drank the truth potion. It was funny how everybody looked shocked but they don't have any shame and just compensated him for it by giving him 15000 galleons and paying for his hospital.

She was utterly furious but she just stood up from her seat -resulting in the chair falling- and proceed to walk out of the courtroom. But the thought of living with someone nicer than those blasted muggles and the thought of torturing somehow sounded appealing to her.

Though what intrigued her in the courtroom was an old man wearing a very purple robe with stars twinkling like the pale blue eyes he had, it was creepy for her. She found his magic seemed to be very strained and rough, it was rough as rock, unlike every other magic that was smooth as water.

She shook her head to get out of the memory. She now wore a black knee-length dress with the same black matte low heels straps.

"Looking beautiful, today as well. But sister. When are you going to make a potion to tame that wild hair of yours." She glared at her brother while packing her stuff with the help of her Pine Wand. Said little brother just smiled brightly while his blue eyes were full of sarcasm and mirth.

"Shut it, Merlin. I don't want to deal with your sarcasm in the early morning, beside, the potion for taming wild hair is already invented by my grandfather. I just need time to use it." She took the portrait of her brother and kept it in the trunk and shut it, not wanting to hear another sarcastic remark from him.

She shrunk the trunk into pocket size and put it in her pouch and took her cat and the cage with her. She said goodbye to Tom; the owner of Leaky Cauldron and made her way to an isolated ally before apparating to platform 9 ¾ just like when Hagrid told her. She looked around and smiled at the few families that arrived early. She doesn't want to deal with annoying people after dealing with her brother.

She ignored how people looked at her in awe and somewhat fear. She ignored how she felt familiar with someone within that crowd. She ignored how her chest tightened slightly. She took out her Pine wand and levitate her trunk into the train, disappearing within.

The few families that were previously talking and minding their own business had stopped and stared in awe at what seemed to be the first year. The sight of the little girl looking about 8 years old effortlessly lifting her trunk and belongings into the train without murmuring a word had left all of them speechless. The young witch wasn't at all concerned about it, in fact, in their eyes, she seemed too lax and easygoing.

But it wasn't what made the families notice her. It was the air around her that made them turn their heads involuntarily. The pure magic in the air, surrounding the little girl like a blanket was what they focused on. The girl also held herself with elegance and most dignity that took their breath away. It was frightening how such a young girl held such power within her body.

It's just that she doesn't know how much she gonna changed the Wizarding World with her speech alone, or the fact she will do great things in the future.

The families that personally witnessed such power all gulped and unfamiliar feelings grew within them slowly. It was something no one could predict would happen. It was something that would change the British wizarding world forever.

Morgana walked to the end of the train and sat in one of the empty compartments. She kept her trunk safely and opened the cage of her snowy owl, Hedwig snuggled her in gratitude. "You will fly to Hogwarts first, right?"

The owl nodded. She smiled and chuckled softly and opened the compartment's window, letting the owl fly off. She watched for a while as the snowy white owl has gone from her sight before shifting her attention to the white cat on her lap, napping quietly. She stroked the kitten while looking out of the window before a carving almost out of sight caught her attention.

T. M. R.

Morgana chuckled softly at the initial that was almost hidden from her, the curving was elegance and emitted magic. This must be the compartment that the person had used and curved their name. To own this whole compartment. Leave it to that person to vandalized the magical school's train, look like this person must be the first year to curved it.

She traced the lettering slowly with her fingers, making the magic emitting from it waver a little before wrapping around her finger like a snake. The Crimson color magic titled what-it-seemed to the head of the snake before going back to the initial. She watched as her own initial curved next to the initial of that person with fascination and amusement.

"I don't know that there is still a person left with conscious magic. Fascinating..." She silently watched as the small smoke-like red snake slithered back to its initial.

T. M. R.     M. E. P.

She smiled again and traced her fingers over the letterings. She locked the compartment's door with the lock charm and took out her newly brought book from Knockdown Ally. A little reading about necromancy wouldn't hurt, right?

After about half an hour or so, people started the crowded the train. Children raced to get one compartment with their friends and the elder children helped the first-year kids to settle down. She saw many colors from red blue yellow and green in a blurred from the corner of her eyes but her focus was on the black iPad on her lap.

She was sorting souls through the electronic, technically because she can't go to Death Domain as she would need to sleep to go in. So, Death gave her the IPad to help him sort the souls. She was wondering what sort of electronic it was as it so was weird but Death refused to tell her anything. She can only frown and pouted.

Just then, a knock was heard on the compartment's door.

She looked up to see the same blonde ferret with a couple of his friends. She unlocked the door with a wave of her hand and smiled at them warmly.

"Nice to see you again, cousin." Draco looked very confused along with his friends. Morgana shook her head fondly.

"Sirius Black is my Godfather making you my cousin as he was your mother's cousin, right?" Draco widened his eyes in realization and walked into the compartment without her permission. She stood up with a smile, directing to Draco's shell-shocked friends.

"So... you're my cousin?" She nodded before a surprised hug come from him, she almost stumbled back on the floor but she balanced herself and hugged him back. The blond smelled like a jasmine flower with a hint of rose, a very sweet kind of smell.

She looked up to see his friends already closed the compartment's door and stood behind them, looking kind of awkward. "Draco dear, let go of me. You need to introduce your friends to me."

It seemed Draco had heard her whisper and straightened himself, even the small tear from the corner of his eyes was gone. She was impressed by the quick mask that was placed on his face, but she only had her small smile on.

"This is Morgana Eirene Potter Black, heiress of the ancient and noble families of Potter and Black." Draco motioned as his friend took a look at her, finally wasn't blocked by him.

Wavy hair that seemed to define the law of gravity, a pair of emerald eyes that shone full of mischief, her pale complexion and short stature made her look like a fragile 8 years old girl. They all gulped down their words, wanting to say something.

Morgana almost laughed at the cute reactions she got from the bunch of 11 years old. "I think you need to introduce yourself?"

It seemed a boy with brown almost black hair and blue eyes snapped out of his trance first before stepping forward. He took her hand and she let him kiss the air of her knuckle, "Theodore Antonio Nott, heir of the ancient and noble family of Nott. A pleasure to meet you, Lady Potter Black."

She smiled a bit more, "A pleasure to meet you heir Nott."

The rest followed similarly and they decided to share the compartment. The boys seemed to be in their world, Theodore was reading a book, Blaise and Draco were playing wizard chess, and Pansy was playing with Sapphire — who surprisingly let the girl play with —, while she was holding her IPad — disguised as a book — and swiped through it — flipped the book. This continued until the compartment's door was swung open with a bang.

"Sorry, is there a place in this compartment? The other places are full." A ginger head popped right in with a pair of blue eyes. He seemed to wear second-handed rope and his hair was haven't been comped properly.

The others jumped slightly before turning to scowl at whoever had opened the door so loudly. They, however, sneered at the boy's appearance.

Morgana just shook her head lightly before turning her attention back to the ginger head. "We have no more space, but you can try to one in on the front of the train. I think I saw only two kids there."

The ginger head made a face of gratitude, ignoring the presence of the future Slytherins. "Thank you, see you at Hogwarts." And run off in the direction she had told him with a smile.

"A Weasley..." Morgana turned to Draco with a raised brow and tilted her head slightly.

Draco blushed instantly when he felt his new cousin look at him questioningly, he can feel his friends laughing on the inside. He looked at her with his face reddened like a tomato before taking out a book and reading it, trying to hide from his friends and cousin's gaze.

They all laughed merrily at the blond ferret's action.

Morgana watched silently as her cousin along with some new friends had been sorted to Slytherin with complicated emotions within her. She watched as the same ginger head that came to ask for a seat in her compartment got sorted to Gryffindor, she watched as a bushy hair girl was sorted to Gryffindor — even though she was sure the girl would be in Ravenclaw — and watched as her other cousin had been sorted to Gryffindor as well.

"Potter, Morgana!" All the attention turned to her when she stepped out of her place within the crowd of an average of 11 years old.

She ignored how many gazes landed on her, she ignored how he scrutinized her, and she ignored the gasp of everyone else. She walked up to the four-legged stool elegantly with dignity and power that no 11-year-old should have. She sat on it, the sorting covered her sight immediately but that didn't hinder her sight when she saw a smirk from the corner of her eyes for a second.

"Hmm... so, the girl who lived finally attending the school? Morgana Eirene Potter Emrys Black or should I call you Yan Anastasia Emrys, milady? You don't know how much your students have talked about you, they even made a place for you... it was unfortunate that you died before they even completed..."

'I do believe you need to call me by my current? Besides, the matter about having a place for me can be talked about next time.' she was amused to know that fact, but she wanted to get everything done quickly.

"Hmmm... let's see, I don't know where to put you. You desired knowledge unlike any other that others don't want... You have enough courage and bravery to be in Gryffindor but your cunningness and ambition are more fitting to be in Slytherin... You show kindness but to only those who show kindness to you... A tough choice indeed... I haven't been this excited for a long while."

"Put me where they expected me to be, Cato." Morgana chimed in her mind, she was getting impatient.

"Hmmm... Yes, this is wise. Then I shall do so..." the sorting hat or by its name Cato muttered as everyone waited curiously for the result. They had waited for 15 minutes and it had been the longest time for someone to be a stool-still.


Cheers erupted from the Gryffindor table as they chanted how they got the Morgana Potter. While the Slytherin sneered at the rowdy ness but they secretly hoped to get Morgana Potter.

Draco along with his friends was shocked as they were sure they saw the cunningness and ambition came from her when she was sharing a compartment with them, even the blood traitor and the muggleborn can confirm it when they waited to go into the great hall just a moment ago.

Morgana cast a glance at them when she saw their gazes following every one of her steps, she gave them a small smile before turning back to her new and future to be friends.

"Nice to see you again, Hermione. I do hope you love this?" She sat near the bushy-haired girl with a bright smile that seemed out of place.

Said bushy hair girl nodding with a bright smile, revealing her bunny tooth. "I don't expect you to be in Gryffindor though, considering what you said to that ignorant brat."

A gasp was heard across from them, they turned to see Ron looking at them with an accusing gaze, dramatically at that. He swoon and landed on Hermione beside him with another exaggerated sigh.

"Ignorant brat... oh, how hurt I am... this is simply betrayal!" The two of them rolled their eyes at the dramatic action of the ginger head, but they laughed before turning their attention to Dumbledore.

After the feast, they were all guided out of the great hall by their Prefects but not before Morgana skipped over to the Slytherin table and hugged her friends.

"Hope to see you in class, guys." With a bright smile, she skipped over to her Gryffindor group.

The Slytherins were surprised to say at least as they watched the Gryffindors walk away and also seemed to be in shock. They turned to look at the four kids that the girl who lived had hugged, the most powerful heirs and heiress had shocked expression on their faces before it was covered up immediately. It was as if the expression before never happened.

Morgana and Hermione giggled slightly as they followed their housemate to their house. They were enjoying the expression the Slytherins make while Ron seemed to be traumatized by it. While for the older Gryffindors, it was a bit between amused and traumatized for them as all they remembered was sneers or insults coming their way from the snakes, never had they seen such expressive snakes in their life.

"Do not forget the password," a stern but the gentle-looking girl turned to them, behind her was a portrait of a fat lady, wearing a modest light pink dress with her hair curled and held up.

"Caput Leo." The portrait slid to the side immediately after the Latin password was said by the Prefect girl.

It revealed the common room of the Gryffindor house, soft red to yellow lights illuminated the whole place in a comfortable glow, tinting the place like sunset, with a big fireplace. The prefects stepped in first and the new students followed shortly, they saw Professor McGonagall standing with a stern but a gentle facial expression.

"My name is Minerva McGonagall to those who don't know," her pointed look made it look like she was glaring at the new students, she made them fear her just on the first day. "The curfew is at 10:00 pm, if you are spotted to be outside or out of the house, you will be punished by either detention or deduct points from your respective house. If you have any problems, you can come to see me in my office which is that door over there." She pointed behind her, there was a wooden door with her nameplate on it, "Now the dorms will be separated by gender, females go to the left and males go to the right. Since it's already 9:30, go to your dorms, get changed, and have a good night's sleep."

With that, she walked to her office and closed the door with a small bang.

Morgana watched for a moment as all the first years go upstairs and into their respective rooms before following along just a moment after. She walked up to the door that has her name on it and goes in to be greeted by three girls around her age unpacking and talking enthusiastically.

"Morgana!" She turned to see Hermione, who had already finished unpacking her trunk and now had a book in hand. She chuckled softly when the girl's eyes shone in that pair of chocolate brown eyes.

She turned to look at a girl with dirty brown hair and a pair of blue eyes, she was a bright smile on her face. "My name is Lavender Brown, a pleasure to meet you!" Her enthusiasm is something Morgana needed to get used to.

While another girl across her bed has luscious black hair and a dark skin tone, making the girl stand out completely from all of them. She looked at Morgana for a second with eyes that Morgana was sure to see stars in that dark orbs. "My name is Parvati Patil, nice to meet you." Before going back to unpacking.

Morgana nodded curtly, "nice to meet you all as well. Hope we get along with each other throughout the years?" The girls seemed to brighten up and talked more openly to her, almost like a mother had allowed their children to play all they want.

"Not me want to intrude, but Morgana why..." Lavender had trailed her words as she and Parvati looked at her with a complicated gaze.

Morgana knew what they wanted to say but she just put on an expression of confusion, which made her look utterly cute. "Are you asking about my heights?"

Lavender nodded immediately but instantly stopped and shook her head. She seemed to have a war going on in her mind as she try to express what she wanted to say.

Morgana looked amused before turning to look at Hermione and Parvati, they also seemed to be struggling inwardly. She shook her head lightly and unpacked her trunk using magic, a side glance from time to time to see the girl's reaction of awe and fascination. "Let's go to sleep, we have all the time in the world to talk like this."

With that, they watched as Morgana slipped out of the dorm like an assassin. Her steps were so light, it was as if she hadn't stepped on the wooden surface of the floor. They were fascinated and awed by the power she had displayed a while ago. It was amazing and beautiful, the feeling of her magic was warm as a mother hug would but the underlining coldness made them almost shiver in delight and fear.

They knew for a fact that the little girl will bring big changes to the being and dull wizarding world. The thought of changes that either being disaster or blessing sounded so... delightful to them and they didn't know what that feeling was!

The next moment Morgana came out of the bathroom in royal blue silk pajamas, and she saw her roommates all go to the bathroom together. She looked at the door weirdly for a moment before setting herself comfortable on her bed. She put on a privacy ward and silent ward before closing the dark red curtain, effortlessly shutting her bed.

She took out her brother's portrait and placed it on her bedside while taking out her IPad, and doing her work to sort the lost souls.

"You know, Morgana. Why can't you just let go of work and go to the place we made for you?" She raised her head immediately and looked at the portrait full of suspicion.

Merlin felt her intense gaze at him and frantically waved his arm around within the portrait. "This, this is just a suggestion! I and the four along with him the ones who created it! Please don't glare at me anymore!"

Morgana was amused on the inside, she just want to test her brother. Who knew he actually admit it so fast? She was sure he was the most stubborn one out of the two of them though, even he gave up easily under her.

"Let's go to sleep first, we can explore during Christmas break." She ignored her brother's whining and covered him with a cloth.