

On a night when the moonlight illuminates the continent, beautiful colored lanterns enveloped the Kingdom of Eliath up from the capital city all to the way to the Grand Duke territory of the Ye Family.

Nobles from all parts of the nation come with extravagant dress as they gathered and chatted, they wore smiles all over their faces and laughs resounded in the luxurious hall of the Eliath's Royal Palace.

The reason why they come here is none other than for the wedding banquet of the Princess Rose Eliath. She wears a long gold colored dress that perfectly suits her blonde hair, long thick eyebrows, blue ocean pair of eyes, and the smiling lips that is enough to capture countless man's heart.

She warmly greeted nobles that comes and congratulate her as she replied with thankful words. Nobody knows what's truly inside her mind because these whole marriage is arranged mainly for political purposes. The royal family of Eliath ruled the kingdom in the Azure Continent from the southern mountainous territory, the western part of the territory that the borderline meet directly with the sea, the northern part where huge part of the territory still shrouded with trees and forests, and the eastern part of the nation whose bordered with the nation of Avalon, the biggest enemy of the Eliath Kingdom right now. The Kingdom of Eliath is a feudal nation as it consists of tens if not hundreds of local lords to govern and administrate the territory. Yet the kingdom's biggest power resides not in the royal family, but in the Ye's family. It's domain resides in the western part of the nation all to the border parts in the northern region. Almost half of the kingdom's military power were contributed by the Ye's Family. This could obviously dangers the existence of the royal family, so they were left with options either suppress the Ye family or they should try to entice them to completely join their side. The first option would be very intolerable as if they try to suppress the Ye's family, they might make a rebel. This option is abandoned because they couldn't afford their biggest support turns against them, not when they were still engaged in a war against the country of Avalon. So they were left with the second option, and that's to lure them in to their side. The emperor then arranged marriage of her beloved daughter, the only princess and the last child of his four childrens to the heir of the Ye Family, the notorious Ye Ran!

Ye Ran is the only child of Grand Duke Ye Lin with his deceased wife before he eventually marries five years later and produces two offspring, a boy and a girl. Ye Ran was only eight years old when his mother died, the once a bright boy becomes violent and tyrannical. After his father's second marriage, he do whatever he wants from drunking, gambling, sometimes whoring. His father doesn't particularly reprimand him due to feeling of guilt. This makes him do even bolder things, once in a local pub, in a drunken state, he smashed a person's head and stabbed that guy over and over again until the guards stop him. Even much more outrageous event is when he interrupted a wedding and demanded the bride's first night, this is simply irredeemable!

Jade Eliath the Emperor pondered for a very long time to marry her daughter off to this despicable kind of person, it's not that he doesn't love his daughter, but the being of the kingdom comes first. Only with intertwining their families that he can be assured that the strength is necessary to emerge victorious on the ongoing war in the East.

Ye Ran is now laughing every few times as he chats with nobles. Ye Ran wears a red silk dragon suit, dimples was apparent from the smile that he wears, as he squinted his eyes when he laughs. Ye Ran has a tall figure, black hair and eyes, long eyebrows. His handsome appearances and unrestrained smiles could easily deceive others, but sad or fortunate these nobles knew his true demeanour!

Re Yan feels thirsty, so he called a servant.

"Bring me that wine!" He said to a maidservant.

The maidservant politely gave him one of the wine she carried, Ye Ran feels ecstatic today, while chit-chatting and saying useless courtesies all in his mind was event after this banquet, he will have the first night with his bride, Princess Rose, just thinking about her smooth snow jade skin made his blood boiled. He glanced at his bride, the latter sensed it and gave him a smile. He then raised his wine cup and drinked it.

His smile somehow frozen as he falls to the ground.

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