
Chapter 1: Are you not a God who grants wishes?

In a place where you can only see the trees and the road just like a perfect scenery of nostalgic memories of nature, Chris, a 20 year old student is driving his car back home for summer break.

This ride back was something he looks forward to everytime he went home because it gives some sense of serenity and happiness until...

(Vibrating noises)

"You are my friend

Aa, ano hi no yume

Ima demo mada wasuretenain deshou?

You are my dream

Aa, haj-" (You are my friend - naruto opening song)

His handsome face filled with happiness suddenly frowned from the sudden disturbance. He picked up his phone and said "What?!"

"Hey? Bro! Mr. Handsome! Best person alive! I heard you're going back home?" A cheerful voice filled with hidden intentions answered.

He frowned, knowing the person on the other line, he somehow knew that he's buttering him up for a favor. "What do you want?!"

"Don't be so cold baby. Am I disturbing your one with nature drive? I just want a little teensy tiny bit of favor baby~"

Visibly annoyed with the playful words of his best friend Cal he scowled "Stop calling me baby and out with it!"

"Come on! We haven't seen each other for like a year, don't treat me like a condom you used in a one night stand~"

Visibly disgusted and disturbed with Cal's teasing, he said in a monotone voice "I'm hanging up."

Just before he hung up...

"Wait! I'll stop. I'll stop." He sighed and continued. "I'm going to make some food here and my car broke down. I already transferred the money in to your bank account, can you just buy it for me on your way home?"

He sighed in resignation since on his way home anyway. "What do you need?"

"Really? Great! I already sent you the list of ingredients! Thank you! Oh! And make sure you download the list before you going to the supemarket. I heard there has been some weird interference with the signal there." Visibly happier from the his tone of voice.

Seeing that he's near the city border, he checked the list reluctantly if it was mailed properly while taking glances on the road because even though the road is straight and no one will be seen for some time, it's better safe than sorry.

"Hey? d*ckbag! Why are you cooking so much?" Finding the ridiculous amount of food in the list, he began to question Why does he suddenly need so many.

"Well, it's because I'm celebrating my birthday today silly~" Playing it off like it's something normal, he said it like pig squealing for mercy because he did something wrong.

Veins bulging on his head, he slowly said "Birthday? Yours? Are you taking me for a fool?"

"Hey? Hey? Before you say anything, I know what your thinking about so how about we relax and ta-" before he could finish...

"F*ck you! Do you honestly think I'm a f*cking fool?? Your birthday is next month! And the only person who thinks it's today is that ex b*tch you had because you changed the date of your birthday just to tell her you are born on the horoscope she likes! Are you honestly telling me, you are back together?!"

Trying to repair the situation he said "Oh come on! Don't be like that. I know she could be a bit crazy but everyone's got a bad day right?"

His palms are whitening from his grip because of the stupid things his been hearing "A bit!! You call that a bit?! You broke up with her by telling her that it's because I hated her! Do you remember what she did?! And you call that a bit?! She f*cking smashed my car!"

"Hey, come on? I paid for your next car right? So come on! Can you just find it in your heart to forgive her?" Trying to find a way to remedy the situation, he saw Mrs. Walker from the window walking out and it gave him a great idea.

Turning red from anger, he was going to curse and hang up the phone until he heard a different voice on the phone. "Hello? Sweety?"

Surprised with the voice he was dumbstruck because the curses in his mouth was stuck on his throat.

"Sweety? I heard from Cal here that you are on your way home?"

"Ugh, yes, mom." taking a 180° from his attitude before.

"Oh great! I miss you so much sweety! I heard from Cal that you were going to help him buy his groceries and you were going to make those delicious coffee jelly for me. Thank you sweety! You're the best!" Happiness and love was heard from those simple words which made him forget his previous anger.

"Yes mom. I miss you too. I'll make as many as you like." A smile is growing on his face.

"Bye son. See you soon." his mother said lovingly.

"Bye, mom."

Since he was a child his parents doted on him and his little brother. They were a happy family. They'd do things together, play together, and eat together, like the family most people would dream about but dreams tends to end sometimes.

One day, his father was walking home. He saw a kid who was going to be run over by a truck. To everyone who knows this scenario, he obviously died saving the kid.

They were heartbroken when they heard the news, especially his mother. It was painful to see their mother like that, even more painful than their father's death because even though it was painful to see their father dead, they knew. He is a hero.

They helped their mother in their businesses and even made it flourish while tending to their mother's broken heart with their care and affection. After a few years, slowly but surely they recovered.

It also helped when he became a fan of isekai stories in novels, mangas, and animes because he imagines his father sometimes as a reincarnator who lived peacefully in his next life.

The only thing is that they became more protective and loving to their mother to the point that once in school while having a test, he got a text message that their mother has a slight fever. Once he saw it, he immediately ran as fast as he could to his car, forgetting that he left his papers half answered on the table.

That is why he made a complete 180° turn to his attitude just like that. Over the years, they slowly tried to remedy their behavior because it worried their mother but they still doted on her.

After buying the groceries, he checked his phone for the time and found out that there really are no signal here which was odd because it was always a high signal area.

After shrugging off the weirdness, he pumped himself up.

"Yosh!! Let's make the perfect coffee jelly for mom and Derrick! (his brother)"

On his way back home, he's humming his way while driving when he suddenly saw a bank heist in shambles. Why? because it was chaotic. The bank employees are fighting the robbers for a switch like thing. When he was nearing the bank on the side of his lane, the robber had enough and pressed the trigger exploding the bank.

His car was affected with the impact. It was a good thing that he controlled the car to steer on his right because if he hadn't, his car would have flipped. Even though he prevented his car to be flipped the problem was that he is still going to crash to a building. He immediately tried to stop the car as much as he could but it wasn't enough, so he closed his eyes to hope for the best.

And just when he thought he was going to die from a car crash a space rift suddenly opened in front of him.

He entered the rift unknowingly while still flooring the breaks. And when he opened his eyes, he was in a white room with some futuristic computers.

He saw an old man in a butler suit just like Alfred in Batman. He felt weirdly calm seeing his surroundings.

After a while he opened the door, shook the hands of the butler who was waiting for him and said "You must be god. How many wishes do I get?"

The butler looked at him weirdly which made Chris panic.

'Was I too impertinent with the way I was talking to a god? What should I do? I should apologize immediately since respect is the basic courtesy for the elderly.'

He immediately took back his hands and said "Apologies for my impetuous behavior. I was getting ahead of myself."

The butler straightened himself up after hearing the young man's words and said "I'm not the God you speak of nor do I have the almighty power to give wishes but if you could help my young mistress then I would grant your wishes as much as I could with the wealth bestowed upon me by the recently passed Lord and Lady."

He was dumbstruck with the butler's words and blanked out for a while then finally said "You're not a God who grants wishes?

Then, where the heck am I?"