3 Something on my mind

*This chapter is all sung except for Fernando and Alejandro's lines

Key: FernandoSantiago Alejandro

Hey! Where's he going?! What is he doing?

Just leave him be, he's just being Santiago, the real Santiago

*Song starts

All my life I'm been dreaming of something, but it just became stronger this year. When I feel it in me, it seems like there's no such thing as fear. There's something on my mind, or maybe it's someone?

No it's not Nieves, I tried. To get her in my mind but it doesn't work. It's someone yes it is, and I can feel it right now.

I think I saw her once, I don't remember, but I know she exists. Oh this thrill is exciting, inviting for me. When I think of her, the storms go away. I'm stuck in a swirl, oh I can't remember her face.

What's her name? Where is she from? I don't know. This isn't lust, it's love, oh it feels so sweet. I can feel it inside of me.

She definitely wasn't Spanish, I can tell you that, she was paler than a paper and that's a fact.

Oh thinking about her and what we can do. Oh I can be the sun to her moon, or the pink to her blue.

I think I remember her now

Her hair was lightly blonde. Her eyes were pale, like a baby blue. She wasn't tall, but she's a cutie pie.

No, that's a lie

*Santiago stops in place*song gets slow

All my life I've been dreaming of something, and that urge is getting stronger each day, if that something on my mind comes to me.

The glittery water shines just like the sea

I feel like I'm in love, but I don't know what it is

Maybe this is just some teenage thing

*Santiago goes in his room which is on the first floor, on the right of the pool. He sits on his bed and stares to the right

That something on my mind, always all the time, maybe tonight, maybe today, who knows what day, I can't imagine, the love the passion, to me.

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