

    "I really can predict! You have to believe me." The wind wave to each other in Jiujiang mouth twitching, defined as bear children at the same time, to persuade, to let the other person believe you just said.

    Rope tree hand with a barrel, one hand clutching his stomach, laughing: "OK, if you have just said is true, then you can predict, my elder sister will be what time is the next gamble victory."

    Uh ~ ""

    Who knows the woman is what time the next victory.

    See the wind wave Xun said, it is reckless to rope the tree: "you see, I just say it! That it is false."

    "Even if the prophecy of this thing is fake, but you will have this thing is really dangerous." The wind wave is still not going to give up jiujiang.

    "It's all right! I know you are worried about my little master, but! Or before the sentence, I will not give up when a ninja." Then, the rope stretched out the tree, looking at the sky drifting cloud, some Shinto: "if I really unexpected, old sister younger brother to take care of you please jiujiang."


    Huoying building conference room

    Sitting in the first day sarutobi cut, the rest of the people of all ethnic groups and the patriarch leaves top, all sit around a table.

    Today I call you to, is an important condition to discuss with everyone, presumably you are already on the table to see the file."

    The day before his body cut sarutobi picked up the document, and then said: "this is the copy of a letter asking for help from the rain to the hidden village where you can see it."

    After nearly five minutes...

    Uchiha clan of the head of the clan, Yu Chi pautet Island put down the file, look no one spoke of meeting rooms, sink a track: "since the Hokage told us to come, must have been well prepared for war."

    Night sarutobi nodded, to all people said sternly: "as the Thai island chiefs said, now hidden rock village is going to invade the cloud Yincun border, we as rain hidden village allies did not sit idly by."

    "But we forefoot go to help those guys will rain hidden back stab us in the back, after all the guys we had been taught a lesson." Orochimaru cold voice, let the room fell silent for a time.

    As the pill that would go to help the rain right now, is likely to be sold, and this possibility is not low.

    After a while, akimichi family patriarch said: "but we couldn't just sit idly by, rain hidden villages to this situation, a large part of the reason is because we. If we do not help rain hidden village, next to rock could attack, we will be a leaf."

    "Yes akimichi patriarch said, rain and fire in our country bordering the hidden village once the rain fall, our leaves will be fully exposed on the other side of the line of sight." Nara family patriarch also follow the road up.

    Of the two patriarchs sarutobi nodded, then, and looked at their three advisers: "you think this thing how to do."

    "So, we can not sit still!"

    "But if the rain hidden village want to sit high takings, how should we?" For users questioned to lay claim hilitis xiaochun.

    No other users argue, has been silent Danzo suddenly said: "I say, as our own takings."

    See Danzo say, all eyes looked at him, want to listen to the views on.

    Danzo see everyone looked to her, his heart at the same time, explained: "although we signed the Treaty on hidden village and rain to write, if the rain hidden village village suffered other attacks, we give each other some help from."

    "But the treaty is not specified, in the end when we help each other, I say, we only need to wait for the two leaf village in the fight, then both consume a large number of troops at the same time, attack the soldiers hidden rock village."

    "So, we need not worry about the rain hidden village whether there will be force attack on us, but can take advantage of this opportunity, will be a part of the soil resource exploitation."

    Danzo finished, they will look to sarutobi he believes is a shadow of the flying ape village, will take their own advice just.

    Unfortunately, no sarutobi answer, the other side was ablaze with anger Tsunade rose from his chair.

    "I just proposed against Danzo consultant."

    "Oh? You don't know what are the different opinions of the gang? Or do you have a better way?" Danzo narrowed his eyes, face a hint of chill.

    In this regard, gang hand shook his head, some low voice: "I have no better! But I do not want to because the interests and unwarranted risks, so that more people died in the war."

    Tsunade said, again added: "I think my grandfather had set up the village, must also think so."

    Our words, to her side Orochimaru frowned, but did not say what additional.

    He is recognized Danzo just forward of the proposal, but for a friend, he did not go against each other.

    Instead, Danzo, hear Tsunade words, very disdain: "as you say, the other village people can't die, we can easily narutimetto sacrifice? If the rain hidden village people defected, our leaves will become what, you think?"


    Tsunade some time in silence. He knows that there is some truth Danzo say.

    But she also can't watch, more people died in the war.

    "Okay, you two don't fight anymore." Sarutobi interjected: "you first sit down and talk tsunade!"

    His teacher said, reluctant to sit down tsunade.

    "As Danzo said earlier, when we help rain hidden village at the same time, the other is also likely to stab us in the back. But as their allies, we have no reason to abandon this matter."

    "So, I think we should first send a ninja squad, the specific circumstances to probe the rain hidden village.

    如果雨隐村的情况,真的像他们在信上说的那样. 那我们便立即派遣忍者部队. To rain and soil in the country border to help them."

    Sarutobi finished, side Danzo is cold to hum a, choose a default on the surface.

    See no objection, sarutobi added: "since we all agree, then we will discuss whether the who to send rain to explore hidden village."

    "I have to go to the exploration of cloud Yincun border, this task is handed over to others." Orochimaru first road.

    "I sent Tsunade go, she was so compassionate, might be welcome in the rain hidden village was." Danzo ridiculed road.

    Danzo see some for his disciples, the three generation of heart dark sigh at the same time, to Tsunade: "Tsunade you mean?"

    "I have no opinion, but if I go, I asked me to their choice of team members."