
Saiyan Primal Ascension

Emi is a fierce and spirited young woman, standing at 5'10" with a unique blend of Japanese and Hispanic features. She leads a life as a member of a female Sukeban gang in Japan, where her unyielding passion for combat has earned her the respect and fear of her fellow gang members. Despite her tough exterior, Emi secretly harbors a deep love for anime, particularly Dragon Ball Z. Her life takes a drastic turn when she meets Aya, the Divine Guardian of Battle, who offers her three wishes to be made within a universe centered around fighting. Emi chooses the Dragon Ball universe, her favorite anime world. ((please be aware this is a series that will head to different universes. Not just the dragon ball one))

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38 Chs

Fallen Among Giants

The atmosphere in the room was thick with tension as the weight of the president's words settled upon us. As I looked at Tato and Hanasia, I could sense their apprehension, mirroring my own. Separation wasn't an ideal outcome, and I could see the hesitation in their eyes.

Taking a deep breath, when dealing with people that were helping and were far stronger than you meet them halfway wasn't a bad idea. I nodded in acknowledgment of the president's decision, though I could feel the reluctance gnawing at me. "We'll cooperate fully with the testing and whatever else is required," I said, my voice betraying a hint of anger.

Tato glanced at me; his expression conflicted. "I don't like this," he muttered, his voice low but laced with determination. "We shouldn't just go along with whatever they say."

Hanasia nodded in agreement, her gaze steady as she spoke. "We need to think this through," she said, her tone resolute. "We can't let them dictate our fate without considering all our options."

The president's gaze softened, understanding the reluctance in our voices. "I appreciate your concerns," he said, his tone gentle but firm. "But we need to take action to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved."

During our meeting, Setsuno, Jiro, and Mansin were deep in discussion about the practical aspects of our separation and the subsequent rehabilitation process. Meanwhile, Tato, Hanasia, and I were filled with apprehension and unease, exchanging worried glances as we contemplated the uncertain future that lay ahead of us. It was clear that if we wanted to ensure the well-being of our group as a whole, this difficult decision needed to be made. 

As we stood there, it was clear that our little group was about to split up and go their separate ways. With a casual nod, we acknowledged that it was time to part. I tried to lighten the mood with a joke as I looked each of them in the eyes and smiled. "You two better not get weak on me while I'm not around," I said, hoping to ease any concerns they might have. Tato tried to play it cool by grinning back at me, but I could see the worry in his eyes. Meanwhile, Hanasia just stared at me with a determined expression, her eyes locking onto mine. "I will surpass you," she declared, her voice unwavering, her words resonating with a quiet confidence that bordered on arrogance. Despite the flicker of annoyance that sparked within me at her bold proclamation, I couldn't deny the underlying sense of admiration for her unwavering determination. 

As I witnessed the departure of my fellow Saiyans with their newly appointed mentors, I was left in the company of the President and the Knocking Master. It was at this moment that I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever see my friends again. I turned towards the two remaining individuals and asked, "I take it I probably won't be seeing the other Saiyans?"

The President and the Knocking Master Jiro exchanged a glance before the former responded, "You will, from what we have seen and from the records on your scouter they are not a threat to the people of the world."

I knew that the President was a formidable opponent, and if he deemed us a threat, he could take us all on without breaking a sweat. However, I was also aware that with time and training, I would become stronger than anyone in this universe. The thought of surpassing the President filled me with a sense of excitement. "So what now?"

Jiro took a swig from the saki bottle and started talking. "Well," he said, pausing for a moment. "We could conduct a strength test to see how strong you are. You can choose the person you want to compete against." The way he said it, with a hint of a hiccup towards the end, made me feel uneasy. I knew that I was physically weaker than them, but the tone of his voice made it sound like he was dismissing my abilities but still, I grinned with anticipation, and I met Jiro's gaze head-on. "I'm in," I declared boldly, my voice tinged with excitement. "But let's make it interesting. I'll take on both you and the President."

The room fell silent for a moment as my bold proclamation hung in the air, but to my surprise, instead of dismissing the idea, the President and Jiro exchanged a glance filled with intrigue.

The President's lips quirked into a half-smile, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Very well," he said, his tone carrying a hint of amusement. "Consider your challenge accepted."

Jiro chuckled, the sound filled with a mixture of amusement and anticipation. "You've got guts, I'll give you that," he remarked, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Let's see if you can back up that confidence in the ring."

With the challenge accepted, I felt a surge of adrenaline course through my veins. Though the odds were stacked against me, I welcomed the opportunity to test my mettle against worthy adversaries. After all, what was life without a little excitement and risk?

With a determined glint in my eyes, I prepared myself for the battle that lay ahead, I guess I was more like my mother than I thought. "So where will this test be held? Here?" I asked as I got into a ready stance. 

"No, But I have a place in mind, follow," The president said as he led the way out the doors.

As the decision to hold the battle in the wilderness was made, anticipation crackled in the air like static before a storm. The President, Jiro, and I made our way through dense underbrush and towering trees, the natural world surrounding us in all its untamed glory. As many of the animals simply ran away as the president and Jiro made their way closer. hahaha, they were smarter than me...

Shafts of golden sunlight filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The air was thick with the scent of earth and greenery, and the distant sounds of wildlife added an eerie backdrop to the impending clash.

We arrived at a clearing, a natural amphitheater nestled amidst the towering trees. The ground was soft beneath our feet, covered in a thick carpet of moss and fallen leaves. It was the perfect setting for our battle, a stage set amidst the wilds of nature.

With a silent understanding, Jiro, the president, and I took our positions at opposite ends of the clearing, our eyes locked in a silent challenge. The President stood as a calming influence amidst the tension that hung in the air. And Jiro seemed more drunk than anything else.

As the signal to begin the fight was given, my heart thumped loudly in my chest. Adrenaline surged through my veins as I prepared myself for the challenge ahead. With a fierce roar, I launched myself into action, gathering Ki energy in my hand and throwing a shredding shot at Jiro, who stood motionless, not even attempting to dodge.

In the heat of the moment, I threw a kick towards the president, who managed to block it with his bushy mustache. But what happened next left me bewildered. The shredding shot that I had thrown at Jiro, just as it was about to hit him, broke apart and vanished into nothingness.

Dashing back as I threw another ki blast into the ground, creating a thick dust cloud that blocked their vision, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, focusing on their power. It was as strong as the sun's, while I felt so small and it felt like they could fight against even the most powerful fighters, like Frieza but to what form I didn't know.

Planting my feet against a tree's trunk and pushing myself forward, I rushed towards them again, ready to face them head-on. This time I threw my shredder shot at the president and I followed up with an axe kick to Jiro. Then suddenly I appeared out of the dust cloud. chuckling softly as I launched my attack. "Not bad, kid," he remarked, sidestepping her shredding shot with a lazy swat of his mustache. "But you'll have to do better than that if you want to take us down."

Jiro's point of view.

As I observed the young Saiyan warrior before me, a sense of amusement washed over me like a gentle wave. Celera, with her fiery determination and unwavering spirit, reminded me of my younger self, eager to test her mettle against formidable opponents. It was almost endearing, in a way, to see her throw herself into battle with such gusto.

But as she launched herself into the fray, her movements seemed sluggish and awkward, like a puppet with strings tangled. Each strike she aimed in my direction was slow and predictable, easily countered or evaded with a simple sidestep. It was like watching a slow-motion replay of a battle, her actions unfolding with agonizing slowness.

Despite her best efforts, Celera struggled to keep up with the pace of the battle, her attacks lacking the finesse and precision needed to land a meaningful blow. It was like she was moving through molasses, her every movement weighed down by the overwhelming power gap between us.

As I effortlessly dodged her attacks, a sense of nostalgia washed over me, reminding me of the countless battles I had fought in my youth. There was a certain joy in the art of combat, in testing one's limits and pushing oneself to the brink of exhaustion. And in Celera, I saw a kindred spirit, eager to prove herself.

Meanwhile, Ichiryu observed the exchange with his usual calm demeanor, his eyes betraying a hint of curiosity as he studied Celera's movements. It was clear that he saw potential in her, just as I did, but he also understood the importance of tempering that potential with discipline and training and moving her away from her past.

As the battle raged on, I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Celera's tenacity and determination. Despite being outmatched in every aspect, she refused to back down, pushing herself to her limits to prove herself.

And though the outcome of this battle was all but certain, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of facing such a spirited opponent. As I watched Celera's valiant but ultimately futile attempts to land a blow, I couldn't help but see her as dangerous as a kitten, all claws and teeth but lacking the bite to match her bark. Despite her efforts, her movements were slow and telegraphed, making it child's play to evade her attacks.

With a sigh, I realized that this battle was dragging on longer than necessary. Celera's persistence was admirable, but it was time to put an end to this charade. As she lunged forward with another sluggish strike, I saw my opportunity.

With a flick of my wrist, I activated my Knocking ability, channeling my energy into my finger as the precise strike aimed at disrupting her body's nervous system. 

As my energy surged forth, I watched with detached interest as Celera's movements faltered, her limbs suddenly growing heavy and unresponsive. It was like watching a marionette whose strings had been cut, her body collapsing to the ground in a heap.

With a satisfied nod, I turned to Ichiryu, who watched the exchange with mild interest. "Well, that takes care of that," I remarked casually, as if knocking out a Saiyan was an everyday occurrence.

Ichiryu offered a nod of approval, his expression unreadable. "Indeed," he replied, his tone neutral. "It seems our young friend is only capable of this much."

With a faint sigh, I glanced down at Celera's still form lying amidst the forest undergrowth and that weird tail her race had. 

"I suppose we can't just leave her out here," I muttered, more to myself than to Ichiryu, who stood beside me with his usual stoic demeanor.

Ichiryu nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on Celera's prone figure. "Indeed. It wouldn't be prudent," he replied calmly as if it were the most natural thing in the world to be carting around an unconscious child through the wilderness.

With a resigned shrug, I bent down to lift Celera's limp form, surprised at how light she felt in my grasp. "Hmm, your kids weigh more than her."

Ichiryu watched with a steady gaze as I effortlessly lifted Celera, his expression unreadable. Together, we began the trek back through the forest, the only sounds accompanying us the rustle of leaves and the occasional chirp of a distant bird.

As we walked, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at the whole situation. This was supposed to be a simple test, a way to gauge Celera's abilities and determine her potential. Instead, it had devolved into a farce. maybe I expected too much after learning what these kids did in their universe.

But as much as I grumbled inwardly. "So, it seems knocking worked on her odd attack," Ichiryu said, and I couldn't help but nod as I took a swig of sake. "It was surprisingly easy, I just had to use knocking to dispel the energy, though maybe I should have eaten it instead."

With a chuckle, I shook my head. "I doubt she would've expected that. Besides, it's always good to keep them guessing," I added, taking another swig from the bottle of sake.

Ichiryu nodded in agreement, his gaze thoughtful. "Indeed. Variety is the spice of life, after all."