
Saiyan in Warhammer

In the era of the Imperium Nihilus, a golden light has been rekindled amidst the darkness, though different from before, this wasn't a solitaire light but many that shone brightly and ruly. The broken remains of the empire were to be reunited once again, but now under the mighty fist of the Saiyan empire. Long may he last, the golden Warrior Bann. And this is his story. _________Alternative sipnosis_______ A reincarnated Saiyan in the Warhammer universe alongside a handful of other survivors, what else need to be said to catch your attention? Well there are waifus too! *Do not bother entering if you're gonna cry about harem* *If you're expecting wish fulfillment go look after those stories elsewhere, I'm going to try and write something serious out of smut.* [Warhammer loremaster are extremely welcomed, please bathe us on your wisdom and point out mistakes that I made] *This novel will be posted in various sites such as RoyalRoad

SrDevoxero · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
76 Chs

I'm a Saiyan.

Fluttering my eyes open, I felt grogginess and a fog encroaching my mind. Slowly my being was returning back to the land of the livings as two faces appeared in front of me.

I heard some of their words, apparently they were my parents, but last time I checked my old man was getting bald and looked like a nerd, and my mom was starting to show some white hairs. These two models weren't exactly what I could call your normal parents and wait, what did he said? He called me a Saiyan? That can't be...

Before I was even able to say something at them, I saw a door closing and slowly saw the view in front of the window moving at fast speed, yet I started to slowly dose off...

Next time I woke up, I felt everything shaking around me, I wasn't imagining things, but I literally felt myself jumping from my seat while red lights shone through the thing I was on. It pissed me off, and I wasn't able to know why... it may have to be with whatever was happening waking me up for my nap, but even during my tests periods I wasn't this irritable.

However, whatever my concerns might be, they were expelled as I saw tentacles around the only window on this thing.

Yeah, that wasn't normal at all. Neither the hands with claws trying to break through the windows.

Luckily, whatever that might be only lasted a couple of seconds, until everything returned to it's previous state and the red lights stopped shining.

Before I closed my eyes, I was able to see wallpapers of the space through the window and I wondered if Elon Musk was behind this. He ruined twitter god-damned.


I don't know how long passed until I woke up again, yet this time instead of the wallpaper taken out of Google, what I was seeing was a clear blue sky and some green.

Although the view was a familiar one, my current situation wasn't. First of all, I didn't knew where I was nor why I wasn't able to move my body like I wanted.

The other issue was, it seemed like I was inside a fancy car with white interior that looked like that kind of technological touch of the 70's. Horrible taste for whoever designed this.

'Last time I checked I was dumping all of that Mexican food, it was a marvelous cave paint and symphonic melody that my body made...' I thought to myself while trying to recall my last real memories that didn't felt like one of those dreams you have when you're with fever.

'Did I fell sleep on the bathroom while shitting? No way man, that's embarrassing!' I tried to hide my face into my hands but I wasn't able to do it correctly.

'...my hands are tiny...' that's all I was able to think when I saw my hands. They looked like baby hands.

Remembering everything that happened until now, some things started to make sense yet I wasn't able to put the pieces together until I saw it with my own eyes. Be it the two individuals that claimed to be my parents and said I was a saiyan, or the things I saw outside the window.

My head came up with two possible explanations and yet none of them were one's I would like to be in. I lived a comfortable life, I was happy and most importantly.

I didn't wanted to die.

*Buzz* *Buzz*

Suddenly a sound like interference resounded through the thing and a voice closely followed it.

"By the time you have heard this transmission, it means that we have not been able to contact you nor retrieve you back. This message is programmed to be displayed three years after sending you to your temporary destination..." hearing the first words, I feel my whole self going stiff.

'What the-' I tried to shut my mind off as I continue listen whatever this guy might say, it was clear that questions could be made later on.

"...In this case, your order is to restore our race, the Saiyan race. We have sent you all in two groups of five and four groups of four. These were duly planned according to the potential all of you showed at birth." Hearing the mention of the Saiyan race, was basically throwing at my face the most concerning question in my head.

"Your most vital mission will be to survive, each of you is indispensable for the survival of our species since you were duly selected for a talent unmatched in our species. In each of your attack pods, we have loaded all the necessary data for you to train and become stronger, as well as the technology and teachings of our species. As each one of you grows, you must specialize in an area for the correct functioning of the squads, any question you want to address or inquire, the computer on board will provide the required information that is available in our files..." I tried to close my eyes as I felt each passing words could only bombard my already shocked mind each second.

It was a lot to take and yet I could only lay there and continue listening it for more than an hour probably. However, even if I ended up with a headache, I was able to grasp not only my situation, but what I needed to do.

And what I was trying to do right now was to float after following the instructions given by the mechanical voice, yet I was still unable to do it.

'How the hell the other babies will survive, man? Holy shit these saiyans are a bunch of idiots, a lot of those babies will probably starve to death before even being able to get out of the spaceship.' I could only rant about my situation as I keep getting frustrated.

I keep denying myself that any of those babies without even a shredd of memories like I do, would be able to do a better job than I.

After of more than ten tedious minutes without even been able to feel anything, I decided to do things like humans does. Thus with every fiber on my being I forced my body to move and search for the remote control that I remember Vegeta using to flee.

Even though I still have baby arms and basically the body of a baby, it was surprisingly fit. After getting on my knees I took my time to adjust the sensations around my body and the dizziness I started feeling.

Yet with surprising agility I was able to search around the small attack pod, there were some rations at the side of the seat, clothes and what looked to be a legit Saiyan armor.

'There you are.' I thought to myself after spotting the gray colored device, reaching my hands to it I started experimenting with the first row of buttons and thankfully I've only had to touch two buttons until the final third opened the door.

Although I had some reservations while the door depressurized the ship, I remember the voice saying that the planet was deemed fit for survival without required gear.

Nonetheless, with some trepidation I breathed for the first time the air of this alien planet while in my mind the thought of being the first human in a extraterrestrial planet flashed.

Adjusting my eyes to the light, I was able to see that I was sitting deep into a crater, the vegetation around the attack pod was completely erased in a 30 meter radius, yet tall trees loomed over my head while the green covered around.

'It doesn't look that much different from earth.' I thought to myself after a brief moment of observation. The weather was refreshing while everything looked normal to me.

Crawling outside, I didn't minded the ashen terrain nor the almost numbing sensation on my hands as they first touched a different texture. Colour and sounds reached my senses as they filled my new body with so much information that made my mind numb at it.

"... the atmosphere composition is made of 76% of Nitrogen, 22% of oxygen and smaller amounts of other elements...." the robotic voice of the onboard computer resounded in the back as it keep analyzing the planet.

"...the gravity is nine times lower than Planet Vegeta..." the voice continue it's analysis as I sat mesmerized and with a flat look on my face while looking at the trees that surpassed the height of the crater end.

'Huh, I guess that's why it's so easy to move.' I thought to myself, remembering that saiyans used to have a planet with a gravity much higher than earth, 'Can't remember the exact number' I added to myself.

I remained rooted outside the spaceship for a couple of minutes while hearing the complete analysis of the planet, apparently there was a mismatch between the data that should be showcase on the targeted planet and this actual one.

Not only that, but this planet also had four different moons, which made the system warn me about the potential problems with an Oozaru transformation.

'There should be other kids coming with me right? Damn man, that could be a pain in the ass to handle. Other monkeys to worry about.' I couldn't help but sigh in worry at the thought. As not only would I have to make sure to survive in a different planet but also had to take care of different kids that could potentially destroy the planet or an entire continent every full moon.

And that was without counting if there was some sort of native civilization that could saw us as threat.

'Died while shitting and waking up in a shitty position, heh.' I chuckled to myself at the notion, yet I quickly looked behind me.

*Whoosh* *Whoosh*

I heard some vegetation rustling and then I saw the figure of a little kid in a black spandex with a Saiyan armor, white gloves and boots, looking at me with curiosity. With dark brown spiky hair and a square face, the little kid looked not older than five years old yet the lass showcased some muscles.

"Who are you?" I heard his high pitched voice sounding with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. Seeing him not showcasing any sort of malice nor aggression towards myself, I sighed inwardly in relief.

When I tried answering him, only blabs and gliberish escaped my mouth yet the Saiyan kid only smiled and advanced towards me while exclaiming "You can't speak too like my little sis'! Come, since you are a Saiyan like us we need to band together."

As he took my hand with his own, he tried to make me walk yet since I was unable to still be able to walk I could only pat at his hand and shook my head.

"What is it? You can't walk? Don't worry big brother here will help you!" As he said that with a simply pull of his hand he made me piggyback him.

Yet before he was able to walk I patted once again his shoulder and pointed at my atack pod.

With a "huh?" He looked were I was pointing at and seemed to remember something while saying "Oh yes! You have your things there, right? I'll come back and grab them and your pod too!"

And just like that, he bolted away from the crater as he ran and jumped while we travelled through the dense forest that held tall trees and a steep terrain.

While running he started speaking "With me, my little sister and you we are five saiyans on this planet! Even though we were told we'll be only four, with you here then we can grew even stronger and return back to planet Vegeta!"

As he said that he started to laugh audible and with a "I can't wait until you guys can speak!" He continue running while speaking of the things he found on the way.

Which was apparently, nothing at all, only a few bugs. 'With how noisy he is I doubt he'll encounter any animal on his path.' I thought to myself while I too eyed the surroundings.

With his speed reaching that of a car, we swiftly made our way for more than ten minutes until I saw an enormous crater on front.

Stopping at the edge of it, we we're able to see four different pods carefully around each other, while one baby in Saiyan armor was flying upside down around two other babies.

"HEY GUYS! LOOK I FOUND ANOTHER ONE TOO! YOUR BIG BROTHER IS THE BEST!" With a surprisingly thundering voice, the kid that brought me here shouted at the others while he swiftly jumped down and hurried to meet them.

The other Saiyan kids looked at us, or more specifically at me with curiosity while the one that carried me spoke "This is our group, she's my little sister Ramela" He pointed at one girl with black spiky hair and a Saiyan armor with light brown guard pauldrons and a white stomach plate in a blue spandex.

Ramela just moved her head sideways as she looked over the pointed finger that her brother was giving her.

He then pointed towards another girl with lavender hair "That one is Seleri! She's the strongest among us all!" With a pair of blue eyes that seemed to lure one eyes to them, she eyed at me with curiosity all over her face, she was also carrying a Saiyan armor, though her was the most distinguishable from the rest as she had a reddish brown pauldrons and a black coloured plate around her chest and waist. Like her hair, she had a lavender-purple coloured spandex.

'Her hair is so pretty.' I couldn't help but think to myself while looking at her, it was the first time I saw a baby naturally born with such hair.

"That one flying there is Aprit. I thought he would be the last one I would find but there's also you!" When I followed his thumb, I saw the black haired Aprit looking at me with raised eyebrows. Different from the rest of us that were shades of white and pink, he had a caramel skin that stand out of the rest. His chest plate was white coloured too with yellow pauldron guards.

"Oh and my name is Rucule! Don't forget since from now on I'm also your big brother!" The kid that finally introduced himself as Rucule smiled at me after putting me in the floor, he then continue "Wait for me here, I'll bring your pod back!"

And just like that he jumped away while leaving me behind with the rest of the babies.

'Okay this isn't the best situation.' I thought to myself while looking back at the rest of the kids who were also looking over me.

'We're just a bunch of babies that will be babysitted by a kid, there's no way this could end well.' I finally concluded while imagining how could a kid would be able raise a bunch of kids from a genocide race that could wipe out entire moons.

Seeing movement in front of me, I saw the one called Aprit float towards my position, still upside down. Raising my eyes to see the phenomena I thought back at the instructions given by the computer on board, and cursed under my breath at the kid who seemed able to grasp the flying technique with such an ease.

Seeing him hoovering right above my head I saw him reaching out his hand and with a grasping gesture making my whole body react in pain.

Seeing his hand reaching a furry brown tail, I almost cried on pain while I slapped his hand away.

'FUCKING KID!' I cursed on my head while caressing my tail. Clouded by the painful sensation, it took me a few seconds until I realized what I was doing.

Giving another look at my tail, I saw it moving at my will, although my mind wanted it to see it as uncanny, it feel like it was another limb to me.

'Do they really cut this thing off? There's no way I'll be doing the same.' I gulped down while remembering the scene of Vegeta's and Gohan's tail being cut. Just imagining the pain made my feet squeeze themselves.

"... Gaaah..." hearing the voice of another kid in front of me, I looked over the lavender haired Seleri looking at me petting my tail. Unable to understand what she was saying I just looked over her.

'I'll have to train now that I remember.' Thinking of this, I let go my tail while I closed my eyes and thought first of how should I take this from now on. Trying to not mind the inquisitive look that I felt Seleri giving me.

'I guess before even flying or trying other kind of training, I should try to focus on ki training.' At the mention of ki training, my mind went blank 'How the hell I'm supposed to train that thing?'

Opening my eyes in confusion, I tried to come up with ways to train something I wasn't even aware of it's existence until I was born into this world.

What was even worse was that not even the voice onboard of the ship mentioned ki even once. And it wasn't surprising at all, the ki itself was only mentioned by the earthlings and saiyans were ignorant about it.

'I guess I'll try the same approach those characters in novel use, by plot.' With a newfound confidence and resolve I closed my eyes while trying to achieve a deep meditative state...

And it wouldn't be until Rucule came back with my ship that I opened my eyes.

Yet different from before, instead of confident I was at loss. Unable to even feel anything remotely different aside from moving my tail, I tried almost everything I could think, for no avail.

Staring blankly at Rucule, I heard his words while still unable to react at my situation "Since none of you can speak, I will be in charge of you! My dad has told me to train you all to become strong warriors like he and king Vegeta are."

Rucule grabbed Aprit by his waist and put him down on the floor to continue his speech "I trained with other warriors before being send with you, so we're going to do the same I did with them! Ramela." He looked over his little sister and sat in front of her, "even if you are my little sister I won't let you off, I promise mom I will make you strong!"

Seeing Ramela not reacting to his words, Rucule just patted her shoulder and walked towards one attack pod. After a few seconds retrieving something, he walked back to us while carrying a dark blue spandex in one hand while a black chested plated Saiyan armor with yellow pauldrons.

Tossing it in front of me, he told me with a serious look on his child face "Put it on, I'm going to start training all of us, we'll be doing lots and lots of training!"

As I moved mechanically, I remembered that I still was naked during all this time. The spandex fitted me perfectly and as I touched the armor, I was surprised by the strange mixture of flexibility and durability that the armor was capable off.

*Blip* *Blip* *Blip*

A sound made all of us look over at the origin of it as we saw Rucule with a Scouter on his left side looking over us "It's works! Okay let's see..." we heard him exclaiming as he pressed tongue to the side while seemingly looking for something as he adjusted the scouter.

"That's it, okay let's see your power levels!" As he said that various figures were showcased over the scouter while he looked over Ramela.

"286! Woah Ramela I never thought you were so strong!" Rucule said with honest surprise as he went to pat Ramela's shoulder with vigour and happiness.

He then looked over Seleri and touched again at his scouter "Let's see you Seleri!"

And figures too started blinking at the scouter visor until I heard Rucule high pitched voice screaming "350!? What? I don't even reach that number! I thought dad was saying she was the strongest when we were babies!! That's not fair." As I saw him pouting, Seleri looked over him with strangeness as she continue to play with the dirt between her legs.

While saying something under his breath, Rucule touched his scouter one more time as he looked over Aprit.

"291... you are a bit stronger than my little sister, humph!" He then looked over me as he said under his breath, seemingly not wanting me to hear him, yet he failed "... I hope you don't have a high power level too..."

Various figures were showcased on his scouter until a two digit figure stopped "89... well at least one of us is a low-class Saiyan." As he muttered that he looked over me and smiled.

"You're stronger than the other kids I saw, don't worry since I'll take care of you ..." he then seemed to look confused for a second and then he smiled with his tongue out "I forgot to see how is your name, hold on."

He moved back to my ship while I was deep in though '89, that's not bad at all considering what was Goku's battle power when he was send, this is basically an easy start, right?' As I asked to myself that, I looked over the rest of the kids around me with more than two hundred units as an average.

'It does make sense for them to send such kids as their last hope.' With such battle powers, these kid could reach more than two thousand units after getting their Oozaru transformation, and that while just being baby's. A shudder went through my spine at notion of these kids being left uncontrolled, if they could reach only half of the power of Vegeta at the Saiyan saga, then this planet and it's inhabitants were doomed.

Looking over Rucule's back as he looked inside my pod, I wondered to myself how much was his battle power.

"So it's Bann!" I heard him shouting as he turned toward me, with a goofy smile he walked towards us once again and looked at each one of us with a resolve, then he made his stance clear and said what was on his mind "Ramela, Seleri, Aprit and Bann! I promised my father I will train you hard and that's what's we're going to do now! Follow me!"

With unwavering resolution, he walked outside the crater without looking back, I followed him since I was unable to come up with a training on my own.

Looking back, only Seleri followed up, but she seemed to follow my tail rather than Rucule, yet Ramela and Aprit remained back playing with each other as the girl tried to put down Aprit from floating.

Once Rucule reached the normal terrain he looked back at me and Seleri with a complicated expression on his face.

It seemed that the work of training us will be a hard task to complete...


Last chapter with this length!

I'll be cutting them half after this since I want to have more chapters for y'all, and I don't want to burn out while writing long ass chapters everyday.

Let me know what you think of the novel thus far.

SrDevoxerocreators' thoughts