
Saga Of The Strongest Karate Prodigy

Ryu no Ikari Dojo, once the crucible where karate legends were forged, stood unrivalled in its mastery. With an unbroken record of triumph in every tournament and skirmish, it was the pinnacle of martial excellence. Yet, the sudden passing of its revered Meijin Ryouma Matsumoto, sent shockwaves through its very foundation, leaving the dojo reeling in the wake of his irreplaceable loss. After the passing of Ryouma Matsumoto, his son Renjiro Matsumoto assumed leadership of the Ryu no Ikari Dojo. However, tragedy struck during their inaugural tournament without Ryugari: the loss of the dojo's finest student, Kojiro, in the midst of battle. The accusatory finger pointed squarely at Renjiro, the new master of Ryu no Ikari, burdened with the weight of blames Renjiro Matsumoto faced harsh criticism for his alleged failure to impart crucial self-defence techniques to Kojiro, instead prioritizing victory at any cost. In the aftermath of the accusations, Renjiro Matsumoto found himself sentenced to three years of incarceration, marking the shuttering of the once-proud Ryu no Ikari Dojo. Fortunes shifted when Renjiro Matsumoto crossed paths with Hisashi Ogawa, a 16-year-old aspiring karate prodigy and devoted admirer of the legendary Ryu no Ikari legacy, harbouring dreams of following in the footsteps of the legendary Master Ryouma Matsumoto. Their serendipitous encounter proved to be a stroke of destiny as Hisashi successfully persuaded Renjiro to mentor him and spearhead the revival of Ryu no Ikari, Thus, they embarked on the most arduous journey of their lives, each driven by their own fervent dreams: Hisashi yearning to inherit the mantle of the next Karate Master, echoing the illustrious legacy of Ryugari, while Renjiro harboured a burning desire to restore Ryu no Ikari to its former glory as the pinnacle of martial excellence.

Hamzix Verse · Deportes
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25 Chs

Chapter "Rejected"

Hisashi's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself lying in a hospital room. As he attempted to rise, he realized his body was swathed in bandages.

Hisashi's confusion swirled as he whispered, "How did I end up here? What happened to me?”

In the midst of his confusion, Hisashi was besieged by sudden flashbacks—Todoka's relentless attack, the abrupt expulsion from the dojo, and Taigu's menacing warning reverberating through his mind.

With a heavy heart, Hisashi pressed his hand against his temple, his words a soft murmur, "I've failed... failed to secure admission to Ryugari-Sha.”

As the hospital room door swung open, a nurse and a doctor entered. The doctor approached Hisashi, inquiring, "How are you feeling now?"

Meeting the doctor's gaze, Hisashi replied, "I'm okay now."

The doctor nodded solemnly. "Your condition was quite serious when you arrived.” Hisashi's voice was soft as he asked, "Doctor, who brought me here?"

Just then, Hanae stepped into the room. Hisashi's gaze shifted towards her, a hint of confusion flickering across his face. Standing beside him, she faced Hisashi and gently inquired, "How are you feeling now?"

Hisashi's confusion deepened at the sight of Hanae's presence.

The doctor confirmed, "Miss Hanae brought you here." Hanae then addressed the doctor, asking, "If he's doing well, can I take him home?" With a nod, the doctor replied, "Yes, he's ready for discharge."

As the doctor and nurse exited the room, Hanae appeared somewhat bashful. Hisashi, in a subdued tone, questioned, "Why?" Glancing at him, Hanae responded, "I'm just fulfilling my debt." Hisashi shook his head, his disappointment palpable.

"Alright, get ready to be discharged," Hanae announced, prompting a nod from Hisashi.

"I'll go complete the paperwork, then we can head back to your home," she added before smiling and leaving the room.

Later, as Hisashi lay on the hospital bed, Suddenly Subaru burst into the room. "Hisashi?" he worriedly called out, swiftly approaching his side.

Hisashi smiled warmly as Subaru entered the room. "Hey, Subaru," he greeted.

Tears welled up in Subaru's eyes, prompting Hisashi to inquire, "Why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry," Subaru choked out, "I couldn't save you."

Hisashi reassured him, "No need to apologize, it was just a test."

Subaru's voice quivered as he vowed, "Don't worry, Hisashi. I'll speak with Sensei Kosuke, and I'm sure he'll let you in." Hisashi squeezed Subaru's hand gently, murmuring, "It's okay.”

Subaru's voice was determined as he declared, "I promise, Hisashi. We'll lift the almighty trophy together, I swear it." Hisashi nodded, a soft smile spreading across his face.

Suddenly, Hanae entered the room, announcing, "Hisashi, let's go." However, upon noticing Subaru, she hesitated.

Subaru's expression shifted from confusion to anger as he rose to his feet, demanding, "What is she doing here?”

"I'm the one who brought Hisashi here," Hanae stated firmly. Subaru's smile faded as he questioned, "Yeah, but why? So you can insult him again?"

Anger flashed in Hanae's eyes as she retorted, "Because I wanted to help him, unlike you, who didn't lift a finger when your dojo friend threw him out."

Subaru moved to confront her, but Hisashi intervened, calling out, "Guys!" Hisashi's intervention halted Subaru in his tracks.

"Enough," Hisashi interjected, sensing the escalating tension between Hanae and Subaru. Their angry gazes locked onto each other.

Subaru's frustration boiled over as he spat out, "Well, thanks for your help. Now you can leave."

Hanae shot back defiantly, "And who are you to give me orders? I'll do as I want, and right now, I want to take Hisashi back to his house myself.”

Subaru's anger flared as he declared, "No way. You're going back to your place.”

Hisashi interjected, urging, "Subaru, let her come with us." Confusion flickered in Subaru's gaze as he looked at Hisashi.

Shortly after, Hisashi sat on the bed with Subaru standing to his left and Hanae seated on his right. Hanae meticulously checked each medication, carefully placing them in her bag.

"What are you doing?" Subaru demanded, his tone edged with frustration.

Without looking up, Hanae responded curtly, "Checking the medicines."

"They're all prescribed by the doctor," Subaru pointed out.

"Why don't you just stay out of it and stop interfering in my business?" Hanae snapped angrily.

Subaru's temper flared. "It is my business. It's my friend's medicine. Anything related to my friend is my business.”

"Guys, please," Hisashi urged, hoping to diffuse the tension. Both Hanae and Subaru glanced at him before locking eyes with each other.

Hanae swiftly redirected her focus to the medicines, while Subaru's anger simmered as he stared ahead.

Suddenly, Hanae's phone chimed with a notification. After checking it, she announced, "Alright, my driver is here. We should leave now.”

"Driver? You called your driver?" Subaru questioned incredulously.

Hanae's response came out in an angry retort, "So what? Do you have a problem with that?"

Subaru's suspicion flared as he said, "Ah, I see now. You're making us ride in our father's luxurious car just so you can mock us later."

Hanae's frustration boiled over as she snapped, "What is your problem?"

"You are my problem," Subaru shot back angrily.

Hisashi rose to his feet and addressed Subaru, "Let's go, Subaru." Subaru's smile faltered as he replied, "Yeah, let me call a cab."

Ignoring Subaru's suggestion, Hisashi asserted, "No, we're taking Hanae's car."

Subaru's confusion turned to anger, while Hanae's expression shifted from a smile to a glare directed at Subaru.

As they exited the hospital, Hanae's driver awaited them with the car nearby. With swift efficiency, he opened the front door, allowing Hanae to slide in. Hisashi and Subaru settled into the back seats as the driver assumed his position behind the wheel, propelling them forward.

Mid-journey, Subaru's voice broke the silence. "Hey, this isn't the way to Hisashi's house.”

"We're not going to his house," Hanae interjected swiftly.

Subaru's anger flared. "What is this nonsense?"

Hisashi's tone was tinged with confusion as he echoed, "Hanae? What do you mean by that?"

Hanae clarified, "You're coming to my house." Both Hisashi and Subaru's eyes widened in astonishment.