

Contemporary Romance
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Lee la novela SAFEST WAY TO GET YOUR FUNDS BACK FROM BITCOIN SCAM; GEARHEAD ENGINEER escrita por el autor Ann_Daniel_3805 publicada en WebNovel. After a series of inquiries to settle my mind, They began they forensic analysis and adeptly unmasked the perpetrators orchestrating the fraudulent scheme and orchestrated an expedited plan to reclaim...


After a series of inquiries to settle my mind, They began they forensic analysis and adeptly unmasked the perpetrators orchestrating the fraudulent scheme and orchestrated an expedited plan to reclaim my investment. I was beyond relieved when I received my funds in full after what seemed like ages while it was in fact less than 24 hours. Should you find yourself ensnared in such circumstances, I implore you to make no delay in contacting Gearhead Engineers because the organization stands resolute as stalwart sentinels of integrity and doughty defenders of financial justice in the digital age. Their unparalleled proficiency in restitution and unwavering empathy render them a formidable ally for all victims ensnared in the machinations of financial deception. Engage Gearhead Engineers through their website and email gearheadengineers . org and gearhead @ engineer . com

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Zerg Resurgence On Earth

The Overmind the center of the Zerg Swarm's hive mind society, created by the Xel'Naga as a single consciousness for their experiments on the Zerg,secretly enslaved by the fallen Xel'Naga Amon, who implanted it with a directive to destroy the Protoss and bound the Zerg to a hive mind.The Overmind becomes aware of Xel'Naga, attacking and assimilating its masters.Through this, the Overmind learns of the existence of the Protoss and is determined to assimilate the fellow Xel'Naga-empowered species, believing this will result in perfection.To provide the necessary force to overcome the Protoss, the Overmind targets the psionic potential of the Terrans for assimilation.this is why it assimilated Sarah Kerrigan so as to create a weapon to free the Zerg from the control of it's Dark Master. The Zerg and Protoss clash on various Terran worlds, eventually leading to Zeratul assassinating the cerebrate Zasz. Zasz's death momentarily links the minds of the Overmind and Zeratul, allowing the Overmind to learn the location of the Protoss homeworld Aiur. The Overmind quickly launches an invasion of Aiur and manifests itself on the planet's surface. Following a lengthy and costly campaign on Aiur. later Tassadar harnesses the energies of the dark templar to strike at the Overmind directly, disintegrating it.but nobody noticed a small wormhole opening near the overmind during it's final moments .as it gets fragmented ...a big portion of it gets sucked into the wormhole .it heads forworod to earth's surface ....as it burns in high like a meteor ...the ramnent dark energies lingering on it gets assimilated with it and turns a dark purple psionic energy.but as it burns it gets smaller and smaller .every cell trying hardest to evolve as it lands heavily on one of earths city Kolkata.this is where the story begins.

Rohan_Sarkar_9560 · Ciencia y ficción
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Ruby dan Khufra berteman dari masa kecil. Namun Ruby ternyata diam diam mengagumi sosok Nathan yang merupakan kakak senior di sekolah nya. Benih cinta Ruby bertumbuh untuk Nathan. Namun semua tak bisa di ungkapkan oleh kata-kata. Karena keburu Nathan pergi kuliah ke luar kota. Sampai suatu ketika Ruby di pertemukan kembali oleh Nathan ketika mereka sudah lulus kuliah. Namun yang terjadi khufra ternyata dari dulu menaruh hati kepada Ruby. Tapi Nathan juga sebenarnya dari sekolah sudah menyukai Ruby. Tapi kuliah yang membuat nya harus berpisah dan menahan untuk mengungkapkan perasaan kepada Ruby. Sampai akhirnya mereka pun menjalin hubungan percintaan yang telah di ketahui oleh khufra. Apalagi Nathan menunjukkan keseriusan terhadap Ruby dengan melamar nya menjadi istrinya. Membuat hatinya Khufra makin hancur berkeping-keping. Di saat Ruby dan Nathan akan menggelar acara pernikahan. Suatu ketika terjadi musibah. Orangtua nya Nathan mengalami kecelakaan saat hendak ke lokasi acara pernikahan Ruby dengan Nathan. Yang membuat Nathan harus membatalkan rencana pernikahan dengan Ruby. Karena telah banyak datang tamu undangan dan Ruby telah selesai di makeup pengantin. Hingga akhirnya membuat ayahnya Ruby syok dan mengalami serangan jantung di saat acara belum di laksanakan. Hingga nyawanya pun tak dapat tertolong. Gimana nasib Ruby?! Akankah Ruby menerima kejadian musibah buruk yang di alaminya secara berturut-turut?! Atau Ruby memilih untuk mengakhiri hidupnya?! Atau tetap melanjutkan kehidupan nya meskipun gagal menikah dengan Nathan?! Ikuti kisahnya. Jangan lupa follow dan beri komentar yang membangun. Terimakasih...

Ari_Fauziah · Adolescente
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Silhouettes of America

"The weak dies in the hands of the strong. My nemesis may die but I'll live. I'll live because I am strong." - Avery Collins An exhausted teenager was sleeping on the bench of a bus stop when noises of people cursing and screaming profanities wake her. Shock registered across her face when she opened her eyes and saw masses of people running on the streets, pushing each other. BANG! Bombs and bullets flew like magma from an erupting volcano. Blood graced the cemented streets. Dead bodies of people lay in every corner like debris. At that moment, the teen realized that San Francisco is currently being bombed. This is much worse than a zombie apocalypse, the teenager thought. She made a run for her life and tried to escape death. She was Avery Collins, an 18-year old US citizen. Abandoned by her assassin father at a young age, she swore that her life's mission was to find him - - to answer lifelong questions that haunted her everyday. Why did he train me to become a fighter at such a young age? Why had he then disappeared? On the other side of the spectrum, lived ARMOR - - the renowned terrorist group in USA. ARMOR had bombed countless cities across America and caused extreme casualties. The day after the San Francisco bombing, a letter was sent to the White House which confirmed the FBIs allegation of ARMOR being the sole mastermind of the bombing. "Keep your eyes open all the time, Mr. President. ARMOR will attack anytime, anywhere," was the highlight of the letter. George Harris, the US President was forced to prepare for the worst. As the United States of America slowly collapsed behind her, Avery Collins begins to uncover secrets that will change the course of her life and her country forever - - secrets about Jacob Collins, her country, ARMOR and the real identity of the US President. She's not alone, however. She is riddled with the companionship of a little boy with a love for technology, a sassy girl with a camera, and Luke - - a man who she never thought would mean so much to her. Embark on a journey of mystery, romance, drama, and love - - all in one book. Keep a watch out for the best ride of your life as the Silhouettes of America slowly unfolds right before your eyes.

ErinVale_07 · Adolescente
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