

As I said last time, Wendy works on magical research and development. However, I've already said too much about that, and your probably bored of reading my discoveries. All I know for completly sure is that a lot of people look up to her.

Anyway, ever since I got here, I haven't given you a lay down of the town. The castle, has a round wall around it, with two checkpoints, on opposite sides. The castle wall is about 1-1 1/2 miles across. Outside that, is the Education (For big shots, there are small schools for citizens, they just get 100 picked for education every year, and that allows them to continue learning.), The running street, for people to run on for exercise, and a quarter of the barracks in town.

A wall with checkpoints again, and then the residential area. Wall. The farms and irrigation system. Wall. Quarry. Wall. And that's the kingdom in a shorter version of explaining.

Of course, in the residential area, you either live where you work, or you get permission from the king to have a proper property. There are several shops of each kind, but the ones that are personally owned, like Rick, have better equipment, just more of a waiting time. And less quantity.

Guilds also request permission to have a headquarters built where ever they would like, or they can ask for a private building.

Okay, I said I wouldn't do this, God damn it. Let's actually continue, shall we? Okay, Well, you know how I was working for Rick?

Well I'm not anymore.Two reasons.

One, I got enough money, Two, mainly because while I was writing and discovering all this, I was either, running around to get exercise, working, or just celebrating Daisy's Third birthday.

Mine's in about a week, and apparently, I could get this book enchanted to automatically write what happens on my adventures. That would be nice, you wouldn't be berated with all this info. Okay, anyway I'm going outside now, I'll get back to this later.

I'm back, sorry, appears there was a small mishap because a drunk wanted to try to seduce Rose, annnd, well, Tom, he's a battle chef. And I, assisted in climbing into the rafter from the stairs, and jumping down onto the man's drunk party, with my blade sideways, as to knock them out.

It worked, just broke my nose. As to why there's no blood on the paper, a healer was in here, and healed the party while leaving them unconscious, out on the street. Probably happened to her before. She left, she was kinda cute. However, I'm not here to lose my virginity, I'm here to... you know, maybe I'm here to live and help...

Nah, I'm gonna lose interest in that, I'll probably be a hermit. Oh yeah, you know how I was working for Rick? While I was doing that, a poition seller was getting his tools fixed, and gave me a weird poition to keep zits out. Now, I don't have zits, and I look a lot better, mainly because I started to get real pizza face from not cleaning my face in over a month and a half. Yep, it's been that long.

I may be looking better because it had a 'Small' Side Effect. My hair, it turned to Black with Purple tips

Hey guys, I went back and removed anything I found not correct, along with fixed the paragraph issue. for those of you currently reading this on 1/5/21, there is a chapter coming out in a small bit.

SacarothIsWritingcreators' thoughts
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