
Chapter 1 - Transmigration

In a mall, inside the theatre, the whole theatre was full as today was the day Avengers: Endgame was released. The theatre was full of claps and shouting in excitement. The movie was making everyone sit at the edge of their seats, some were standing and screaming with no stop, as the screen showed the iconic scene with the best background score, Avengers Assemble.

At last Tony Stark aka Iron Man snapped his fingers and brought the end to Thanos and his army, along with the tears of every audience who was watching Tony Stark die.

The lights were on and the credits were being shown on the screen.

"I have said this many times for many movies bro, but this one was epic", said Andrew to his friends. "Yeah, bro. That scene when Strange showed One, I cried and I still am crying," replied Chris. "Steve being Old, how is that even possible? Did he have kids? Fuck, I have a lot of questions." David his other friend continued.

"Yea, me too. I wish they could have shown the interaction between Tony and his daughter Morgan, that would have been wonderful," spoke Andrew.

These three were talking, not only did everyone in the theatre talk about the movie. They all waited to watch the credits scene and, in a few minutes, they did and left the theatre.

Soon they all left the theatre, Andrew and his friends then went to have dinner at Pizza Hut and each went separately after that.

Andrew soon reached his home via Taxi. It was an independent house with a ground and first floor. The kitchen was on the ground floor with a big Living Room and a Dining Room. The first floor contained four rooms, one was a master bedroom which Andrew uses, there were two more bedrooms and one study room. There was a garage added to the side of the building as well.

He entered and went to his Master bedroom to wash his hands and legs in the restroom. He came out in 5 minutes and started to go back down.

There were a lot of photos attached to the wall but in all the photos Andrew was around the age of 1 to 8.

Andrew sighed while seeing this.

"My parents, Alisha Raman and Mark Craig, both were doctors, the best of the best, they both died in an accident that occurred on my 8th birthday. Till 16, I lived with my aunt and Uncle. I matured earlier than most in the world and I knew why they had me with them, it was money. I had loads of money due to my parents and they wanted it. When I turned 16, I gave them 10% of what I owned and asked them to get out of my life. They were planning to sue me, but I made sure none of such things happened", tears and anger rose in Andrew while thinking about this. He soon went to the living room and stood before one of the biggest photos he had in his home.

"Dad, Mom, I just went with my friends Chris and David and watched the movie Avengers: Endgame…" Andrew kept talking for another 10 minutes about his day. This is something he does every day. "I love you guys. Hope you see me from up there and wish me the best of luck as I am starting college tomorrow." He wiped the tears that were flowing down his face.

He then went to the kitchen to get a drink from the fridge. After that, he went to the living room and switched on the TV. He moved to the news channel, to get the latest news about the happening in the world.

He opened his phone and saw lots of messages from his friends and teachers wishing him the best of luck in college and the future.

Andrew then saw a message from Chris, it was a site name. "Bro this is the website we talked about, whatifyouareinmcu.com, try it out and let me know what rank you were given." He smirked when he saw this.

Another message came from Chris saying One Piece released a new episode.

Andrew downloaded the new episode and watched it.

"Cliffhanger, seriously?", said a frustrated Andrew.

Andrew then decided to go to the website.

Once he copy-pasted the site name, it started to load.

The screen loaded and the first question was What is your name?


[1] What Is Your Name?

Answer: Andrew Craig-Raman.


[2] What Is Your Natural Alignment?

Answer: Chaotic Natural.

Like in hell I want to be a hero. Heroes have the most miserable life. Villains are like heroes but they failed the test of life.


[3] Your Family Background

Answer: I want to be an orphan similar to the life I am having now. My parents will be renowned doctors and researchers who passed away due to an accident, leaving me with a huge fortune. I will be given the rights to all property when I turn 18. I will only have a butler with me who will be the guardian who my parents have chosen to take care of me.


[4] Enter Your Wishes.


(1) Meta Luck. {Fandom}

(2) Essence of Harem. {Self Made}

(3) S.H.A.Z.A.M. Powers with modification.



S: Power Of Shiva.

H: Strength Of Hanuman.

A: Stamina Of Atlas.

Z: Courage Of Zababa.

A: Wisdom Of Anulap.

M: Speed Of Mercury.



[5] Transmigration or Reincarnation?

Answer: Transmigration

"I went for Transmigration because I do not want to grow up again and imagine being an adult while being a baby. I don't want that to happen."


[6] What timeline would you like to go to?

Answer: MCU Timeline Three Years before Iron Man appears.

"I am going for three years because I want to not only focus on developing the power but also create technologies and do research on different topics.


[7] Would you like to change anything?

[Yes] [No]


Andrew selected No.

The page then loaded for a good one minute, before it showed a page with the Top 10 on the list.

Andrew decided to head to bed as tomorrow he needed an early start. His Orientation was starting a bit early than usual.


The next morning.

An alarm went off at 6 AM.

Andrew woke up and stopped the alarm.

He then moved himself to the left of the bed. He then heard a voice. "Master Adel, the bath is ready for you."

Andrew who heard that voice was shocked. "Who's that? How did he enter my house? Master Adel?"

Andrew felt a splitting headache, he then fell onto the bed again.

He then started to get memories.

Andrew for another 10 minutes did not answer anything.

Gerald who was concerned opened the door to see his master holding his head and lying on the bed. "Master Adel, are you alright?", Gerald asked worriedly.

"I am fine Gerald. Just felt a Head-rush that's all", making Gerald relax with his answer.

"I will prepare breakfast," said Gerald.

"Thanks, Gerald. I will be there in 10 minutes", replied Andrew.

Gerald bowed and left the room to prepare breakfast.

Andrew was calm, scary calm but you could see the excitement he had in his eyes.

"So, I transmigrated ah?" Andrew or Adel said to himself. He then looked at himself in the mirror and he did not see any difference, He had Blonde hair, red eyes, a chiseled face, a face that will put charmed many and he had an athletic body with lean muscles. His figure will make women ogle at him. "I feel fitter than before," said Adel as he saw his body.

In this life, I have a similar story except this time Gerald took care of me. Gerald was a veteran soldier who retired when he turned 40. He was then hired by my parents to be a butler and a bodyguard for me. He is a strict man, yet kind, he has his discipline, he became a God-Father figure for me and was always there for me when needed. He never gave up on me. He still believes in me and that I will become someone much better than my parents.

"I will Gerald, thank you for never giving up on me." Adel made a promise to himself.

I take lots of parts from the Marvel One-Piece System fanfic.

TyrantTron335creators' thoughts
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