
ch. 5 six years old

(AN: I'm going to be taking inspiration from othe fan five like "another chance in the world of remnant" and another fan fic that has someone reborn as jaune but I can't remember the name of it. I liked the first one till the author went down the harem hole and had the mc fuck his daughter.)

Waking up I looked around my room. Looking at my clock I saw it read '9:00 AM' "damm why didn't Bee wake me up." I spoke out before finding a note on my night stand. Picking ur up I read "little shit I got called in for guard duty be back in a week. Some dumbass kid got hurt thinking he was hot shit against a pack of Beowulf's." Snorting I put the note down and hot up. Stretching a little I got dressed and ready for the day.

Walking down the halls I found a wild bunny milf wondering the halls. Her eyes locking onto mine she narrowed her eyes "your thinking something rude arnt you?" She questioned

Blinking innocently I replied "I don't know what you mean big sis."

"Uh uh, anyways bee is out for the week so I'm going to be looking after you. Velvet will also come over after school." She replied after staring at me for a few seconds.

"Oh my favorite little bunny. Can't wait to tease her." I replied with a smirk dropping my innocent facad.

Rolling her eyes violet ruffled my hair before saying "don't corrupt my daughter."

Batting her hand away I replied "like I'd ever do that she's to adorable to corrupt."

After the exchange we fell into a comfortable silence as we went to the cafeteria.

*later that night*

Looking at my nightstand I saw my clock hit '10:00 PM' getting off my bed I thought to myself. 'Alright time to train I can feel it I'm close.'

Walking over to my window I slid it open and looked around. 'Alright no one's watching.' I thought before walking over to my bed and reaching under it. Feeling my prize I grabbed it and pulled out a roll of rope. Walking back over to the window I rigged the rope to my bed and tossed the rest of the rope out the window before climbing out.

Reaching the ground I let go of the rope and started running towards the end of the village.

Entering the forest I made my way to the clearing I usually train in. Finding the clearing I made my way to a tree on the left before climbing up it. Smiling I found my wooden locker opening it I looked inside to find my training equipment, as well as some snacks and water . A pair of training weights for my wrists and ankles. Two swords one a katana and the other a eropeon style long sword. There was also a training gun with low grade dust rounds, a spear, and a bow staff.

Humming to my self I traced my fingers along the weapons. Grabbing my bow staff I thought 'alright today is bow staff day but first to put on my weights and do my work outs. I can feel I'm close to awakening my aura.'

*three hours later*




Coughing I groaned before slumping down on a log. Grabbing a bottle of water I started downing it. "Few done with my workout now a little break than onto the real training." I said to myself as I looked up. Spotting a black bird staring at me from the trees above. Smiling a little I grabbed a bag of chips. Opening it up I held up one of them to the bird.

Tilting its head it seemed to think for a second before dropping down next to me. Holding the chip to its beak I let it take it. Looking away for a second I head some crinkleling. Looking back I watched as the bird to my bag of chips and flew up into the trees. "Oi you little fucker I pluck out your feathers and cook ya." I yelled at it as it flew off. Sighing I stood up and grabbed my bow staff. "Well whatever wasn't that hungry anyways." I grumbled as I made way to the middle of the clearing. Taking a few test swings I started my katas for my style.

*one hour later near the clearing*

Up on a tree near the clearing a black bird sat with a bag of chips next to it.

Watching the pale boy swing around his staff I hummed in approval. 'Either this boy has a death wish or he's insane.' I thought as I saw him cough up a bit of blood. Smiling I got an idea "your close ain't ya, but no amount of training will naturally awake your aura you need a catylist." I mumbled before flying off.

*half an hour later*

Finishing my katas I started walking back to the tree with my locker in it. Hearing a stick snap my head swiveled to the right. Between the bushes and trees I couldn't see anything. Narrowing my eyes I got into a ready stance with my my staff held out to the side.

Than two red eyes full of hate and hunger appeared in the darkness.

"Fuck" I cursed as I tensed.

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