
Rural Small Blessings Girl

The fourth brother of the Zhou family lost money in gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino people wanted Man Bao to sell his body to pay off the debt. Everyone in the village said that the good life of the Zhou family's baby had come to an end, and the old lady held Manbao's little hand and cried. But Man Bao, with a system in hand, led his brothers and sisters-in-law to clear the land, plant the land, grow medicinal herbs, and open a store. ...... The days got better and better, but the sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao's marriage. "Little Aunt, Mr. Zhuang's grandson is good, he's gentle and can read, just right for you." "Little Aunt, it's better to have Master Qian's youngest son, he's pretty and obedient, he definitely won't talk back." Man Bao pursed her lips and smiled, "I've long thought about it, I'll choose Bai Shan Bao, the bamboo horse that I've beaten up since I was a child."

flowing_clouds · Fantasía
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274 Chs

Thick Letters

Very well, another matter has been resolved. The steward and the registrar, who understood the underlying plot, let out a sigh of relief simultaneously. They couldn't resist the curiosity in their eyes as they glanced at Man Bao.

Children who can articulate words that challenge adults are truly remarkable to a certain degree. Even though she had grown plump and fair-skinned, she was still short in stature with a chubby face, looking very tender.

No one would blame her for speaking inappropriately; instead, they would consider her words to be innocent and uninhibited. ### She was just a seven or eight-year-old child, and it was quite far-fetched to twist the matter into something related to taboo relationships.

After lunch, White Master invited Fu County Magistrate and the others to rest in the guest room for a while before taking the two children to the study to teach them the art of conversation. They were no longer young and needed to learn this aspect. Otherwise, they would constantly offend people when they went out, possibly leading to being tied up in a sack without even knowing the reason, which would be quite miserable.

Lao Zhou felt that the little girl talked too much and was about to speak to her. After eavesdropping at the door of the study for a while, he quietly left. He felt that in the future, if they made tofu at home again, they should not only send some to the Shan Bao family next door but also send some to the White Master's family.

Although the Fu County Magistrate wanted to appear diligent, the environment at the White family was indeed good. Coupled with the fact that he had not rested enough for a long time, and after eating and drinking to his heart's content, when he sat on the bed, he couldn't help but feel drowsy.

In no time, he had fallen asleep on the couch, snoring softly. The steward and registrar were also very tired, and both fell asleep in their respective resting rooms.

There was no choice; if the Fu County Magistrate had insufficient rest, they were always there, accompanying him during his rural inspections. The county mayor and judge may have other obligations that require them to stay in the city, unlike the steward and registrar who do not have such constraints. The former was in charge of managing finances and food distribution, providing relief, compiling statistics, and traveling; the latter had to accompany the Lord to inspect the situation in the countryside and then offer advice and strategies.

After a while, the three of them fell asleep, and it turned out to be a bit longer than expected. Man Bao and White Shan Bao not only listened to the impromptu lecture on the "importance of the art of conversation" delivered by the White Master but also engaged in a discussion with each other. After that, they each occupied a soft couch and took a nap.

When they woke up, the Fu County Magistrate had not yet gotten up. Man Bao immediately went to get paper and pen to write a letter. Perhaps having learned their lesson, she looked around to make sure that there was only her and White Shan Bao in the study before saying to him, "Miss Fu is really nice, and I enjoy talking to her." "If it weren't for all the things we have to do every time we go to the county town, I would love to talk to her from morning till night."

White Shan Bao, who had initially hoped to make a bookish friend like Man Bao, felt unhappy upon hearing her words and snorted, "She is much older than us." What do we have to talk about with her?

"She knows a lot." Many of the things I say, she understands. "And the things she says, I understand them as well."

"I understand everything you say." Can you not understand what I am saying?

White Shan Bao looked at him strangely and said, "I can, but you are just one person." Now, with Miss Fu, there are two of you. If you can also become friends with Miss Fu in the future, the three of us can play together. Additionally, when discussing assignments, we can collaborate as a team.

Man Bao wrinkled her nose in disdain, "White Er is too slow; discussing assignments with him is not very interesting as he doesn't understand much." "It's much more fun to discuss with you and Miss Fu."

Mr. Zhuang had always been lenient with the two of them, teaching them different books in private compared to White Er. Just before the Dragon Boat Festival, Mr. Zhuang informed them that they would be studying the same books as Zhou Bin and the others in the future.

Such things did happen from time to time, perhaps because there were not many students in the school, and Mr. Zhuang's attention was focused on the students all day long. Therefore, he paid a lot of attention to teaching according to their aptitude. The progress of some children differed from that of the other students.

There were fast-paced learners like Man Bao and White Shan Bao, and naturally, there were slightly slower learners like White Er Lang.

Zhou Bin was the village chief's eldest grandson, two years ahead of White Er Lang in school, so their academic levels were different. When they discussed their assignments with White Er Lang, he naturally couldn't keep up with them.

Although Man Bao's reasons were valid, White Shan Bao still felt that their study group did not need another person, especially someone who was far away in the county town, requiring them to communicate through letters.

Instead of going through the hassle, it would be better to communicate directly with Zhou Bin and the others. Seeing that White Shan Bao truly did not want to make friends with Miss Fu, Man Bao could only lament silently and abandon the idea of including his letter with hers. Instead, she began to write a letter to Miss Fu.

When the Fu County Magistrate woke up, washed his face, and had a sip of tea, Man Bao swiftly came forward and handed him the letter, hoping he could deliver it to Miss Fu.

The Fu County Magistrate curiously took the neatly folded stack of letters in a square shape and asked, "Why didn't you use an envelope to seal it?"

"Envelopes are expensive, and it's not far away anyway." It's not for mailing, so it's fine to hold it by hand. "I don't mind, and Miss Fu doesn't mind either."

The Fu County Magistrate asked, "Are envelopes very expensive?"

Man Bao nodded firmly and sighed, "Yes, it's very expensive." The cost of one envelope is enough to buy the drafting paper I would need to write ten letters to Miss Fu.

If she hadn't bought her paper from the market, she wouldn't write as frequently as she does because the paper at the stationery store is too expensive.

On the other hand, White Shan Bao remarked, "It's definitely not enough because you write too much."

Man Bao snorted, "Because I have a lot to say to her."

The Fu County Magistrate was especially curious about the contents of the thick stack of letters she had written. The key point was not even the content itself; it was the fact that she was so young and yet wrote so many words without feeling tired or bored.

Considering that his son was older than her and having him write just two large characters every day felt like a punishment, he was impressed. However, the Fu County Magistrate had a sense of propriety in public. Although he was very curious to read the letters, he resisted the urge and put them away, saying, "Rest assured, I will give them to her."

In the afternoon, their main task was to check the situation of the crops in Qili Village. Although the sun was scorching in the summer, they couldn't stay out too late. After freshening up, the Fu County Magistrate and the others went to the fields to inspect the condition of the crops.

This time, not only did Man Bao and White Shan Bao follow, but the White Master also brought White Er Lang, who had been hiding in the backyard to cool off.

So, the three children braved the sun, following the group of adults toward the fields. White Er Lang's face had turned red from the sun, and he couldn't help muttering to the two, "Why did they bring me here?" "I don't know how to farm."

Both Man Bao and White Shan Bao wore straw hats like the adults. Seeing White Er Lang's face turning red from the sun, White Shan Bao advised him, "You should wear a hat; be careful not to get sunstroke."

"No, it looks too ugly."