
Rural Small Blessings Girl

The fourth brother of the Zhou family lost money in gambling, his mother was seriously ill, and the casino people wanted Man Bao to sell his body to pay off the debt. Everyone in the village said that the good life of the Zhou family's baby had come to an end, and the old lady held Manbao's little hand and cried. But Man Bao, with a system in hand, led his brothers and sisters-in-law to clear the land, plant the land, grow medicinal herbs, and open a store. ...... The days got better and better, but the sisters-in-law began to worry about Man Bao's marriage. "Little Aunt, Mr. Zhuang's grandson is good, he's gentle and can read, just right for you." "Little Aunt, it's better to have Master Qian's youngest son, he's pretty and obedient, he definitely won't talk back." Man Bao pursed her lips and smiled, "I've long thought about it, I'll choose Bai Shan Bao, the bamboo horse that I've beaten up since I was a child."

flowing_clouds · Fantasía
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274 Chs


Mrs. Qian was unwilling to take on too much risk, but she also didn't want to take on no risk at all. After weighing her options, she decided to use some money to buy a cart.

With the need for it at home and Mingbao attending school, she found herself going out more often. Having a cart at home would be convenient. Even if the business didn't work out, the cart could still be utilized, so it wouldn't be a loss.

She was hesitant to buy a large cauldron, saying, "We already have a big pot for boiling water and a smaller one for cooking." Buying another one would be a waste, wouldn't it?

She continued, "A large cauldron costs over three hundred yuan." "If the business doesn't do well, what then?"

Zhou Erlang was troubled and asked, "What should we do then?" "Your mother and I can't go empty-handed, can we?"

Mrs. Qian thought for a moment and said, "This business won't start in a day." Before that, you should visit the location and inform the local authorities. So, tomorrow morning, go to your uncle's house and borrow a large cauldron. Bring two pounds of meat and claim it's for a two-month loan. "Then, please inform your second uncle so he can take care of your uncle's hot water needs for those two months."

Mrs. Qian calculated carefully, "There are plenty of pots and pans at home." "Bring some more, and they can be used over a fire."

Zhou Erlang happily agreed, as long as there was a way to start the business. He didn't really want to spend money.

Mingbao, however, found this too troublesome and discussed with Wu, "This is too much trouble." It would be better for us to use the money to buy a cauldron for Erlang. It would be best to buy one large and one small cauldron, with the small one for cooking and the large one for making soup.

Zhou Wulang looked at her, then turned away and ignored her.

Mingbao insisted on sitting in front of Zhou Wulang, who covered the bag and said, "Don't dwell on it." Mother said it's a waste. "If we do not pursue this business in the future, our efforts will be futile."

"If they're useless, we can sell them," Mingbao said matter-of-factly. "After cleaning, they'll be as good as new."

Zhou Wulang looked at her as if she were a fool. "In some families, cauldrons are passed down from generation to generation." Who would sell their cauldrons? "Even if you sell them, no one would buy them."

Mingbao didn't believe it. "If that's the case, how do cauldron makers make a living?"

Zhou Wulang hesitated, then said firmly, "I don't care." "I'm not spending money anyway."

"Wulang, what do you need so much money for?" Mingbao asked.

Zhou Wulang blushed and, looking around to make sure no one was listening, whispered to Mingbao, "I want to save money to get married."

Mingbao looked at Zhou Wulang in surprise and scratched her head. "Wulang, do you want to get married?"

"Not really, but as you said, we have to think long-term." I have thought about it, and getting married is my long-term plan. Having children is an even more long-term commitment. The elder brother and the second brother mentioned that the family is currently experiencing financial difficulties. Although Fourth Brother made a mistake, our parents want to punish him, but they cannot prevent him from getting married. "I overheard Second Sister-in-law and First Sister-in-law mentioning that Fourth Brother won't be able to marry a respectable girl without eight taels of silver."

Zhou Wulang counted on his fingers. "With so much money and so many people in our family, we need to save for at least two or three years without any major expenses." And then, as you can see, Fourth Brother and I live together. So, if he wants to get married, we need to build a house.

"I estimate that if the family wants to build a house, it will be a combination of my share and Sixth Brother's share." It will cost a lot of money, and if we rely on the family to arrange a marriage for me, it will probably take seven or eight years.

Mingbao also counted on her fingers and agreed.

Zhou Wulang continued, "And after seven or eight years, I'll be over twenty." By then, the children of our playmates will be old enough to get married. "It will be difficult for me to get married, and the dowry will have to be high."

Mingbao looked shocked.

"I'll be delayed, and so will the Sixth Brother." Our family will be stuck like this for years. "How many years will it take for us to get ahead?" Zhou Wulang looked worried. "I estimate that if there are no major illnesses or disasters in the family, and Fourth Brother stops gambling, it will take at least twelve years." After twelve years, Big Brother will be twenty-one, and Big Sister will be twenty. Will they want to get married? Will they want to marry?

Mingbao looked horrified and couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my God!" Haha, what Wulang said must not be true.

The system calculated and stated, "Your brother's calculations are quite accurate." If we rely on the average family income for the first three years, he's not wrong.

"Is this what you call the butterfly effect?" Just because my fourth brother lost a gamble, does that mean our family will never rise again?

"Host, don't forget, you are the second smartest person within a hundred miles." Now that the children are learning, and you have me, your future is immeasurable. At the same time, your family is also limitless.

Mingbao's focus was different. She said discontentedly, "Aren't I the smartest person within a hundred miles?" How am I the second smartest?

The system cleared its throat and said, "Because Baishan is here."

Mingbao pouted, feeling a little unhappy. When Zhou Sirlang returned from work at the Bai family's house, Mingbao began bossing him around. She told him to sweep the courtyard, fetch water for her bath, and even carry her on his back.

At first, Zhou Sirlang was obedient, not realizing what was happening. But soon, he realized his mistake and put down the bucket, feeling unhappy. "Mingbao, are you intentionally bothering your Fourth Brother?" "Don't you know I'm tired after a day's work?"

Mingbao snorted at him and said, "I work too, and I earn more money than you." "When will you pay back the money you owe to the family?"

Zhou Sirlang choked back her emotions and lifted the girl up, asking, "Alright, young one, where would you like to go?"

Mingbao looked down at the courtyard and the road outside, immediately feeling happy. She grabbed his hand and pointed forward, saying boldly, "I want to go out and play." Let's go!

Old Zhou looked at his daughter and asked Zhou Wulang, "Is Mingbao going with you tomorrow?"

Zhou Wulang really wanted Mingbao to go. Just her presence alone made him feel more at ease, even if she didn't do anything. So, he nodded repeatedly.

Old Zhou asked, "Has she finished writing her article?"

Zhou Wulang didn't realize that he hadn't seen any of the children with a pen today. He felt a little guilty and said, "It should be done soon."

Old Zhou said, "Then she can go out for another day tomorrow, and the day after that, she should stay at home and write her article." "Why do scholars always run around?"