
Rune Possessor

Growing up with a loving family, Yasuo was enjoying a normal life. However, one day the world changed. The thing that was portrayed in numerous manga series became reality. Interdimensional portals started appearing on earth and monsters came out of them, taking the lives of many people. The lives of Yasuo's parents were also taken on that day. Luckily there was still hope for humanity as a phenomenon happened, known as [God’s Gift], which gave powers to humanity and [awakened] them to fight back the monsters. Having also gained the [Gift] in this phenomenon, Yasuo swears to take revenge for his parents, but this isn't as easy as it sounds. Even though he has the [Gift], he just can’t [awaken]. Desperately trying to gain power, his determination is rewarded and he even got more than he could have wished for. Follow Yasuo on his journey to take revenge for his parents and make an enemy out of every single monster that tries to harm humanity. *** Other novel - Senseless life

unfadable · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
37 Chs


Having entered his first portal legally, there weren't any problems that occurred and Yasuo managed to clear it in around an hour.

Now having gained the confidence to attack goblins in groups of six because of the fight in augmented reality, the speed at which Yasuo could clear an F-rank portal had become significantly faster.

Leaving the portal, Yasuo registered the portal as 'cleared' in the app. Because he didn't have any difficulties in the portal, Yasuo still had plenty of mana and stamina to continue, and thus immediately reserved another portal that was close by.

Continuing this cycle, Yasuo managed to clear three portals in one day.

~Progress: 890/5.000~

On that day alone, Yasuo had defeated 340 goblins, nearly doubling the progress he made in the past week altogether.

Unfortunately F-rank portals rarely have anything valuable inside of them that Yasuo could sell, but that didn't really matter to him as he was working towards his goal.

'At this rate I can finish the requirement of defeating 5.000 goblins in a little over a week. If I speed up a little bit, I might even be able to complete it this week!'

Having this positive mindset, Yasuo continued to clear F-rank portals every day. He even managed to increase his hunting rate and was already able to successfully clear four portals on his second day.

~Progress: 1.940/5.000~

Being optimistic about this, Yasuo was aiming to complete the goal this week.

After waking up early on day four, Yasuo quickly went on his way to an F-rank portal he had reserved. Once again scanning his fingerprint and going into the F-rank portal.

Having reached a point where he could quickly deal with groups of goblins, Yasuo had already defeated around eighty goblins in half an hour without using much stamina or mana. At this rate, Yasuo could potentially clear five portals today.

Rushing to find the next group of goblins, Yasuo spots something in the distance he had never seen before. Standing tall around two other goblins, a big muscular goblin could be seen.

Slowly approaching it, Yasuo finally recognizes it.

The time Yasuo feared had come as he had entered a portal that had a boss monster in it, a 'Goblin Champion'. A goblin champion is comparable to an E-rank monster and is known as the newbie killer.

Maintaining his composure, Yasuo carefully examines the situation. There was one Goblin Champion, comparable to an E-rank. Besides it were two goblins, which didn't pose much of a threat to Yasuo anymore.

Staying calm, Yasuo was preparing a plan of action.

'There are two possible ways I can go about this. The first way would be to first take out the two goblins, which would create a one-on-one situation with the Goblin champion. The other option would be to sneak attack the Goblin Champion first hoping that it would immediately kill it or at least wound it. The only downside of option two is that it leaves the two goblins as variables.'

Carefully considering these two options, Yasuo decided that the first option would be best as he didn't want the possibility of creating a three-versus-one situation with a Goblin Champion.

Steadying his heartrate and breathing, Yasuo waits in the tall grass for the perfect opportunity to attack.

That opportunity beautifully presented itself soon after, when the two goblins had slowed down and were now a few meters behind the Goblin Champion.

Taking this chance, Yasuo rushes out of the tall grass and towards the two goblins. After just having stepped out of hiding, the Goblin Champion senses Yasuo and turns around.

Yasuo notices that the Goblin Champion was now looking at him, but he carried out his plan anyway. As the two goblins still hadn't noticed him, Yasuo quickly slashes at them, defeating them both with a single swing before he quickly takes a few steps back.

As he had planned, there was now a one-on-one situation between Yasuo and the Goblin Champion.

Being face to face with the Goblin Champion, Yasuo became nervous by the big size of it and about the thought of fighting an enemy he had never fought before, an enemy much stronger than any goblin.

However, Yasuo didn't have time to be nervous as the Goblin Champion took the initiative and charged at Yasuo. The charging Goblin Champion had a large sword in his hand, which Yasuo wasn't confident about being able to parry.

Not knowing how the Goblin Champion would attack, Yasuo took a defensive stance and activated a small but dense mana barrier. With the Goblin Champion coming in fast, it made a wide and strong swing, which Yasuo easily evaded by dashing to the side.

There he saw an opening to attack the Goblin Champion, but not knowing what it was capable of, Yasuo just takes a step back and assesses the situation.

Having missed its attack, the Goblin Champion turns around and charges at Yasuo again, swinging its sword in the same way as its first attack. Yasuo evades this swing in the same way, by stepping to the side. And once again, he sees an opening.

Being confident that he could get an attack in, Yasuo lunges forward and slashes at the side of the Goblin Champion's waist. Amidst Yasuo's attack, the Goblin champion had already began its next swing.

Towering above Yasuo was the sword of the Goblin Champion, which was swinging down on him with a tremendous amount of force behind it.

'No, I can't dodge that anymore!'

In that moment, Yasuo was so filled with adrenaline that his mind became clear. In this state Yasuo was thinking efficiently and had come up with a possible countermeasure, quickly increasing the output of his [mana barrier].

Having poured almost all the mana he had left into the mana barrier, the big sword of the Goblin Champion clashes with it. Having put such an amount of mana in the mana barrier, the sword of the Goblin champion bounced off of it.

The recoil from this made the Goblin Champion stumble backwords.

'An opening!'

Without hesitation Yasuo dashes forward, [stab], piercing all the way in the chest of the Goblin Champion. The force of this attack made the Goblin Champion fall on its back.

Now being on top of it, Yasuo slashed at it repeatedly.

[Slash], [Slash], [Slash], ~insufficient mana~

Seeing this notification, made Yasuo come to his senses. Looking at the Goblin Champion, he notices that it wasn't moving anymore.

'I did it…. I defeated the Goblin Champion!!!'

The adrenaline leaving his body made Yasuo realize that he was shaking and out of breath.

'I didn't receive a clear announcement yet, that must mean that there are still some stray goblins left.'

Putting up his guard for potential attacks from goblins, Yasuo slowly calms down and catches his breath.

Still on top of the Goblin Champion's body, Yasuo was reminded that a Goblin Champion possessed a mana crystal in its body, which could be sold for a relatively good amount of money.

Mana crystals are normally located near the heart of the monster, so Yasuo starts digging for it. And after a few minutes he found it.

As Yasuo held the small red mana crystal in his hand, a sense of reality came over him. Thinking about how quick things have changed from not being able to awaken to now having defeated a boss rank monster, a lot of thoughts popped up in his mind.

With the small red mana crystal in his hand as proof, Yasuo now finally had the feeling that he had made the first step towards avenging his parents.

Wiping away the tears from his cheek, Yasuo clenched his teeth and moved forward again, promising his parents that he would accomplish many more feats.

After Yasuo had defeated the few stray goblins that were left in the portal, the much awaited notification popped up.

~Portal clearing Successful~

With that, Yasuo left the portal and headed straight toward the National Awakener Bureau and sold the small red mana crystal.

With the money he got from the mana crystal, Yasuo bought a few mana recovery potions and with the rest of the money he bought as many stamina recovery potions as possible.

With stamina and mana not being a limiting factor anymore, and on the basis that Yasuo could now clear a portal in around an hour, he was on the pace again to finish his goal within this week.

As Yasuo was only focusing on clearing portals every day, the progress count was going up very fast.

As the days went by quickly, it had now become Saturday already.

One day before the end of the week, the progress had already nearly reached 4.000 goblins defeated.

~Progress: 3.940/5.000~

With a little over a thousand goblins left to defeat and with the pace that Yasuo could clear portals now, if nothing went wrong, he could possibly finish his goal today. One day before schedule.

With a tremendous pace, Yasuo started clearing portals. Starting early in the morning, Yasuo had already cleared the first portal before the sun had even risen.

~Progress: 4.030/5.000~

Only nine more portals left to clear.

~Progress: 4.150/5.000~

Only eight left.

~Progress: 4.270/5.000~

Only seven.

~Progress: 4.360/5.000~

Six, five, four three, two, ~Progress: 4.930/5.000~

'Only one more portal left to clear.' With the sun still in the sky, Yasuo entered the last F-rank portal.

Within forty-five minutes of entering, Yasuo had cleared the portal.

Coming out of the portal, a few notifications popped up.

Achievement [Portal maniac]

Requirement: Having entered and cleared 10 portals in one day.

Rewards: +10 unassigned stat points + Top five bonus: 10 unassigned stat points

Title [Goblin slaughterer]

Requirement: Defeating 1.000 goblins in one day.

Rewards: Goblins instinctively fear you.

Yasuo was surprised that he gained an achievement and was even more amazed that he got a title for the first time.

But what he was anticipating the most was something else.

~Evolution dagger evolving~