
Rune Possessor

Growing up with a loving family, Yasuo was enjoying a normal life. However, one day the world changed. The thing that was portrayed in numerous manga series became reality. Interdimensional portals started appearing on earth and monsters came out of them, taking the lives of many people. The lives of Yasuo's parents were also taken on that day. Luckily there was still hope for humanity as a phenomenon happened, known as [God’s Gift], which gave powers to humanity and [awakened] them to fight back the monsters. Having also gained the [Gift] in this phenomenon, Yasuo swears to take revenge for his parents, but this isn't as easy as it sounds. Even though he has the [Gift], he just can’t [awaken]. Desperately trying to gain power, his determination is rewarded and he even got more than he could have wished for. Follow Yasuo on his journey to take revenge for his parents and make an enemy out of every single monster that tries to harm humanity. *** Other novel - Senseless life

unfadable · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
37 Chs


Waking up, Yasuo slowly opened his eyes and looks around, noticing that he is in a bed and an unfamiliar room.

Looking around, Yasuo sees a big room with only a sofa and a desk spread out in the whole space, which must be over a hundred square meters. The only thing actually filling the room was the bright morning light shining through the windows behind Yasuo, which stretched over the entire wall.

The sunlight, shining through the windows, was so bight that Yasuo couldn't see through them. Wanting to see where he was, Yasue used his hand to block the sun, and looked through the window.

The sight before him is one he had never seen before. It was a breath-taking birds eye view of the whole city lit up by the morning sun. A view from the highest point and the heart of city, which made him feel like being on top of the world.

After Yasuo was done looking at the amazing view, he looks at his left hand, which he was using to cover the sunlight and noticed that it was bandaged.

The sight of his bandaged hand made him remember some things that happened yesterday.

'Hmm, I thought I would be in a hospital room, not in big room of a skyscraper?' was what Yasuo thought, remembering being stabbed through his hand.

Further thinking back about what had happened, a few holographic notification popped up before him.

Notification [Awakening Successful]

Description: Congratulations, you have successfully performed the [gifted] verification and have become an [awakened]. You can now view the [Status window] to see your capabilities and awakening information

Achievement [First: Hidden Awakened]

Description: Achievement for being the first person to have successfully awakened a mutated class of the rune crafter category.

Rewards: Special conditions have been met for the hidden reward #@$#@~-.

Yasuo was already able to see holograms when he was a [gifted] person, like everyone else. But unlike before, Yasuo could now interact with the hologram like a normal [awakened].

'That means that it was all real, I really became an awakened?' Yasuo thought, still slightly being in disbelief thinking about suddenly being awakened after trying for so long.

The moment he had numerously dreamt of actually became a reality and he could now finally say the phrase he wanted to say for the longest time.

"View [Status window]"


Name: Yasuo Mun

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Class: [Rune Possessor]

Titles: -

Achievements: [First: Hidden Awakened]

Skills: [Passive: Rune drawing x], [Passive: Dagger wielding]


Strength: 16 Stamina: 14

Agility: 14 Endurance: 12

Defence: 12 Mana : 110/110

Unassigned stat points: 10


Yasuo could still hardly believe that his status window was actually in front of him, emptily looking at the hologram in front of him.

Now that Yasuo was actually paying attention to the status window, he saw a few things that he had never seen before.

First of all, he had never seen his class before….

Tapping on the hologram, a description popped up.

Class: [Rune Possessor]

Description: Rune Possessor is a mutated class from the rune crafter category, which allows the user to draw and possess runes on his own body. With this class, Runes can't be drawn on normal equipment or items.

With this explanation a lot of things began to make sense for Yasuo.

Yasuo now knew the reason why he got the notification [rune failed] so many times when he drew runes on paper or equipment and that drawing a rune on his body was the reason why he finally awakened yesterday.

Yasuo didn't feel resentful that he only awakened now, instead he just felt happy that he ultimately awakened.

Taking in everything that happen, Yasuo was Lying in bed, feeling a sense of relief come over him.

A few minutes went by and a thought popped in his head 'I don't see the rune that I drew on my forearm anymore, is it a one use thing?' Looking at his arm, the blue rune suddenly appeared and a different hologram popped up.


Rune: [Mana barrier rune]

Description: Mana barrier uses mana to form a spherical barrier around the user. The more mana that is used, the bigger the mana barrier.

Rank: Rare

Grade: Normal


It was simple to understand and Yasuo closed the hologram. When he closed the hologram, the rune also disappeared. Apparently the rune will only be visible if you think about it or if the rune is being used.

Yasuo wanted to know a few more things that he didn't understand, but when he wanted to click on his status window, someone suddenly came in.

Yasuo quickly closed the hologram out of panic, but remembered that awakeners couldn't see each other's status windows.

The person that entered the room walked towards Yasuo "Oh, you are awake at last. How are you feeling?" The lady said in a gentle manner.

Yasuo looked at the person who was now stood beside him, it was a woman that he thought he knew from somewhere….

"Are you the guild master of the Vulcan guild?" said Yasuo in shock from recognizing her from the television and remembering that she was the one who was running towards him when he fell unconscious yesterday.

The woman chuckled. "Yes I am, but we can do the introductions later. Are you feeling alright? Are you experiencing pain anywhere?" She asked in a calm way.

Yasuo still couldn't believe that the guild master of the Vulcan guild, one of the strongest awakeners, was standing in front of him. A few seconds of silence went by before Yasuo remembered that she asked him a question. "Oh, yeah I am feeling okay. I don't feel any pain anywhere, miss… Lee" Yasuo said while being flustered by the situation.

The woman warmly smiled at Yasuo "You can call me comfortably if you want, I am only 26 after all"

"Yes… Hana noona" Yasuo replied, becoming slightly blushed.

Hana Lee looked pleased by Yasuo calling her noona, but she changed her facial expression to a more serious one before she asked something "Do you remember what happened yesterday?"

Yasuo felt the slight change in expression and carefully thought about what he was going to say next. "I remember that there was a dungeon outbreak and that I was stabbed in the hand by a goblin, but I don't remember anything after that." Yasuo said, because he knew that if he told her that he was an awakened he would officially have to register as an awakener and because of his age he would have to follow a special course from the government for quite some time and wouldn't be allowed to do the things he wanted to do.

A few seconds passed by before Hana Lee answered him "That's okay, just know that everything is alright now. There will be an investigator that will talk to you soon, just tell him everything you know and after that I will take you home."

Hana Lee walked towards the door and smiled at Yasuo before she left.

Soon after she had left, two investigators came in just like Hana Lee said, who questioned him about what he saw and asked a few specific questions about the mana sphere that could be seen at that time.

Just like he told Hana Lee before, he told them that he didn't remember much and only told them some basic information about what happened.

Having answered all their questions, the investigators left and a nurse looked at Yasuo's body before she said that he didn't have any injuries and that he could go home.

Yasuo dressed himself in the clothes that were besides the bed and walked out the room, where Hana Lee was waiting for him.

"Let's take you home." Said Hana Lee with a loving smile.

With Yasuo giving her directions, Hana Lee drove him home.

After a few minutes they arrived at an apartment.

"Thank you very much for taking care of me and driving me home" Said Yasuo respectfully and stepped out of the car.

Hana Lee also stepped out of the car "I should at least give your parents an explanation as to why you weren't home for two days" Said Hana Lee.

"Oh, I don't have any parents and my guardian will not be here until Sunday, so you don't have to do that." Said Yasuo in a calm manner.

Hana Lee felt bad for asking "Here is my phone number, make sure to give me a call if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay, I will. Thank you once again." Said Yasuo before going into the apartment and waving goodbye to Hana Lee.

Arriving at his room, he quickly goes in and immediately plops onto the bed. Staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, Yasuo pinches his cheek.


'Yep, that hurt. That also means that today wasn't a dream… I really awakened!' Yasuo thought.

"Mom and dad, I can finally revenge you. I will become the best hunter in the world for you." Yasuo says out loud, all alone in his room.

Yasuo is overwhelmed with all kinds of emotion and a tear drips down his cheek, which was red from pinching himself earlier. Even Yasuo didn't know if that was a tear from happiness or feelings of sadness, but he didn't which one it was.

A lot of things suddenly happened and there is a lot on Yasuo's mind, but despite that, he quickly fell asleep and slept like a baby for the first time in a while.