
Run or Die Runner

In a world where it has been ravaged by an unknown catastrophe, humanity's only hope lies within a series of treacherous mazes Every week, over a thousand individuals are mysteriously teleported into an immense maze where survival is the ultimate test. Those who survive, maybe even conquer the maze and its monstrous inhabitants, earn their freedom and the title of Runner. However, the world outside is also under attack by the creatures inside the maze, finding ways out of them. One day, it was Kofi's turn. Waking up in the maze, he wasn't ready; he had nothing to survive with until a mysterious system granted him abilities to help on his journey through the mazes. "Run Or Die! Runner." Kofi commanded.

Danger_God · Fantasía
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42 Chs

Chapter-20 Kofi vs Kronar/ The One With No Name

Kofi was already feeling the strain of exhaustion that sweat was already running down his back, but in his mind racing with the realization that perhaps he could exploit this situation to his advantage. As he moved forward his thoughts consumed by the ferocity of the battle he had just witnesss. Doubt gnawed at him, how could he, a mere Level 6, hope to kill Kronar? A level 14 Nevertheless, he pressed on, cautiously navigating past the curious onlookers - monkeys and apes - who lingered near the departing Kronar and the lifeless body of Righty.

Meanwhile, Kronar, his senses keen, detected Kofi's approach. With a perception honed by his years of experiences, as perception measures a runner's awareness, intuition, and ability to perceive their surroundings. A high Perception stat allows runner and demonic creatures to detect hidden dangers, spot traps or ambushes, and uncover hidden treasures or secrets. It also influences a runner's ability to analyze their environment and make informed decisions based on subtle cues or clues. an Kofi's presence didn't escape his notice. 

Kronar glanced in the direction where Kofi was heading, as he approached. Intrigued, Kronar pondered whether it was a human or some other creature drawing near, for there was an energy emanating from Kofi unlike anything he had ever felt in his maze before.

Suddenly, panic erupted among the monkeys and apes, their frantic cries echoing through the maze. Kronar widened eyes showed his shock because he knew no humans remained within his maze. His confusion quickly turned to anger; there were no humans left inside the maze, so how had this one managed to get in undetected? Kofi's approach only intensified Kronar's growing frustration.

"H-Hi there. I'm sure you're wondering why I'm here... Well I need to kill you to escape this maze__"

Kronar roared ferociously, cutting off Kofi with a thunderous sound that reverberated through the maze. His anger surged within him, fueled by the audacity of one of his own subordinates daring to challenge him, believing he was growing weak. And now, with an intruder in his maze, attacking him, his rage reached a boiling point.

Kronar felt himself teetering on the edge of madness, consumed by the possibility that the person responsible for the predicament of his maze might discover him. The one who I had offend despite being the only creature in the maze with power, a unique body style and no traps they had ascended to an A rank maze through his own strength, without any assistance.

"Ok I see that you didn't like what I said" Kofi said.

Kofi quickly realized his words had only stoked Kronar anger, his eyes widened as he observed Kronar charging toward him. Without hesitation, he drew the Sword of Courage, feeling its weight and power in his hand for the first time. Despite his lack of experience with the silver sword, it felt right, almost natural.

As Kronar closed the distance, Kofi made a split-second decision. Instead of facing him head-on, he darted to the side, beginning a swift circular motion around him. He knew he couldn't afford to be caught directly in front of Kronar, where his attacks would be most devastating. So, Kofi circled, biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike or create an opening for escape.

Kofi analyzed Kronar body. 'He's bulky and slow... definitely faster than me tho,' he noted, his mind already formulating a plan. 'I just need to find the right moment to strike, catch him off guard when he's vulnerable.'

With a swift movement, Kofi activated the Ghostwalk ability from his phantom boots, causing him to move with incredible speed. Everything around him blurred as he raced, barely able to focus on his surroundings. Yet, he managed to make it to Kronar's back, his sword of courage sword slicing through the air at Kronar, leaving small cuts on his fur and flesh.

As Kronar spun around in fury, Kofi had only a few precious seconds left of his Ghostwalk. He danced backward, narrowly evading Kronar's retaliatory strike, feeling the rush of air as his fist whizzed past him he was in fear of getting hit. But suddenly time seemed to slow as Kofi regained his footing as everything around him returned to normal.

Kronar, facing Kofi head-on, let out a deafening roar, the sound reverberating through the maze. Kofi, standing directly in front, felt his head spin as if he'd been hit by a truck. Kronar's furious roar was disorienting, causing Kofi's already weakened body to sway. With a thunderous sprint, Kronar charged at Kofi, his massive fist connecting with Kofi's body, slamming him against a stone wall. Kofi crumpled to the ground, the impact leaving him breathless and dazed. His strength, perception, and energy were too weak to resist the dizzying effect of Kronar's roar, unlike Righty.

Kofi gritted his teeth, acknowledging the punishing blows he endured. 'If I weren't as resilient as I used to be, I'd probably be paralyzed by now,' he admitted inwardly, a shiver of discomfort running through him. 'But I can't afford to dwell on that. Right now, I need to maintain the pressure on him.' He clenched his sword, feeling the power of his sword of courage coursing through him.

Pushing himself up from the ground, coughing up blood, Kofi staggered to his feet, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. As Kronar thundered forward once more, Kofi braced himself. With a swift sidestep, he narrowly avoided Kronar's swinging fist that slammed into the arena causing it to shake. Seizing the moment, Kofi lunged forward, his sword aimed at Kronar's arm.

But Kronar reacted swiftly, blocking Kofi's blade with his massive palm, though not without receiving a cut. With a roar, Kronar retaliated, launching a relentless assault of powerful strikes at Kofi, who evaded them with nimble footwork each dodge almost connected.

Observers might label Kofi as a tactical fighter or even a reckless one, but his adaptability and resilience were undeniable. Though he wasn't of the highest rank, his strength was on par with one.

As Kronar's onslaught continued, Kofi's agility proved to be his greatest asset. With each move, he danced around his attacks, Kronar then lunged forward with a primal growl, his fists striking with the weight of a mountain.

Just as Kronar's fists descended, Kofi leaped, narrowly avoiding the crushing blow. Using Kronar's own momentum against him, Kofi vaulted through the space between his arms, scaling his massive body. With a swift motion, he drew his sword and aimed for Kronar's eyes, slashing with all his might.

The blade connected, slicing through the air with a sharp sound as it met flesh. Kronar roared in agony, staggering backward, temporarily blinded by his attack.

As Kofi prepared to land from his successful strike, a sudden feeling of dread gripped him. Before he could react, he found himself ensnared by Kronar's powerful grip. Panic surged through him as he looked up, meeting the gaze of Kronar's missing eye, a chilling reminder of his ferocity at Righty

With a sinking feeling in his gut, Kofi realized his escape was too late. Kronar's massive jaws moved ever closer, a deadly maw poised to strike. In a desperate struggle, Kofi writhed and fought against the beast's grasp, but it was futile against Kronar's overwhelming strength.

With a sickening crunch, Kronar's jaws snapped shut, enveloping Kofi in darkness and pain. The world around him blurred his eyes became blood shot as he felt the searing agony of Kronar's bite.

"Ahh!" Kofi's cry pierced the air almost losing his voice as the onlookers cheered. Pain seared through him as Kronar's teeth sank into his flesh, ribs cracking under the pressure. Summoning every ounce of willpower, Kofi drove his sword into Kronar's remaining eye. With a roar of agony, Kronar released him, blood gushing from the wound as he stumbled back, freeing Kofi from his grip.

Kofi, barely managing to stand on his two feet, swiftly drank a health potion, feeling its effects kick in as his body began to heal. Though his ribs would take time to mend, he refused to yield. Despite his broken body, his resolve remained unshaken. That when he realized that giving up was not in his vocabulary; he would see this through to the end, just as he did in Brian Playhouse.

"Hah," Kofi chuckled to himself. "With his eyesight gone, I can attack him from any direction."

Observing the strange sword embedded in Kronar's neck, Kofi's curiosity was piqued. Perhaps there was a way to utilize this to his advantage.

Meanwhile, Kronar, recovering from the effects of Kofi's assault, attempted to assess the situation. His gaze locked onto Kofi, his eyes glowing with a sinister green light as he unleashed.

Kofi's mind raced as he assessed the situation. 'He can still see...' he noted, 'Was that his venomous gaze?' Relief washed over him as he recalled his foresight in acquiring the immunity skill. 'I'm glad I brought that immunity skill.'

Yet, to Kronar's astonishment, Kofi remained unaffected, utilizing his swift skill for the first time, Kofi moved with incredible speed, almost surpassing even the Ghostwalk of his boots. That he accidentally darted past Kronar, but quickly using it to his advantage he then rebounded off the wall Infront, launching himself at Kronar. Sliding on his back, Kofi grabbed the sword embedded in his neck.

With a deafening roar, Kronar's voice cracked in desperation. The sword embedded in his neck, he knew it was always lethal vulnerability, ensured his death if removed. Despite his attempt to grab Kofi off, the he utilized his gorilla might skill, his muscles swelled a little then he effortlessly pulled the sword downward.

The blade sliced through Kronar's neck cleanly, and his head thudded heavily to the ground. The monkeys and apes scattered in fear, realizing that someone capable of slaying even maze's boss was a strong runner indeed, spelling doom for them.

[You've defeated the maze boss Kronar, earning 3000 XP.]

[Congratulations on conquering an E-rank maze, gaining 1000 XP.]

[Congratulations, survivor, on reaching level 7.]

[Congratulations, survivor, on reaching level 8.]

[Congratulations, survivor, on reaching level 9.]

[Congratulations, survivor, on reaching level 10.]

[By reaching level 10, you can now choose your own Runner class.]

[All your rewards have been distributed.]

[You can leave the maze whenever you're ready because you are now the boss of the maze. You can return and do whatever you want with it.]

Kofi dropped onto the ground breathing heavily shocked "I did it I!"that he almost scream but the pain in his ribs stopped him. 'Three levels in row that a first, and I can finally choose my class... Did the system block my class selection?' Kofi pondered.

But for the moment, he decided not to dwell on the class selection. He would make that decision once he returned to the real world. Activating his Ring of Life, Kofi felt its healing energy slowly rejuvenating him enough to stand. As he glanced around, he noticed all the monkeys and apes staring at him in fear, their leader Kronar no longer present to guide them.

'What will happen to them after I leave the maze? Kronar is no longer here to lead them,' Kofi mused, then turned his attention to the sword he used to slay Kronar. "I can't do anything aboTheut it now, unless I explore what is mean I'm the new maze boss. But that's a mystery for the future."

[The One With No Name]

[Item Rank: S]

"The one with no name sounds scarry...If my guess is correct, the boss Kronar offered should be you," Kofi thought, considering the implications that if he run into him in the futere will he kill him because he has his sword or because he killed Kronar.

Kofi then retrieved a sword from his inventory and used it to cut open Kronar's head. Inside, he found a black and red dotted core stone.

"D-rank core stones... worth more than an E-rank stone," Kofi muttered, shaking off the blood.

"Now I should return to Centella, but how will I carry her without a Familiar Orb?" Kofi wondered aloud. "I'll try the system inventory first. If that fails, I'll check the system store for a Familiar Orb."

After limping for over 45 minutes, Kofi finally reached Centella. Despite his weakening body, he managed a forced smile as he spoke to her.

"Centella, I'm back. I'll try to get you out of here," he assured her.

With Centella nodding in understanding this time, Kofi attempted to use the system inventory to store her, but it didn't work as expected.

'So the inventory won't collect live items... What about the Familiar Orb?' Kofi thought, considering his options.

Upon checking the system inventory for a Familiar Orb, he was shocked to find it cost 10000 demon coins.

"I'm only 4000 short... I probably got the rest from Kronar's death," Kofi realized, then turned to Centella. "So Centella, you'll have to stay here a while longer until I gather enough demon coins to get a Familiar Orb."

Centella gazed at him, understanding in her eyes. Kofi then requested from the system to exit the Maze and everything around him vanished, leaving him in the parking lot. Still injured, he hurried home, too exhausted to do anything else but sleep and tackle his tasks the next day.