
Run or Die Runner

In a world where it has been ravaged by an unknown catastrophe, humanity's only hope lies within a series of treacherous mazes Every week, over a thousand individuals are mysteriously teleported into an immense maze where survival is the ultimate test. Those who survive, maybe even conquer the maze and its monstrous inhabitants, earn their freedom and the title of Runner. However, the world outside is also under attack by the creatures inside the maze, finding ways out of them. One day, it was Kofi's turn. Waking up in the maze, he wasn't ready; he had nothing to survive with until a mysterious system granted him abilities to help on his journey through the mazes. "Run Or Die! Runner." Kofi commanded.

Danger_God · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
42 Chs

Chapter-15 Kronar Domain

When Kofi stepped through the gate, everything changed dramatically now what used to be a simple parking lot had transformed into a complex maze he saw towering walls of thick green, tangled vines, and twisted roots now surrounded him, it had winding pathways that seemed to stretch endlessly with tall trees casting long shadows and a dense canopy blocking much of the sunlight.

When looking around more he saw rocks covered in moss and fallen logs littered the paths, giving the maze a rugged, overgrown appearance, but strangely he realized, it still retained the layout of a parking lot.

'Looks like the system just completely changed my surroundings,' Kofi remarked to himself.

Suddenly, Kofi heard multiple sounds of roaring, he knew that they were demonic creatures, as around him had an accompanying by a strong scent of green and blood that made him recoil.

"The smell of blood in this maze suggests it's not just any ordinary challenge," Kofi muttered to himself. "I may need to level up a bit more before I can tackle this."

Deciding to come back in future when Kofi turned around to attempted to leave by turning the maze key as he had done before, surprising him nothing happened, he had found it odd but assumed it might take some time for the system to register his attempt since he was now inside, then after waiting a minute he tried again and all the while hearing demonic creature getting louder like they were getting closer to him.

But nothing happened no gate appeared the key still didn't work, at the same time Kofi felt a strange resistance, as if he were touching an invisible barrier when he had his hand forward he wanted to know why so he tried once more this time without the key, and then ripples appeared in the air around his hand.

"Is there an invisible wall?" Kofi wondered aloud.

Then Kofi pounded in the air and what he felt was like an invisible barrier as the ripples continued around him but then, a car suddenly passed through the invisible wall as if nothing were there, driving through the maze and out through another invisible barrier on the other side, Kofi breath speed up as panic began to rise in him as he felt trapped inside with no way out.

So he decided to ask thee system. "System, let me out!" Kofi shouted, but there was no response then after a few seconds words appeared on the system screen.

[C-E Rank Maze: Kronar The Gorilla King's Domain]

[Description: Kronar maze was a up an coming B rank maze but he offended a higher rank maze boss causing him to seal of his maze to hide]

[You cannot return unless you defeat Kronar]

"What do you mean by offend another maze boss? Do maze bosses actually meet and know each other?" Kofi was shocked by the new info the system had provided the system seem to now start to slowly unveiled a little more information unknown to the world, but also he knew now that he had it could benefit the world but he know he couldn't just go public with it.

He'd likely face suspicion, and the other maze bosses might be angered by being exposed causing rampage in the world. "If Kronar was a B-rank maze boss, how on earth do you expect me to defeat him?" he complained, but the system remained silent.

"I'm starting to wonder if you're just using me to further your own agenda, and I hate it," Kofi muttered to himself. 'I thought the system created a maze for me, not one that's already been inhabited.'

With a deep sigh, Kofi knew he had no choice but to continue forward, searching for the maze boss also he decided to be cautious cause if this used to be a B-rank maze, he knew that meant there were likely plenty of dangerous traps and demonic creatures that he never encountered before beside Brian merry go round.

When moving further into the maze he noticed multiple trees with shadows of creatures swinging in them.

'Its a jungle so there likely apes or gorillas in the category of demonic creatures' Kofi thought.

When walking down a long, moss-covered corridor, Kofi felt from his perception nothing around he never saw anything but at that same moment he thought that he suddenly encountered small spiders rushing toward him with swiftly moment drawing out his silver sword and slashed away at one of the spiders that lunged at him, slicing it body cleanly that it sent green goo spraying into the air so he quickly dogged out the way as he wasn't sure if they were poisonous spiders.

[You killed a level 6 Venomous Crawler gaining 36xp]

[Demonic Creature: Venomous Crawler]

[Level: 6]


[Strength: 20]

[Stamina: 21]


[Perception: 20]

[Intelligence: 16]

[Skills: Web Trap, Web Trap]

-Web Trap: Throws a web at there enemies, immobilizing them for one attack.-

-Skitter: Increases evasion form a few attack, making it harder for the enemies to land hits.-

'So, its really is venomous good thing I dodged I'm sure there blood is also venomous' Kofi thought with a sigh of relief.

Kofi then stabbed down at the nearest Venomous Crawler, swiftly killing it. But to his dismay, more kept coming, relentless in their attack. "Why do they keep coming?" he wondered aloud, realizing he'd already used up half of his stamina just in this simple fight., with no escape route and the Venomous Crawler blocking his path and still move was coming he felt trapped.

Suddenly, he felt his body becoming lighter an a strong wind blowing his clothes, that when he noticed when he looked down, that the ground had disappeared beneath him, replaced by milky white lines at the same time he ended up landed on them. "Is this a web's nest?" Kofi exclaimed, he quickly realized he had fallen for the very first trap of the maze.

Then he heard a sound of chirping and a faint clacking of bone, when Kofi turned towards the noise his eye widen when he saw a massive, 30-foot black, demonic creature similar to the Venomous Crawler but by its appearance he was sure it wasn't a normal Venomous Crawler descending towards him slowly, slowly lowing there self as it was held by its thread.

[Demonic Creature: Broodmother Arachniad ]

[Level: 8]


[Strength: 26]

[Stamina: 25]


[Perception: 28]

[Intelligence: 24]

[Skills: Call Swarm, Web Trap]

-Call Swarm: Summons a swarm of smaller arachnids to overwhelm her enemies.-

-Web Cocoon: Traps the enemies in a web for two turns, rendering them unable to take any action.-

-Frenzy: Increases attack power for a few attack, making her melee attacks more devastating.-

-Egg Bomb: Launches an explosive egg dealing 25 damage to enemies and adjacent allies.-

"Broodmother Arachniad, damn it!" Kofi muttered in anger then he started struggling to break free from her silky threads but no matter how much he tired he couldn't move.

Having no other choice, Kofi tied tapping into his Labyrinthian energy which he quickly failed which was understandable as this was his first time trying so then he tired again cause also he knew he had energy as he already had it check his energy then to his excitement he felt something glowing in him different from what he felt from the system.

Summoning his energy on his hand, he managed pull enough that the thread broke him free then he did it quickly to the rest of his body, while he is willing to try and kill the Broodmother for the experience which maybe a lot this is the worst position to try.

After freeing himself standing up on the thread barely being able to keep his balance wobbling back and forth but just as he thought he was safe, a thread shot towards him from the Broodmother Arachniad.

Side stepping onto another thread with struggle from its stickiness, Kofi quickly formulated a idea that he already had set in motion using the Venomous Crawler that had stopped moving when the Broodmother had appeared, he hopped onto the closet one then from one to another, utilizing the strong and bouncy threads beneath them to propel himself up and forward to another Venomous Crawler.

While doing so his situation grew more dangerous as the Broodmother resumed shooting webs more webs faster at him and at the same time Kofi noticed that a pair of doors started closing in on him belonging to the hallway.

"Can it get any worse?" Kofi grumbled, but he didn't have time to dwell on it.

Quickly dodging the Broodmother webs and racing against the closing doors, Kofi realized his agility were his best assets. 'My agility really is saving me right now' he was glad to up his agility

Then with a quick thinking he used a old sword to stabbed a jumping Venomous Crawler and used its momentum to propel himself into the air with the closing doors and another Venomous Crawler coming toward him he then instinct to survive a swift kick to the sword pommel, that managed to pushed off the spider's back with enough force toward the door that shut closed.

[Congratulations survivor on reaching level 5]