
Rude, Yet Still Owns The CEO's Heart

"Leo, don't you love me again?" "I don't, so stop." Leo said, stealing glances at the woman in the driver seat, who doesn't seem to care about the fact that another woman was with him. He was stunned when the woman beside him took advantage of his distraction and sealed his lips with her own. "Don't you miss this?" She asked. "Get out!" He screamed. After getting rid of his ex that kept pestering him, he swallowed hard before, "I'm sorry you had to see that." He said. "What's my business with that?" She fired back. ......... "You know I can't be killed by humans, except you right?" She asked. "I know." "Then what are you doing here? What if this was a trap?" She felt so pissed right now and couldn't get the feeling of his racing heart off her mind. Could it be that he has been in love with her, all these while? She wasn't ready to face the truth and seeing the determination in his eyes before opening his mouth to talk, "let's just leave." She said. She couldn't face his response. ......... "You know, I just feel like kissing you right now." She said and his eyes went huge. Did he hear right? The woman that hated him so much and didn't bother hiding it, actually said that? "Well... umm." He was still searching for a reply, because he refused to believe this is real, but Clara wasn't asking for permission. She just let him know what she felt like doing. She limited the space between their lips to nothing and took his lower one in between her lips, while his lashes fluttered continuously. "Don't let that woman touch you again. I don't like it!" She declared, claiming her man. join the server link: https://discord.gg/Q7tY3F8

May1st · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
312 Chs

Shameless bastard!

"Why don't you just swallow me instead." Clara said glaring at him with disdain.

'How shameless! He tried to resist at first and now he's taking advantage of me.' Clara thought in her mind.

If she was a normal human; she was sure she would strangle him to death before his illness even kill him.

After she failed to free herself from him; she finally gave up and laid still in his arm out of no choice. The worst part is that, she couldn't even fall asleep.

Before she knew what was happening, it's two o'clock the next day and Leo still held her still, not waking up or releasing her, even though his temperature is back to normal.

'What kind of man is this?' Clara asked in her head and regretted her thought the previous day. She couldn't believe she counted herself lucky that the man appeared at her doorstep on his own. It's the worst luck ever. She would have preferred to go through stress getting to befriend him instead of going through all this.

Time went by quickly and before she knew it, it's already eight in the evening! and Leo was still asleep and she still remained in his arm, without eating or sleeping. 

'Is he trying to exhaust me to death? if this goes on; we might both die of hunger.' she thought and tried to pull away from him again. Fortunately for her, Leo finally released her.

She breathes a sigh of relief and the first thing that came to her mind was dressing up. She put on her clothes and did the same to Leo. She couldn't leave him alone to go get food, so she brought out some snacks from her bag and ate some and try to feed some to Leo as well, but Leo refused to eat it. As soon as she put it in his mouth, he would spit it out.

She tried again and again but the result remained the same. Not willing to give up, she put some in her mouth and chew them into small particles, then leaned down to the bed and  lock lips with Leo, using her tongue to pry open his mouth, which he did without hesitation.

Clara released the snacks into his mouth and used her tongue to push it down his throat not giving him a chance to spit it out, but to her surprise it doesn't seem like he wanted to spit it in the first place. Not completely sure; Clara tried again. After releasing it in his mouth, she did not push it down and waited. Just as she suspected, he swallowed it.

'This shameless bastard! so he wished to keep taking advantage of me, how dare him!' Clara cursed in her mind as if it was Leo who suggested the mouth feeding.



Meanwhile. Leo was now seen in a hospital room, laying down on the bed with his eyes closed. He was pretending to be asleep, then he heard the door opened and someone came In, but he still refused to open his eyes.

"Are you the patient's guardian?" he heard the doctor asked the person that came in.

"Yes, he is my nephew." Leo heard the familiar voice of his uncle and felt tempted to jump up and run to the man's arm, but he controlled himself and stayed still.

"Ok sir, the patient is resting for now, so I will advise you to not wake him," the doctor said. 

"It's okay, I just want to stay by his side and watch over him, I promise to be careful." Jerry said.

'Uncle Jerry!' Leo cried in his heart as he heard what his uncle said. He felt his heart warm, but reality hit him as soon as the doctor left.

Jerry walked to his side and sat down on the plastic chairs beside his bed. Leo was waiting for him to maybe call his name or touch him before opening his eye but the next thing he heard was his uncle annoyed tone.

"It seems you have an extra life, but don't worry you will soon join your parent, you little brat!" Jerry said believing the boy was asleep.

Leo was shocked by this revelation and now understood what had happened, his uncle killed his parents and still wishes to kill him as well. The same uncle that his parent trusted wholeheartedly and treated well. 

"I'm not safe, nowhere is safe, everyone wants to kill me," Leo kept muttering to himself but kept up with his pretence, and kept his eyes shut. After a while, the doctor came back in.

Jerry stood up and walked towards the doctor. "Please take care of my nephew, I will be back soon, I have to arrange his parent burial." He said.

"We will do our best sir, you can be rest assured." the doctor replied and Jerry left. After a while, the doctor left as well.

Not long after, he felt someone put something in his mouth. He opened his eyes and spit it out. Even though he's hungry and recognised Clara face as the lady who comforted him in the car; he still doesn't trust her, not after learning the truth about his parent's death.