
Chapter 4

A shiver goes down my spine, because I know that voice. It has been repeating in my mind for years. It is the voice tormenting me in my nightmares. The voice of Senata's kidnapper.

"I see you have found my prize..." the voice said "now I want it back!" I couldn't see through the crowd of people and I hoped they couldn't either.

I look at Senata and she is confused. Seeing her face, something in me snaps. I summon my staff and get into a defensive position, ready to protect Senata and Father. As I do so I cast a glance toward the guards nearest to Eclipse and Mother. They too moved to defensive potions around the two.

"Stay here." I tell Senata and Father, as I whisper to the closest guards "When I say 'go,' move quietly. Don't make a sound. Protect everyone. Not one is to be harmed. Am I understood?" I say.

"Understood." They say in unison.

"Good. You know what to do. Now, 'go!'" I say as the guards vanish into thin air.I turn to Father and Senata.

"Lu... w-what's going on?" Senata says and I fire back "No time to explain! Father, lead every one to safety and away from the castle! I'll protect everyone. NOW GO!" I yell.


I let a tear fall down my cheek and whisper "I love you Mother, Father, Senata, and Eclipse." before raising my staff and shouting "I, Luna, Princess of Eclipsis and Solaris fight in the names of my mother and father, and to protect this land. For I carry the sacred royal stone of Eclipsis. For that I will stand and fight anyone or anything to protect anyone and everyone no matter the cost.

"BORANG DIRAJA!" A bright light came from the staff, engulfing me. When the light dispersed I had a dark purple dress with long trumpet sleeves that had no shoulder with a belt around my waist and my spell book attached as well. I had white stockings on and at the end of my left stocking there was a golden leg charm and the shoes I had on were a pair of knee high brown boots.

"Princess, what are your orders?" one of the guards say

"Third battalion: Assist my father on getting everyone to safety. First battalion: Shut the main gates. The only ones allowed in or out are the crystal vessels. Only let them in if they can prove they are who they say they are. If not, take them into custody." I say. "Gather all guards who have a high tolerance to magic. Station them on the main wall and prepare them to cast a force field as soon as everyone is out. The rest is on me. If one person is harmed the knight who harmed them will be punished. Got it?" I said.

"But Princess-"

"You have your orders. Now go." I say.

"How funny, you think you can stop me alone?" the voice said

"I know I can't stop you alone but I can hold you off long enough for Senata to get away." I said back. This amuses them and their bone chilling laugh echoes through the ball room.

"Foolish princess, that weakling won't get far before I find her and the rest of your precious family! I'll take them out one by one until she has no one left who cares for her... and my plan will be complete!" They said.

I could see them clearly. They were a thin young woman with long dark purple hair and a golden mask covering most of her face. She was wearing black pants and a black and gold shirt.

"Who are you?" I say, causing her to laugh.

"For being a descendant of light I thought you would know the Daughter of Darkness." she said.

"N-no! You can't be! the Darkness was defeated by Mother and Father!"

"Is that really what Nocte and Solis told you? Then that means I'm not the only one they lied to." she said

"L-lied t-to... what are you talking about?" This made her laugh.

"That's rich. Does that mean that they never told you? Oh poor thing." she said and she started towards me. "The Queen and King didn't defeat the Darkness. Rather, they made a deal with it-" she said but I cut her off.

"LIAR! DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER AND FATHER LIKE THAT!" I yelled. "CAHAYA DARIPAD LLAHI VANQUISH INI JAHAT" A beam of light was shot from the staff but she just deflected my spell. It crashed into me with more force than I cast it with.

"Before I destroy you I'll give you the option to join me... So what do you say, Princess?"

She held a hand out to me but I smacked it away and said "I will NEVER join you"

"Oh come on! It is clear you are out-matched. Just give up."

This was true. I could barely stand and I put most of my energy into that shot. For her to deflect it like that means that she must be as powerful as she claims to be. But I couldn't let her win like that. Leaning on my staff, I remember all the people I have to protect.

That's when I heard the voice of the first one "You must not give up, young one. You must use my power to protect your family. I will assist you in this."

"I know what I must do." I say in response.

"I am the Divine Princess of the Moon, first daughter of the Queen of Eclipsis and King of Solaris. I am the vessel of The Royal Stone of Eclipsis, and I will use my power to protect this land and its people. Call on my fellow awakened vessels. Princess Roselia, the Healing bud of Chi to heal me, Princess Celia The Angelic of Avion to be my wings, and Princess Jaclyn, the sword Princess to be my sword. And most of all, I call you to stand and fight with me." A magic circle formed under my feet but I wasn't scared. It caused a portal to form behind me and three people came out of it. I turned to see my dear friend with two other figures on either side of her.

"You called?" I smiled but before I could say anything I fainted....

To Be Continued...

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