
Chapter 12

Even though she handed me clothes to put on, I didn't move. I stood there looking at myself in the mirror in confusion.

My mind was racing with thoughts like "What happened to me?" "Why did my marks change?" and "Who was that voice?" When I looked at Senata I knew she was asking herself the same questions, but neither of us had the answers.

I sighed as I put the clothes on. I left the closet and picked up my staff. It wasn't the same as the one I remember. Just as soon as it appeared, it was gone. In its place there was a small tiara.

"What the..? Hey Sena, what happened to the staff?" I looked at her and asked.

"They do that while dormant. Look, this is mine." She said as she pointed to the jeweled choker around her neck. In the middle of it was a medium sized yellow crystal. "Here, I'll put it on you." She grabbed the tiara and placed it on my head.

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

She smiled back and said "Come on, the others must be worried." She was right. Celia was out front.


Luna and I walked out to see Celia and Lucas waiting near the closet door. Celia was the first to notice the two of us walking out. She looked so relieved when she saw us.

"Luna, are you okay?" She asked. That's when she saw them. "What happened to her marks?" She asked.

"I-I don't know... I-It just happened." Lu replied as Lucas led me to the table.

"You should go ask the king and queen, love. They might know what happened to your sister."

"Yes I should go see them. Wait... What did you call me?" I said as I registered the nickname he used.

"O-oh- Was that too soon? I'm sorry..." He said, and I noticed his face was cherry red.

"N-no! I just didn't expect it, that's all." I said.

"Lean down a bit please, 'love.'"

"What, are you too short to reach your boyfriend's lips?" Luna said, causing the both of us to jump back in surprise. "I don't care if you two are all lovey-dovey, but here are the ground rules, 'pretty boy:'

"1: NO sneaking out at night to 'cuddle.'


"Luna!" I shout while blushing. Lucas rested his hand on the base of my back.

"2: No kissing in front of me."

"And Rule #3 is for you." She continued as she pointed a finger at Lucas and got close to him. "No hurting my sister, or I will hang you upside down by nothing but your underwear, and let the other Stones do whatever they want to you. I'll let the whole barracks watch. Then I'll throw you into Lake Subuh." There was a pause. "Have you been? It is a really nice view. We used to go every year. Do you remember, Sena? We had so much fun chasing the fish around and- OH MY GOD!" She cut herself off.

"You remembered something, didn't you?" I say as I move closer to her.

"We have to tell Mom and Dad! Come on!" She says as she grabs my hand and drags me to the door. She slams it open, scaring the guards. I somehow manage to get out a "Sorry!" before being whisked around the corner.

"Luna, I can run on my own. You don't have to drag me." I yell as we turn another corner. I see Eclipse walking in the garden. I point to her and yell "Luna, look!" She stops and lets me go. We run to the window and throw it open, startling Eclipse.

"Hey Clipsy, where are Mom and Dad?" Luna yells to her.

"Throne room, why?" She said as Luna bolted away while yelling "Thanks!" She looked even more confused.

"No time to explain, bye!" I said before running after Luna.

When we got to the throne room, we were both out of breath. We stopped and took a minute to catch our breath.

We burst in and I yell "Mother! Father! Something happened!" I run to them with Luna following close behind.

"Senata, Luna, darlings. Where are your manners? You are in front of the Duke and Duchess of Ortus." She said sternly. I was surprised by the fact that they were here, and not in Solaris. But either way I greeted them.

"Aunt Illia, Uncle Edward! Greetings. Did you have a nice trip?" I said, with a curtsy.

"We had a splendid trip, Senata. Eclipsis is a lovely land. Oh my! What have you done with your hair, Luna? " Aunt Illia asked.

"Oh right. Uh... That is why we're here." Luna said. "But my hair is the least of our problems at the moment." The two of us turned to our mother and father and said in unison:

"Mother, Father, we need to talk about something."

To be Continued ...

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