
Royal Devil

What will happen if a modern man was transported to a story as an unknown character? A follower of the story 'Who Made Me a Princess' Heusc died because of a virus and woke up at the body of a young bratty prince who had no part in the story. Heusc was forced to enter the Obelia Empire and he was forced into the story... How was he supposed to fit in the story? "What will the plot do to me?"

NileCarviella · Cómic
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31 Chs

Return of the prince

The door suddenly opened, stopping the devil (Claude) from looking at her. Athanasia was glad and looked at her savior(s). The one that walked in first was a male, his dark red and blue hair framed his face perfectly, and his slender yet muscular body fitted perfectly in the clothes he wore. The other has white hair with a sword strapped at his hips, with a cape hanging off his back who also has the same body type.

Athanasia stared wide-eyed at the two, 'These two people were never in the lovely princess, the author never mentioned anyone like them! Where did they come from?' When the prince-like male entered the room, Claude stood up immediately, also staring wide-eyed at the two.

He couldn't believe his eyes…

Heusc was back…

He's finally back, it's been a long time since Claude felt emotional happiness. Ever since Diana died he forgot about everything. Drowning in alcohol, pleasure, and tears of sadness. He changed dramatically.

As Heusc walked towards Claude, the simile on his face got bigger. "Claude, I'm back."

In a meeting room sat Claude and Heusc. Aaron was not with them, he was ordered to put away their luggage from the trip. Heusc and Claude sat in silence, though it felt more welcome. "I'm glad you're back, Heusc." Claude started sipping tea from his cup.

Heusc nodded, "It's great to be back, I… missed you, Claude, I missed you a lot." He said, glancing at Claude for his reaction. Nothing happened, well at least not in Heusc's eyes. Claude's heart was beating faster when he said that line. A soft flush speared on his face, but because of the distance, Heusc wasn't able to see it.

"Y-yes, I missed you too Heusc," Claude said, a hit of shyness in his voice. It was only the two in the room so no one else saw Claude as he is now. "How have you been for the past five years, Heusc?"

"Well, you can see that I recovered from the coma." a light-hearted laugh came from Heusc, and without him noticing Claude's eyes darkened. The thought of Heusc back in bed was killing him inside. "Well, I learned a lot, and caught up on my studies,"

"That's good," Claude replied. "But…" Heusc continued, "I do feel a little nervous to be back, it's been a long time since I left and almost everything has changed."

Claude raised one of his perfectly shaped eyebrows questionably. "Changed?"

"Hahaha, of course, you changed so much, and the fact that I didn't get to spend much time with you when I woke up is also one of the reasons." Heusc smiled. Claude however is having a mental debate, `He thought about me… he wants to spend time with me!"

Realizing what he was thinking he shook the thought out of his mind. The two then continued to talk about the past five years, there were small laughs from two from time to time. A great atmosphere was created.

But Claude has one question…

Why hasn't Heusc asked about Anastacius yet? Unless




He already knows.

Heusc walked out of the room hours later. Claude was getting suspicious of him, and he can tell from the side glances the former gave him during their long conversation. But that's not what's bothering him right now. Since the Wmmap plot has already started Heusc wondered what he should do.

There are two ways he can take it:

1. Befriends the protagonist

2. Avoid the protagonist

Path 1 can guarantee him to be safe for a short period. If he becomes one of the closer characters to the protagonist the plot can't kill him off as easily. His death can impact the whole Empire, not just the protagonist's mental state. He is a prince, after all, he's protected at all costs, and his death might rage war between the two empires.

But it's still dangerous. He can be used as the protagonist's way of getting mature. Which means that he can still be used to the plot's advantage. That's terrifying.

Path 2 is not doable. From the moment he came into this world, he was sent straight to the lion's den. The Obelia empire. So the second choice is too late. But if he starts avoiding them now, he's going to cause more attention and questions to himself.

If he started a few years earlier than when he first woke up. He probably could have avoided the protagonists. Even a few days will work.

It's obvious which path Heusc's going to choose.

Now the path is chosen, how is he going to make the plan work? And how is he going to avoid being used by the plot as a tool for the protagonist?