
Rouse of A Titan

Canon a boy born from a titan mother and a Kryptonian father , he had the power that no other Kryptonian can produce. Canon's Planet was about to die but the scientists discovered earth.Canon's father trusted his son with the survey job as he was not just strong but a cold blooded killer. Canon landed on earth at Elizabeth Town in New-Jersey Wharton State Forest. The forest of Wharton was so big widely nevertheless Canon decided to stay there for few days but that led to weeks and months. One day there was a woman and a child. The woman asked Canon "What's your name? And why are you here alone on this cold weather's?", Canon did not understand a thing but she cut their heads off. The child cried but he ripped off the child since that incident whoever and whatever walked into the forest never came out. Canon was later called Kai by Doctor caked Martha as she did not know anything about him. Kai then became a God to humans after he put the fire out. Kai went on to do the wonders as God by healing 60 000 people who were destined to die from the exposure of a virus. After Kai confessed that he had killed 50 people and domestic animals but he lost all the trust and was sentenced to death. Kai rouse from the dead after 190 years, he had to save humanity as they were being killed by Kryptonians. No Kryptonian could face Kai on a fight, they all bowed however Kai killed all Kryptonians who were men's and left women behind. In doing so the Kryptonians were devided as they wanted Mao to be killed. The war broke out which led to death of Kai's father yet Kai choose to protect earth. Kai was later saved by his mother's side the titans.

Marshe_Dee · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The War in Between

Ragnar never bowed to anyone and he wanted everyone who had power on earth to bow to him but that was not a concern as a bigger problem was from within as all Kryptonians could not accpet the death of their loved ones from the hands of Canon. Week and week out everyone who dared challenge Ragnar died a painful death. Everyone who didn't bow was killed so is his or her family yet all kings and queens around the world bowed to him expect for one the Kalanga clan. Kalanga clan is not a clan like others as they posses super natural powers, they clan consists vampires, werewolfs, witches and Titans. The leader of the Kalanga clan is a half vampire, witch and titan named Gaia. Across everyone no one could fight against Gaia as she posesss emence amount of power and she can kills Kryptonians too.

Ragnar was told that there's a small country with a lot of people who are refusing to take the knee as they bow to no one. An army was sent of 10 was sent but never came back.

"Hahaha! You telling me that 10 of my best soldiers are dead and killed by mere humans?"

Raganr talking to Theo, I want you to go this time take a group of 30 and kill everyone. Martha could not come into terms with what she heard she tried to escape and she managed as her guard was now forced to go to war. Martha flew fast than anyone was she wanted to warn them but it was already too late. Gaia killed 29 Kryptonians and left one a small young boy however he was told to relay a message to their leader. The boy came, sir all of us were beaten by a woman and she killed everyone with a sword, she moves as quick as a lightning yet she could stop time. The woman asked to relay this to you " tell your leader to stop coming near my people or he will be next".

"Eh! She kills someone so dear to me then she tells me am next if I don't stop"

Ragnar indignantly, he had more problems as he had no one by his side yet he had to avenge the death of Theo whom was like a daughter to him as his son is no were to be found. He knew that if he went to war against the Kalanga he had to win or else no one would welcome him back. He left for war by himself and his introduction to his opponents was he killed everyone breathing thing he cane across at the Kalanga clan. Gaia brings people first before anyone but after she saw what Ragnar did she powered up and the entire village was shaking.

"Yooh! you're so powerful no wonder my soldier couldn't stop you but today I will put you to rest"

Ragnar talking to Gaia, "I don't kill innocent people to call out my opponent, I Wil kill you for that" Gaia responded, Ragnar fought with fear as he could sense the power that Gaia possesed isn't something that he could match but only Canon could. Gaia and Ragnar fought for 3 days without giving in but Ragnar was defeated on the fifth day and was imprisoned by the Kalanga.

Eros never wanted Ragnar to return as His father was killed by him 500 years ago to take the throne. Eros father Orion was a bad leader as he was abusing his power to rule but Ragnar challenged him and that's when Ragnar became the leader but his family view exept for Eros whose dream was to take the sit that belonged to his father. Eros didn't know that Martha was his little sister whom she searched for around the globe yet she was so close to him. Martha's mother died when they landed on earth and she was raised by humans that's why she didn't know that she was a Kryptonian.

Eros took the sit as Ragnar was no were to be found but that brought fear to many Kryptonians as they know what kind he was with his father. "As of this day you all answer to me, am a rightful heir to begin with as my dad was a leader for a century" Eros talking to the Kryptonians. Eros ordered Ragnar to be beheaded whenever he returns.

"what are we going to do with him it's been days and he killed 13 innocent lives?" Hera adking Gaia. " Well am still thinking about how to punish him but I will announce it as soon as am done but for now strip him of all his amor" Gaia responded.

"Ma-a-a... Madam it's him", Hera talking to Gaia. "what do you mean it's him?" Gaia responded. "The God on the portrait in your room" Hera continued talking to Gaia."it... can't be happening, why is he here?, i last saw him 1000 yesrs ago" Gaia dismayed by the appearance of the of her live and the father of her child.

"Madam is the rumor true that you came another planet?" Hera asking Gaia. "Don't ask me lame questions take me to his cell now" Gaia commanding Hera. Gaia entered the cell "So it's true that's you.. Ragnar?". Ragnar responded "I-i-I thought you were dead". "Let me remind you don't i-i-i on my presence" Gaia responded.

A century ago Ragnar and Gaia were regarded as God's as they were the strongest soldiers ever than anyone... They never lost any mission but they never liked killing innocent lives. One day Orion asked Gaia to be her second wife but she refused from that moment hell broke lose as Orion lost his mind. Orion started to kill innocent people and caused domestic terror within the Kryptonians. Ragnar was left with no option as his entire family was accused of treason on his absence but when he came back he challenged Orion to a leadership fight. Orion was feared by everyone as he was the strongest man in the entire Krypton. Ragnar and Orion fought for the entire week and days but Ragnar camr out victorious and cut off Orion's headed, he was then crowned the new leader.

Ragnar ordered the family of Orion to be killed and left out the son Eros to continue the Orion bloodline. Gaia felt the rage of Ragnar and faked her death with the family of Orion and fled to earth but the landing was not pleasant as the space ship crashed and the wife died but the kid was no where to be found. Even to this date Gaia is still looking for Martha.

"That's what happened so now tell me where is our son? , am not a ghost" Gaia talking to Ragnar. " I don't know where he is, the last time I saw him it was 200 years ago" Ragnar responded. "What the heck!!! What do you mean you don't know?" Gaia responded. The Kalanga clan were Celebrating the victory but were cut shot by bombs from the Kryptonians as they came to kill everyone including Ragnar.

Ragnar and Gaia joined forces to fight against Orion's soldiers, theirs powers combined were too much for the Kryptonians as they had no choice but to retreat. "Well!! You guys came back fatsee than I anticipated I guess the humans weren't a match for you, but wait where are others?" Ragnar talking. Gaia and Ragnar captured half of the Kryptonians but did not kill any of them but resorted to capture.