
Rosé Moon: Bound By His Evol

Roses are red, violets are blue, what wrong did I do to be bound to Rosago? EVOL. The state of either being high-strung in love or losing every bit of love to give. A certain air of obsession covers the word EVOL which is Love spelt backwards. For those who share the EVOL soul-bond should never meet, one was bound to love the other too much, nearly obsessed and the other would have little or no love to give, at the end of the day someone would get severely hurt and the world would pay the price. °°° A young witch is forcefully bound by the EVOL soul-bond to an Evil Lycan from the deepest pit of hell. She must fight the consequences of their bond while making sure the both of them do not cause a chain reaction that ends the world. "Rosago was difficult to understand, harder to love, but even more frustrating to resist."— Ayo Moonchild.

V_1vian · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter I: Rosago.

Her body was slammed against the wall harshly. A thrilling hot feeling surged through her body as her face was planted against the wall and a hard member pressed against her bottom. Biting down on her lower lip hard, she did her best to hold down the moan that was threatening to crawl out of her throat.

"Nngh," she whimpered as a big hand wrapped around her little throat. A hot breath descended on her neck, fanning her skin and causing the hair on her body to rise. A growl resounded around the room, and her thighs instinctual pressed together, as her sex began to throb.

"Ayo Moonchild," the deepest of voices growled out. "Mine." Then sharp teeth grazed her sensitive skin, sending an electric jolt all over her body and making her eyes go round.

She stopped biting her lip, and relaxed the back of her head on a large hard chest. She opened her mouth to say something when a rough thumb began rubbing circles on her neck, and she felt the words hang in her throat and only air coming out of her mouth. She squeezed her thighs and her shut her eyes for a moment trying to calm the tightening of her stomach and the throbbing sensation of her sex.

"W-who are you?" She whispered, in complete fear and excitement.

She heard a growl. It sounded deep and menacing, like a wild animal who had captured its prey and was ready to feast. A feeling of hair pickled her skin when she heard. "Happy birthday Ayo." The deep voice replied.

Ayo, completely at his mercy, found the courage to slowly crane her neck towards him. She caught a glimpse of a pair rose red round eyes when—

Caw! Caw! Caw! Ayo jolted from sleep with magenta eyes glowering at the dark and blue painted wall. Thash! Her ears twitched and her eyes moved to the jug of water that spontaneously broke, sending water droplets all over the dark room.

Hair, chestnut black was slapped against her pale white skin, and sweat droplets pasted on her head and all over her body. Her hands were shaking and her heart was pounding. She instinctively pressed her thighs together, feeling the pool of warm liquid caressing her sex.

Caw! Caw! She shot her magenta eyes at her window, looking at the crow that sat on top of the weak, dry tree branch that rested against her window. Caw! Caw! Thunder clapped in the dark sky, and lightning surfaced everywhere, illuminating the black bird sitting on the tree. Rain poured and poured, and even the dried thin leaves managing to hang on the tree could not spare the black crow from the rain.

A pair of white legs dropped from the bird and she got on her feet, still staring at the crow with eyes that were no longer magenta in color but rather plain hazel. "Crows cause misfortune." She whispered as if she was reciting what was told to her.

Caw! Caw! The crow began tapping its beak against her wet window. "Crows cause misfortunes" She recited again before adding. "Mortis." Her eyes once again turned magenta, and her small hand raised at the crow.

As magenta and white ink-like liquid wrapped around her fingers without touching them, the crow's hair puffed and it suddenly was sent down to the ground. When the crow hit the ground her eyes turned back hazel, and her fingers were back to normal.

She suddenly felt the sluggishness of her body. "Argh," she groaned, letting the sensation of sleepiness set in when she glanced at the alarm clock. Her closed set hazel eyes widened as the possibly can. She yelled. "Ahhh!"

It didn't take long for a small figure with black hair and hazel eyes to dress up in the School uniform. Her makeup was light smoky, and her black hair was let down.

She dragged her bag on the ground as she sauntered down the stairs in a dramatically tired manner.

"Happy birthday loser, you're late again, I swear you want to give Mr. Crawly a heartache." A male voice snapped her from her drowsiness.

A boy with short jet black hair, a lean muscled build, and sharp hazel eyes. He sat on a chair with his legs on the dining table, and mischief shining in his eyes as he wolfed down his pancakes.

She threw her bag on the table and sat on a chair. "Shut up, Josh, I can't feel my hands anymore." She groused, before laying her head on the table.

The delicious smell of pancakes wafted her nose before she heard. "Happy birthday honey, you weren't at the coven's meeting last night, Ayo."

She raised her head to see the middle aged woman at the other side of the dining table. She had blonde hair that she tied up with wooden pins, and pale white skin, with closed set hazel eyes.

This woman was Calista Moonchild, the mother of Ayo Moonchild and Joshua Moonchild. She was also an elder at the Witch coven of the town of Thebes.

The woman leaned over to place a kiss on the cheek of her daughter and whispered 'happy birthday' again.

"I heard the Greystone Alpha paid the coven a visit again, they seem to be very serious with they're proposal. The whole Silver-fanged Pack even bought you flowers for your birthday. Should've seen Jaxon's face when your Mum invited him to your party this evening." A deeper male voice voice said, earning the attention of Ayo.

Ayo turned to the owner of the voice. It was a bulky male. He was of a towering height, with pitch black short cut, a squared jaw, and black eyes. He was munching on the food on his plate.

Ayo rolled her eyes at him. "Uncle Joey, I've said it before. I already have a boyfriend, and I know he's just an average wolf and not some Alpha to be but I like him like that."

The Alpha's son; Jaxon Greystone. The young Alpha wolf who had been professing his love for Ayo since they were children. Witches and wolves weren't allies but they could live in peace, separately. The easiest way for both parties to bring forth an alliance would be mating. And what better way than giving out the daughter of a witch elder to the Alpha's son.

Problem? Ayo was not interested in Jaxon Greystone.

The black eyed male raised an eyebrow. "Like? Not love?" He asked.

She opened her mouth to speak but her mother beat her to it. "Honey, we're just saying. Jaxon Greystone is a nice young man. He would protect you, and love you."

"Annnnd his sister is fucking hot," A sound slap to the head from his mother was the reply to Josh's statement.

She grabbed a cup of orange juice and sipped from it. Her eyes glowed magenta momentarily before returning back to normal. "This is really nice, what's in it?" She asked, sipping from it again.

"You're still having problems controlling your excitement," her mother responded.

Witches reacted strongly to excitement, almost as strongly as wolves. Their eyes glowed when excited and sometimes they even accidentally used magic when they were overstimulated.

"I've been doing fine lately. As a matter of fact this new school project has been a buzz kill." She groaned, remembering the assignment.

Josh chuckling made her glare at his direction. "Correction, it's not the project that's the problem, it's your partner." He said, using magic to direct Ayo's orange juice to his direction.

"What's the problem with your partner?" Joey asked, and Josh was quick to answer for Ayo. "Problem? How 'bout the fact that it's Devereaux Rosalind? The guy's a bloody delinquent."

Ayo groaned again after hearing the name. "Don't remind me of him. I haven't seen the bastard since we began the project. I swear I'm this close to hexing him, Mum."

Ayo was sick and tired of her partner. He was worse than anything she'd ever seen and the worst part was that he was nowhere to be found for a week now just like always so she couldn't pour her frustration on him.

"Hmm, you can't use magic on humans dear." Her mother quipped.

Josh snorted. "Human? The guy's a mammoth, the biggest human I've ever seen, ripped more than an Alpha, and goddess have you ever seen his eyes? It's like he's about to turn everything into stone. Everyone steers clear from him, they even call him Lucifer. He doesn't talk, he doesn't eat, even some of the omega werewolves in our school said sometimes they feel like submitting to hi- Ouch!"

A silver fork fell on the ground after hitting Josh on the head. Josh turned to Ayo with wide eyes. "What the fuck dudette? Are you trying to destroy this drop dead handsome face?" He shrieked.

Ayo raised another fork at him when their mother butted in. "Enough, no fighting on the dining table."

"Stop talking about Devereaux, just hearing about it gets me pissed."

Josh wrinkled his nose at his sister. "Hmph, I guess the both of you have that in common. Savages."

Joey burst into laughter. "Sounds like you have bad blood with this guy. What's your project about anyways?"

Ayo carried her bag and stood up from the chair, about to leave when she heard the question. She glanced at her Uncle before casually answering. "Some mythology, about a demon wolf. I think his name was Rosago."

Rosago. The glass of orange juice in the hands of Calista slipped and smashed on the ground.


Dawn had come in the Redwood's mansion. The sun was beginning to fill the sky, slowly washing away the darkness that came with the early morning.

Redwood Deacon sat upon his office chair, looking from his pristine glasses at his pile of work. Redwood Deacon- a high elder at the coven in Thebes, his Redwood family held the strongest authority at the witches coven as Deacon's eldest brother was the high priest of the coven, and his eldest daughter was mated to a powerful warrior wolf of the Silver-fanged Pack.

Deacon massaged his forehead that was crinkled, and then looked up at the old man sitting next to him with his bright blue eyes. The man next to him sighed and spoke. "Elder Deacon, this is preposterous, Ayo Moonchild's mating with Jaxon Greystone will bring power to their family. Our position as pillars may be challenged."

This man was Conan Jameson- a high standing Elder of the witch Coven in the town of Thebes. Conan belonged to a family that held a crown on their heads. Their ancestors were one of the earliest Witches who fought against witch hunters and persevered witch kind. The Jameson family because of their ancestor Lisandra had become royalty in the Coven.

Conan was a diabolical man by nature, if he were not he would not have preserved his family power by forcing his young daughter to marry the high priest as the fourth wife, the high priest was two times her age at the time. Conan relished the power he had, and would let nothing hinge on the power of his family. Especially not the Moonchild family.

Deacon dropped his pen. "Don't be ridiculous, Conan, Jaxon Greystone is the would-be Alpha of the Silver-fanged Pack, which has nothing to do with our Coven. The Moonchild girl even refused the proposal of the Alpha boy." Deacon drawled, looking unaffected by Conan's worries.

Conan suddenly slammed his hand on Deacon's table. "You're being ridiculous, Deacon, you've allowed years of undisturbed power to get into your head! The Silver-fanged Pack are one of our strongest allies, the Moonchild girl would become an important figure in the coven if she mated to him."

Deacon sighed, rolled his eyes, and removed his glasses, setting them on his clean wooden table. "Listen, You don't-"

The sound of thudding feet alerted them. The knob turned, and the door opened. Both men's chest dropped when they saw their men come in with a huge figure restrained by them.

The restrained man had eyes as red as pure blood and a stone cold expression on his face when though there was a deep gash on his shoulder.

Both Wizards knew the man was a wolf just by seeing his red eyes. One of the men holding the unknown werewolf spoke. "We found the werewolf lurking in the area. We asked him his purpose but he refused to speak."

Conan glowered at both the Werewolf and the men who restrained him. "And you brought him here. Dispose of the wolf, he smells like a runt. He won't be missed." Conan spoke with confidence knowing Wolves followed power, and a runt Werewolf were mostly lone wolves because they were too weak to fit into a Pack.

"Wait," Deacon stopped the witches from dragging the Werewolf away. "What were you doing in the area, wolf?"

The werewolf raised his eyes and looked into Deacon's blue ones. Deacon shuddered for a moment, spotting the intent of a cold bloodthirsty butcher in those red eyes. But that couldn't be possible, a runt Werewolf could not have that kind of intent.

The Werewolf opened his mouth. His firm lips parted and a hoarse and deep voice reverberated. "Do you know Ayo Moonchild?"

The question caught Conan's attention. "Ayo? Why do you ask for her runt?" Conan replied with arrogance.

The werewolf turned his eyes towards Conan. He tilted his head, the rising sun illuminating his sharp features, and stone cold expression. The werewolf said nothing to Conan before turning to Deacon.

He sniffed as he stared at Deacon with uncertainty. Finally an expression showed on his face. "Your eyes. They are very familiar, do I….. know you?" The werewolf asked, staring intently at Deacon.

Deacon felt stunned at the time before he cleared his throat and responded. "Deacon Redwood, I'm sure your rogue kind has heard of me."

The uncertainty faded from the wolf's face, replaced with sudden contempt. He shifted his red eyes towards Conan quickly. "And you must be a Jameson." The werewolf spoke with disgust and anger in his voice, his deep voice turning deeper.

"How did you know that, runt?" Conan nearly jolted as the Werewolf looked at him.

The Werewolf's red eyes were turning unbelievably redder. "How could I not? Since the beginning of time The Redwoods and the Jameson family have colluded together, filths that corrupt this world," the Werewolf was begging to tremble in anger. "It was both of your bastard ancestors who joined forces with those treacherous Werewolves to lock me away in my own hellfire!"

He roared and suddenly burst free from the Witches. His teeths began to turn sharp and thick like a shark and his red eyes instantly lit fire- balls of flame grew in his eyes.

The Wizards that restrained him before stared at him with glowing eyes, attempting to cast a spell when he began to grow. The Werewolf grew into a giant nearly grazing the ceiling. His skin became thick black fur, his nails turned into grotesque black talons. He roared once again. "Your traitor bloodline deserves death!"

The room was painted with blood.

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~Vibed to Blood in the water by grandson at the end of the chapter (ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻

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