
The Beginning

There was once a ronin famous for killing faster than the opponent and there was one time where the ronin lost is when he was challenged by a woman named wakayoshi erisa she was not stronger the ronin but she was faster and defeated the ronin after that wakayoshi erisa was famous and the ronin trained to be faster than the woman day after day training to be faster. 5 years later the ronin challenged the woman named wakayoshi erisa he discovered that she was a part of famous house of samurai she was the most talented at her house. when the ronin challenged her she accepted and tasted utter defeat after 1 hour of fighting the end.

said the mother of matsuno matsuhiro. the mothers name was soda harumi. "we are a part of the family of the ronin he was my great great grandfather and we must keep the tradition of the sword that is why you must keep practicing the sword" said by harumi then matsuno said "yeah yeah whatever" it was because matsuno didn't care then harumi said with anger "alright then i will transfer you to a new school which is based on the sword so that you must practice the sword" matsuno said "come on don't do that". then harumi said "too late you will be starting tomorrow" matsuno said in shocked "HUH"

Sorry if it was too short

Vince_Haydencreators' thoughts