
Romance of Blind Billionaire

He has everything he wants and love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield....  This is a Love story of Vincent Lennon and Skylar Whitfield. The one you wouldn't want to miss!   To be blind isn't easy and to fight for love is another hard thing entirely but here Vincent Lennon fight it all.  He stood up to fame at the age of twenty years old. He owned the JB company, biggest Company in the city of Mexico despite being blind.  He has everything he wants but love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield.  Skylar whitfield, She will do anything for money to survive and save her sister and this is what brought her into Vincent Lennon's life. she is on a mission to tame his heart but she got her heart tamed instead.  She lit up his dark world and they both fell madly in love with each other but the fate wouldn't let them be together.  As they had to fight hard for their love and change the fate to be together.  Read this interesting Romance of the Blind billionaire 

Baby_Mediagirl · Ciudad
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70 Chs

Two Weeks.



I Opened my eyes and It met with Ma'am Gina and Mr Ben smiling to themselves so I wondered why, I sat up and gasped on seeing Mr Vincent sleeping so closed to me.

Damn! We slept here after the game??

I look back at those four eyes pairing at us and wouldn't stop smiling.

I slowly stood up before rushing upstairs to his room. That was… . I don't know but right now I need to get back home.

I quickly picked up my bag from his bed, arrange myself before walking downstairs.

Mr Vincent is not there but Ma'am Gina is busy preparing the food. I peeped at her in the kitchen, she smiled at me while I also returned the smile.

"I'm going home, thanks for the delicious food" I mumbled and she chuckled.

" Here, I pack some Delicious Chillaquiles for you" She said and I gasped, overwhelmed with how kind she is, so generous of her.

"Thank you ma'am" I told her and collected the packed food from her.

"And you are welcome here every time" She winked while I chuckled.

"I need to go," I said and rushed out of the house. I didn't get the glimpse of the house last night since I was carried inside. Besides, I wondered who carried me. It couldn't have been Mr Vincent.

I looked back at the house and I saw Mr Vincent at the Balcony looking into space and I smiled at how cute he looked as the ray of sun shines brightly on his face.

"So cute" I muttered before Walking out of the house, I quickly boarded a cab home.

I can't wait to see Baby Annie.


I got home and I was welcome with a sweet hug by Annie.

"My cutie baby, I'm sorry for making you worried" I apologized but she chuckled.

"Yeah, we waited but it's fine. You are back and what are these packages? " She collected the Chillaquiles from me and I chuckled.

"Is that Bighead back? " I heard Anita'a voice as she walked out of the room while I chuckled.

"Yes she is back" Annie replied and She glared at me.

"Seriously, she needs to get her ass flogged because of her. I couldn't go out last night. '' She scolded me while I pouted.

"I'm sorry mom" I quickly apologized and she rolled her eyes, her eyes widened immediately she saw the Chillaquiles while Annia gasped.

"Holy Food! " Anita gasped, rushing to the food. Damn! Foodie girl, I never knew Ma'am Gina prepared this much. I chuckled before walking away.

I need to get dress for the office.


I walked out of my room after taking care of myself, I heard Mama and Ben's chatting, Chuckles as I walked closer.

"Here comes the Loverboy" I heard Mama giggles and I chuckled taking up my seat at the dinning.

"Loverboy? I'm not in love, am I? " I chuckled while I heard Ben clear his throat.

"I think you are, You should have seen how both of you cuddle yourselves" He said and I scoffed. I didn't know when I slept off last night. I guessed the same goes with her too, but we probably couldn't have cuddle ourselves.

"She is not bad, I like her already" Mama muttered while dishing out the food and I smiled. I like her too. I don't know why, but she made me happy lately. I want her close.

"Sir, We have a meeting with the board today" Ben reminded me and I sighed.

That witch will be there again to get on my nerves.


Ben escorted me to my office and just as I entered, I was welcomed by her sweet scent. I can't mistake her scent for anyone else.

"Miss Skylar? " I called while walking up to my seat and I heard her giggle.

"Good morning sir, Here your coffee, I make it for you, less sugary" She placed it on my hands and I chuckled before sipping the contents.

"It tastes better because you made it," I said and I heard her chuckle.

" Okay, Miss Skylar, We will be having a meeting with board directors today so you should prepare Mr Quin's files" I told her.

"Yes sir, I will do that. '' She replied and I nodded.

"Good" I replied and she left.

I know the directors will want to go against Mr Quin's contract but I won't give up on it also.


"Sir, I'm done with the files" Miss Skylar entered and I nod just then Ben also walked in.

"Boss, it's time for the meeting" He said and I nodded while picking up my white cane and we walked into the meeting hall.

I couldn't perceive her scent, which means she is yet to be here.

"Mr Vincent '' I heard Mr Quin's voice and I smiled.

"Nice to see you here again" I said and he chuckled.

I heard the door open and Her scent filled the hall while I scoffed.

"Mrs Abigail, Welcome" I heard some voices.

In a minute, everything becomes silent and we start the meeting.


I was surprised when I saw Mrs Abigail in the meeting hall, I never expected us to meet again this way.

As soon as she sat down, her eyes ran into mine while I only gulped.

They started the meeting and I could tell she didn't like Mr Vincent at all, she was against him taking up Mr Quin's project but lastly, Mr Vincent was able to win the contract.

They ended the meeting and just as I was about to walk out, I saw Mrs Abigail's PA.

Goodness! She wants to see me.

I walked behind the guy and She was already inside her car, I bowed slightly and she nodded.

"Skylar, you are not doing the job I paid you for, I'm giving you less than two weeks to accomplish the plans and bring the document to me" She said in final tone and with that the car drove away.

I'm doomed! Less than two weeks?