
Romance of Blind Billionaire

He has everything he wants and love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield....  This is a Love story of Vincent Lennon and Skylar Whitfield. The one you wouldn't want to miss!   To be blind isn't easy and to fight for love is another hard thing entirely but here Vincent Lennon fight it all.  He stood up to fame at the age of twenty years old. He owned the JB company, biggest Company in the city of Mexico despite being blind.  He has everything he wants but love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield.  Skylar whitfield, She will do anything for money to survive and save her sister and this is what brought her into Vincent Lennon's life. she is on a mission to tame his heart but she got her heart tamed instead.  She lit up his dark world and they both fell madly in love with each other but the fate wouldn't let them be together.  As they had to fight hard for their love and change the fate to be together.  Read this interesting Romance of the Blind billionaire 

Baby_Mediagirl · Ciudad
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70 Chs

Something he didn't know.


She pulled away and I smile, Damn! Girl is also into me. "Red hair, what are you? What did you do to me?" I asked and she scoffed walking out of my grip.

"I didn't do anything okay, I don't even know why I did that. All you guys are likely to be the same, a player" she huffed and picked up her phone which suddenly rang from the couch. What does she mean by that? I watched her talked on the phone.

"Yes mother, I'm fine. Just alone, about to sleep" she glanced at me and I huffed, really? alone?

"What!" Her exclaimed jerked me off, 

"How dare him show his fuckface after what she did, I should have been there to beat him to pulp. Mom, don't ever forgive him!" I looked at her amazingly, craziness is in her blood.

"Yes mother, I have to go to college, become a doctor, so I can save you" her voice so low now as I watched her bite her lips. So she can be calm.

"Mom, don't worry about me and take care of yourself, you promised me right?" 

"I love you too" with that she hang up and breath out.

"That fucking bald man, I'm going to kill him, if he refused to give me my money" Is she forgetting I'm here.

"Hey, red hair"

"What!" her snapped make me flinched immediately. What the hell?

She eyed me and sat on the couch "Hey, grumpy head, I'm sorry about the kiss, You should leave" she said and I scoffed, 

"Are you seriously apologizing for kissing me right now?" I moved closer and she groaned.

"Of course, you just kissed me back too, we are even now" she looked away and I chuckles softly.

"Are you kidding right now? Do I look like an object that you can kiss and forget about it" She turned to me and gulped at my gaze, like they burn through her or something.

"What …..what are you gonna do if not forget about it?" She shuttered and I smile. Good question.

I moved so close to her that her eyes widened at how close we are now.

"Let's start dating, I know you like me" I whispered to her ear and she tried to push me away with her hand but I held the hand in air.

"I will take that as yes" before she could say a word, I shut her up with my lips.


The car drove into Vincent's mansion and I smile. Finally, back here.

We all get down and Vincent hold my hand as he always do.

"We are back home" Ben mumbled and dragged the boxes inside while Annie followed him. 

"Let's go" he smile and we walked inside also. 

"Nothing change" I chuckled and he shook his head.

"Something change though" he said and I turn to him.

"What?" I furrowed and he smile "My sight"

I smile and nod, truly "but where is Ma'am Gina?" Annie asked, I've been meaning to ask also.

"I sent her to her hometown, by tomorrow Ben will go fetch her here" he said and I nod.

"I can't wait to see her again, I missed her" 

"I need to go see Anita,I missed her too" I said with a smile knowing she will definitely missed me too, she is just like a mother to me.

"I'm going with you" Annie chirped in and I nod.

"I will take you,Ben you can get enough rest" Vincent told Mr Ben and He smile.

"Thanks for that" 


"You good?" Xavier walked inside and took off his jacket. I groaned feeling like shit, I don't know what is really wrong just two days ago, I was fine but I'm feeling like shit.

"I don't know but I'm hungry again" I turned to him and he chuckled "Hungry again?" The urge to keep eating keep getting stronger.

"Babe, you already ate four times since the beginning of the day, Should we go see Doctor?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I hate shots" he chuckled and held my hand "no, just tests to know what is really wrong with you? Is there anything else you are feeling?" He asked and I nod.

"Kinda weak and dizzy" he stare at me weirdly for awhile and I furrowed. 

"What is that look?" I asked and he shook his head standing up.

"We will just go to the hospital to know what is wrong, let me prepare something for you" He said and walked away to the kitchen.

I sighed and hugged my legs to myself.

My phone suddenly rang and I glanced at the unknown number, I picked it up "Hello" 

"Anita" I sprang up on hearing at that voice "Skylar? Where the fuck are you? I tried your number several times,Are you okay?" 

I breathe down at her answer that they are fine.

"Okay, I'll be on my way"....


"They are back?" I looked up from my laptop when Hayden informed me about Vincent and Skylar arrival.

"Yes, ma'am" he nod and I leaned back, Yes this is the time to let him know what he doesn't know. He needs to know about the death of his mother. 

He should know where his mother corpse is.


We walked into restaurant and Immediately Anita sight us, she beamed and hugged me immediately. I was quite Xavier is with her.

"Oh my baby" she hugged me while I smile, I can't believe I left her,

"Anita" She turned to Annie who is teary beside "baby" she hugged herself and I scoffed hearing Annie's sobbed.

"I missed you a lot" she mumbled and Anita chuckled.

"Yes, I did too" they pulled away,

"So it is real?" She looked at Vincent who only smile.

"Mr Vincent can really see now" she said and he nod.

"Of course, I can see you Miss Anita" he told her and they both chuckled.

Xavier hasn't say anything since, my eyes moved to him and he sighed. I still remember what he did and I resent him

Giving Daniel my nudes pictures, seem he knew I resent him. He moved closer glance at Anita for a while before turning to me.

"Skylar, I'm sorry for what happened, I didn't do it purposely, please forgive me" He pleaded but I scoffed.

"I don't think I can, what you did is heartbroken you know. We are friends but you choose to betrayed me, how much did they paid you to do it!" I yelled in anger. Remembering that day is making my heart hurt.

"Babe" Vincent held my hand trying to calm me down, I'm sure he doesn't know what went wrong between us.

"They never pay me Skylar, I never choose to betrayed you. Anita is much aware of what really happened. I hated myself for it too" he said in such a convincingly voice and I could see sincerity in his eyes but I'm yet to know what really happened.

"Yes, Skylar, I will explain everything, come on, let's just calm down" she said and I breath down.

"Sister, come on" Annie said and I nod.

Vincent's phone suddenly rang and I turned to him.

He picked it up and frown "okay fine, I will be on my way" with that he hang, he is leaving?

"Uncle, you are going somewhere" Annie beat me to it and he smile.

"Yeah, baby,I will tell Ben to come fetch you back home" he said but I disagreed

"You told him to rest,we will find our way back home" he smile and nod.

"So I will leave now" he placed his mouth on my forehead making me blushed, he just do this in public.

"Take care" with that he walked out of the restaurant.

"Love in the air" Anita teased and I chuckled then I remember we are on Xavier's matter.

 *. *. *. *. *. *. 

"You owned the club?" I can't believe this, Anita narrated everything of how he was threatened on the club and disclosed about his drugs business but the shocking fact is she said he owned Sin Reglas.

"Yes, I'm the owner" he answered and I scoffed "how come I didn't know? Anita you knew?" I asked and she nod. Fuck Me! She knew too.

So Daniel had to threatened him about that, "I'm sorry" He pleaded again and I heaved down.

Not like I can do anything, it is all in the past too and it wasn't really his fault.

"Fine, I forgive you, not your fault" I said and heaved down.

"Thank you" he smile and I nod.

"Can we eat now?" Annie groaned and we chuckled. "Yes, sure" Anita said we started eating "but why are you together?" I raised my head and look in between them. 

Anita blushed and look at Xavier. Is it what I'm thinking?

"Yes, we are together" Xavier hold her hand and placed a kiss on it.

"Oooo, Everywhere is hot" Annie said dramatically while we all chuckled.

"Good to hear that" I said and continue eating but suddenly Anita sprang up and rushing into the washroom.

"Anita" Xavier rushed after her so also us too. What could be wrong with her?