
Romance of Blind Billionaire

He has everything he wants and love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield....  This is a Love story of Vincent Lennon and Skylar Whitfield. The one you wouldn't want to miss!   To be blind isn't easy and to fight for love is another hard thing entirely but here Vincent Lennon fight it all.  He stood up to fame at the age of twenty years old. He owned the JB company, biggest Company in the city of Mexico despite being blind.  He has everything he wants but love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield.  Skylar whitfield, She will do anything for money to survive and save her sister and this is what brought her into Vincent Lennon's life. she is on a mission to tame his heart but she got her heart tamed instead.  She lit up his dark world and they both fell madly in love with each other but the fate wouldn't let them be together.  As they had to fight hard for their love and change the fate to be together.  Read this interesting Romance of the Blind billionaire 

Baby_Mediagirl · Ciudad
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70 Chs

Satisfy me.



I got down from the cab and saw her standing opposite to the big mansion that once belong to us but now it's not. I stood still for a while as I could remember how Daddy use to drove us out of the mansion to school but that was in the past.

I turned to look at Annie who was still standing just looking at the mansion. I fucking told her to stay at home. What was she thinking?

"Annie" I called in anger as I crossed to the other side of the road fuming.

Immediately she saw me, her eyes widened.

"Sister" she called but I slapped her shoulder instantly I got closed to her.

"Ouch! " She yelped but that was nothing, I really wished I can flog her right now.

"Tell me, which of my words "Stay at home" do you not understand? Tell me! Do you want to land us into trouble? " I asked but she rolled her eyes and pointed at the mansion which held lot of memories. I didn't want to come here, why did she come here?

"That was supposed to ours, we are supposed to be the owners of the house but here we are struggling…struggling to live" Her voice started breaking down already and that makes my heart to tigtened against my chest.

I never want to come here, They mustn't know we are back here. Tears formed in my eyes as she cried looking at the mansion.

"Why did you come here? I.. told… you to stay at home" I asked in a breaking voice as tears couldn't help but rolled down my face also.

She faced me in tears "I missed Mom and Dad, I missed us living here, I missed them" She break down into more tears, sobbing more but I pulled her close to myself hugging her trying to control my tears also.

"Of course, I missed us too" I mumbled still hugging her to my body.

We heard the gate of the Mansion opened suddenly, I quickly hide my face turning my back at the mansion, facing another direction hugging Annie close to me so they won't see us.

A car drove past us and I caught a glimpse of Uncle Genieve in the car. That Wicked Uncle! He fucking betrayed Dad and took what belongs to us!



I watched them had dinner while I sat on the couch pressing my phone, I didn't join them for Dinner because I'm on diet. My eyes moves to Vincent as he eat quietly.

He look so calm now guess he give up on Skylar, well there is nothing more he can do, the wedding is happening tommorrow. He will finally be mine, I stare at him and chuckle.

"He is blind yet so handsome, I wonder if he can do all what guys do" I almost slapped myself for saying but I couldn't help but wonder.

The thought of how huge he might be is making me horny. Since he can't see, I will have the power over him to do any thing I want if we are to have S3x.

I closed my eyes for awhile at the feelings that ran down my body, I tightened my leg trying to control myself but i don't think I can. Fuck you Vincent!

I stood up and that makes Ben and that Witch old woman glanced at me but I care less.

I walk to my room to get my Vibrator, I need something big and thick to calm me down.

I locked the door immediately pulling off my gown leaving me in just my bra and pant.

Picking up the vibrator, I get down to it as I tried my possible best not to moan out but fuck! This is not working out for me, I want someone inside of me!

In anger, I threw the vibrator away, using my finger but fuck! It been long I had real sex and I need one badly.

What should I do? What should I fucking do? Go out and pick a guy? Never not when my husband to be is at home, he can do that for me but the hell he will skin me alive. It is him i want, since they are all downstairs, I think I know what to do.

I rushed to the drawer beside my bed to see If I still have Rohypnol and luckiky, I still have it.

"This… he can't fight against it"


I picked up my cane about walking upstairs but Mama stopped me.

"Son, Amelia dropped by, she is so worried about you" She said not in a cheerful tone, I guessed she is also worried about me.

"I'm fine" I told her, she placed her hand on mine and I heard her sighed.

"Vincent, what are you planning? You being so quiet is scaring me, the wedding is happening tomorrow"

I chuckled softly "Mama, Don't worry,I'm not going to marry that bitch, You know Skylar is my only light and She is waiting for me. You shouldn't worry too much, everything will be fine" I assured her with my smile.

"Are you sure? " She asked and I chuckled lifting her hand close to my mouth and I placed a kiss on it.

"Thank you mama" I said and she pulled me into a tight hug and I smile.

"Goodnight and take your medications, I placed them on the table with water already" She said before we departed to our rooms.

Sitting at the edge of the bed, I placed my cane beside the bed. Tomorrow, I will exposed their evil deed, since everyone is aware of the contract marriage, they need to be aware of how they forged the contract too. I will put Mrs. Smith and her daughter in their places.

Skylar is waiting for me, I need to get her back here as soon as possible. I missed everything about her, her scent, her voice. I just missed everything about her.

I sighed and stood up counting five steps to the table to use my medications. I'm used to it already so it wasn't hard for me.

Few minutes after taking the drugs, I laid on the bed but something started seems different about me.

I started feeling so weak, My muscle and my body, I couldn't move it.

I tried to talk but I can't, What is happening to me? Who messed with my medications?

I heard the sounds of the door and thought it was Ben but the scent that I perceived is that of the Stella.

"Now, let's get down to satisfy me" That was all what I heard before my brain litterally shut down.