
Rolling the Heaven's Dice

Miles O'Connor overslept the morning the apocalypse came. Everyone in his dorm and most of humanity were turned into zombies. Also, those who were alive awakened a system like a player to strengthen themselves for the new coming age. However, Miles did not receive a system. He killed zombies to try to awaken a system and after killing a thousand zombies, it finally arrived. But it was different from what he imagined. [ You have accumulated 1,000 points. You can now roll the Heaven's Dice. ] Cover credits to the owner.

ArchionFate · Fantasía
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34 Chs

The Spear and the Ants

The door opened and the team stepped out of the building.

In front of them was an almost empty area only littered with corpses and a few zombies walking around.

They skipped killing them and went straight out of the dormitory area, passing by the line of trees along the way.

"What the…" William muttered.

They were greeted by a huge assembly of zombies moving slowly in the open space. From what they could observe from the faculty building, they already knew that they were facing a huge number of zombies but seeing them this close made them a bit nervous.

A gulp of saliva was heard.

"Miss Helen." Miles called their healer.

She nodded and activated the Priest's Prayer.

"Let's move." Miles walked forward and began charging at the zombies with the others following him. Their speed was not slow but they were not also sprinting. It was like light jogging.

He took his stance and swung his axe towards the first multiple incoming zombies.

'Heavy Strike!'

His attack became more powerful with the addition of his skill, chopping eight heads in one go. The closest zombies died but a few already replaced them. He swung his axe to the left.


A small area in front of him was cleared easily.

'I'll just alternate between a normal strike and Heavy Strike. I know that there's Helen and a health potion but what I'm worried about is my stamina. I can't just stop and meditate in the midst of this place. I need to conserve my stamina.'

Miles thought.

Although there was already a healer in their team, he doesn't want to push his body into a brink of collapse because if that happens and Helen could not heal his severe injury, he will be doomed.

"Crushing Blow!"

Dante shouted from the side.

His fireman axe, just like the ones Miles and William have, was raised and it fell in front of him, causing a small crater on the floor and throwing all the zombies backward, their bodies already crushed by the impact.

"Nice!" Dante smiled as he began attacking again.

On the other side of the formation, William also attacked the zombies, not only with his axe but also with his fist.

"Hard Fist!"


A zombie was hit by his fist and its head splattered into paste.

"Heavy Slash!"

Michelle wielded her bat and burst the head of a zombie, killing it instantly.

A zombie jumped into her. She blocked its mouth with her bat and smashed the zombie into the ground, head first.

Nathan was also doing a good job on the other side. He was the same level as William and the highest among the shielders, except Michelle of course.

His weapon was a wooden table leg wrapped with barbed wire, similar to the weapons of Paul and Lilia.

"Heavy Slash!" he shouted.

He has the same skills as Michelle, his fellow shielder, except there were only two, Heavy Slash(E) and Self Shield(E). Still, it was enough to be useful for the team and fend off zombies.

Paul and Lilia also killed the zombies that came up to them.

Although the two of them with Dante were all warriors, their starting skill set was slightly different from one another.

However, this didn't hold them back from being a good warrior.

Their skills may be different but each one could be utilized to kill or immobilize zombies with ease.

"Power Strike!" Paul swung his weapon horizontally, slicing the zombies' body into two and ended them up with an attack on the head.

"Blunt Hit!" Lilia shouted and her attack crushed all the bones of a zombie and its body was thrown into the back.

Helen was watching the team and seeing who needed her buffs.

Brent casted his first buff. However, unlike Helen who has an AOE percentage buff, he has only a single target buff.

He moved closer to Miles. "White Bubble."

Brent blew from his mouth and a white bubble the size of a tennis ball was formed in front of him. It moved towards Miles' back and popped the moment it made contact with him.

Mies immediately felt the power of his body increasing and his stamina recovering.

He turned around for a second and gave Brent a nod.

'This is amazing. A pity, I don't know all its effects but still, this skill is incredible.' Miles thought as he swung his axe continuously.

Julia was on the rear, branding her two knives on the zombies approaching them from the back. They were fewer than the ones they were fighting at the front but handling them alone while also ensuring Helen and Brent's safety was not easy.

What was surprising was that Julia was handling the task with not much of a difficulty.

The team progressed well and they passed the halfway mark without any problems.

"Let's increase our pace a bit more!" Dante shouted. He saw that they were a little behind in their time so he decided to quicken their pace a bit.

"Yes!" The others agreed.

Eventually, the entrance of the Lecture Hall Annex entered their sight.

"A little more." Miles shouted.

The points in his possession were increasing continuously.

[ Current points: 655 ]

He believed that they would enter the building in another five minutes at their current pace.


A loud shout came from somewhere.

Miles' mind suddenly became alert like never before.

The others also heard the sound and in the next second, the zombies stopped for a moment.

"Kill them now! Quick!" he shouted to them.

It was a short amount of time of immobilization and they needed to use it to their advantage.

The team responded immediately and killed the immobile zombies around them.

In the next second, the eyes of the zombies became red and they attacked the group like wild beasts.

"Run to the building quickly!" he shouted. "It'll only last for a minute so just hold on for that long!"

William was fighting at the left side of the formation when he saw something from a distance.

"Miles!" he called. "Left side! Something's coming!"

Miles turned and looked to the left and saw a silhouette of a huge crowd of zombies advancing towards them at high speed.

When he saw a glimpse of their red eyes, he knew that his team would be in great danger.

"Damn! Go to the building before the other group arrives! GO!" he shouted to the team. He then swung his axe again and again, with the Heavy Strike skill activated on each attack.

'Damn! I need to hold on for another minute!'

He was beginning to feel the injuries slowly accumulating inside his body.

With his lead, the zombies in front were rapidly cleared giving them a small path to move forward. It was at the expense of his body of course.

But what could he do? The team could handle the crowd they were currently fighting but if another huge assembly of enraged zombies were added, he was sure they wouldn't survive.

The other members were also killing the zombies and activating their skills one after the other.

They knew that there was a chance of them fighting enraged zombies and was ready for that but this situation was not what they expected. The team could handle the zombies around just enough if they spam all their skills but if another wave comes, they will be overwhelmed and will eventually be killed.

Miles was counting on his mind and shouted to the team. "Twenty more seconds!"

This was the most stressful twenty seconds of their life.

The distance between them and the approaching wave was closing and the zombies would arrive in about ten seconds and they would fight them for the remaining duration of their enraged state.

They held on for another ten seconds and the wave finally reached them.

'Heavy Strike!'

He swung his weapon to the ones jumping into them. Their bodies were sliced into two and fell to the ground. He stepped on their heads and crushed them beneath his feet.

The next swing was released.


'Damn it!'

His right arm was broken. Miles immediately felt his power decreasing and the pain in his arm. Gritting his teeth, he endured the pain and activated the Heavy strike skill once again.


He heard a voice in the midst of the chaos and when he turned to its source, he saw a zombie biting Dante in his left forearm. Dante chopped the head of the zombie and it fell but there was already a deep bite wound on his arm.

"Chop it!" Dante shouted and stretched out his left arm towards Miles.

Miles gritted his teeth and sliced Dante's arm, just slightly above his elbow.


A forearm dropped to the ground.

"Son of a…" Dante gnashed his teeth.

"Helen!" Miles called.

"I know!" she shouted back. She immediately performed a Light Heal on Dante, who was already swinging his axe with his remaining hand and killing the zombies despite blood flowing out from his one arm.

A green light enveloped him and his bleeding stopped.

"Come here you bastards!" Dante screamed on top of his lungs. There was no fear in his eyes but pure rage brought by what just happened.

Another few seconds passed and finally, the enraged state of the zombies came to an end.

The group however, didn't stop and swept the zombies, killing the remaining ones in the vicinity. They were easier to kill, now that they were in their normal state.

After some time, they entered the first floor.

They were still in their formation when one of them suddenly shouted.


They all turned to Nathan, who was drooling and gnashing his teeth, blood was flowing out of his mouth.

He turned to Dante, who was in front of him and leaped with his mouth wide open, ready for a huge bite.

"Damn!" Miles quickly moved, passing by the stunned others and swung his axe vertically.



A head was buried with an axe in the blink of an eye and the body knelt, before it collapsed on the floor with a thud.

There was a silence in the air as they stared at the expanding pool of blood of their teammate with shock and sadness.

Miles retrieved his axe from the head and spoke. "Let's go."

It pulled back the others from their shock and followed him, leaving the body behind.