
Rolling the Heaven's Dice

Miles O'Connor overslept the morning the apocalypse came. Everyone in his dorm and most of humanity were turned into zombies. Also, those who were alive awakened a system like a player to strengthen themselves for the new coming age. However, Miles did not receive a system. He killed zombies to try to awaken a system and after killing a thousand zombies, it finally arrived. But it was different from what he imagined. [ You have accumulated 1,000 points. You can now roll the Heaven's Dice. ] Cover credits to the owner.

ArchionFate · Fantasía
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34 Chs

Different Classes

It was the first subject of the day when it happened. Halfway to the class, a bloodied man attacked a physics professor.

The students panicked and began running out of the room. Then, they saw that there were other students running towards them. They were being chased by a group of people like the one that attacked their professor. Those people were brutal as they caught one student and ripped him apart.

Students screamed in fear when they saw the scene.

They immediately ran away from those violent people.

"What's happening, Julia?" Michelle, a long haired blonde lady, asked her friend with fear.

Julia, the short haired woman, looked at her friend. She was holding her hand as she dragged her away from danger. She could feel the fear in her voice. But she could not blame her because she too was so scared she was trembling.

"I don't know. But we need to find a safe place first. Let's wait for the authorities to arrive."

Both of them were running as fast as they could. A man bumped into Michelle and pushed her to the side, causing her to trip and fall down.


Right then, a zombie jumped into the window and broke it. It crashed into the floor and turned to Michelle.

She was frozen when she saw that the zombie was close to her.

"Michelle!" Julia shouted as she lifted her friend by the arm and carried her by shoulder.

"Get a grip! Let's go!" She tried to shake her friend back to reality.

Michelle heard her friend and tried to run with all her strength although her legs were soft.

They sprint away, trying to evade the zombies and the chaos around them and eventually end up running into one of the male dormitories. However, the zombies still followed them.

"This is open! Let's go!" Julia said as she opened one of the rooms after trying for a long time.

The two of them entered and immediately locked the door. Both of them were panting heavily as they embraced each other. A moment later, Michelle began crying.

"It's alright, it's alright. We're fine." Julia comforted her friend.

Both of them were trembling from fear and having difficulty breathing from exhaustion.

There was a silence for all the time they were trying to calm down.

A few minutes later, Julia checked the room they entered and brought some water for them to drink. The dormitory building 1 and 2 were both designated for men while the 3 and 4 were for women.

They wanted to get to their own room but the building was farther and they would be killed before they could even get there.

"Let's see what's happening." Julia opened her phone and read the news.

She and Michelle were shocked to know about the zombie apocalypse.

"Michelle, let's contact our parents."


They called their home and the line connected quickly.

"I am fine. We hid in one of the rooms. Yes, the door is locked. Mm, Michelle is with me. We have food for at least today…Will the military rescue us? Okay. You are going to the Radville Campsite? Is it safe there? Alright, I'll try my best…" Julia talked to her family and so did Michelle.

They came from the same neighborhood and were friends from childhood. They were best friends and even took the same course in college.

Hearing that their family was safe made them a little better. Their families were even going to the same place to find a safe location. Now, they just have to find a way to get there or wait for someone to rescue them and take them to their families.

"I'm glad they are safe." Michelle said like a huge weight was lifted off her chest.

Julia nodded. "Then let's try to contact the police or military."

She dialed a number on her phone but it couldn't connect.

"Well, we should wait for some time."

Julia searched the room for some shirts and took a shower to wash the blood splatters on her skin. Michelle also took one after her.

They sat on the bed when at exactly 9 am, it appeared in front of them.

{ Congratulations! You can now start your journey and change your fate! }

The two of them didn't leave the room that day.

When the leftover food was eaten, they did not have a next meal so Julia and Michelle decided to search the other rooms for food.

However, the moment they opened the door, they saw the crowd of zombies walking around the hallway. The earlier events came back to them and fear struck their hearts.

Julia quickly closed the door and locked it again.

"We should be fine. Let's wait a little bit more."

Both of them hoped that a rescue team would come to them.

The night passed and there were still no signs of anyone and even the authorities said that they will help the people evacuate, their presence couldn't be seen anywhere.

It was until the afternoon when a knock came.

Knock! Knock!

"Is there someone inside?" a voice came from the other side.

Julia was excited but she first peeked at the peephole.

When she saw the man wearing black helmet covered in blood, she suddenly became cautious.

She slightly opened the door with the chain lock still connected.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Miles." the man replied.

Seeing that Julia was cautious of her appearance, Miles removed his helmet.

"Hi!" he smiled. "I already killed the zombies on this floor so you're now safe."

Julia's ears perked and she immediately opened the door and checked the hallway. It was now full of dismembered bodies of zombies.

"Did you really kill them?" she asked.

"Yes, I did." Miles answered.

Julia finally breathed relief. "So it is you we are hearing from the last hour. Thank you, thank you."

"It is nothing but…we?"

"Oh, I have a friend with me." Julia said.

Michelle came out and saw the scene. It surprised her and immediately thanked Miles for coming for them.

"I am Julia and this is Michelle. Again, thank you for killing the zombies and rescuing us."

Miles waved his hand. "No, no. I'm just glad to see some survivors."


Right then, Michelle's stomach growled. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"I have some food and water here. You can eat first."

Miles took out some cup noodles and bread from his backpack.

"I'm fine. You don't have to do that." Michelle declined.

"Nah, it's fine really. Come on. Let's eat together." he insisted.

"Are you sure?" Julia asked.

Miles nodded and they boiled some water and poured it onto the cup noodles. They began eating a few minutes later.

"Thank you, really. I don't know how to thank you." Michelle said.

"Then do you know if there are other survivors?" he asked.

The two ladies shook their heads.

"We were stuck here all this time so we don't know. But I saw some people running towards the upper floors. Maybe they are there." Julia answered.

Miles nodded. "I will check it after some rest."

"Did you really kill those zombies?" Michelle asked.

"Yes. I also cleared the lower floors. Is there a problem?" Miles responded.

"Then…did you level up?" she continued. Julia also looked at Miles.

'Level up? Hmm..If the system is like a game, then leveling up is possible and raising level should also be possible from killing zombies. Those phenomena should be connected somehow.'

'I don't level up but I have the Heaven's Dice. This is the huge difference between me and the rest of the world. I still don't know the extent of the Heaven's Dice and I have no information about these awakeners or players. Hiding about the Heaven's Dice while gathering intel about the player system is the best choice for now. I won't risk the only thing I have.'

"Yes, I did."

"So it is true that we can level up and become stronger? This system actually work?"

Both of them were still in disbelief about the sudden appearance of blue panels in front of them.

But now, someone proved it to them, making them believe the system.

"What level are you, Miles? It must be high considering you killed those zombies." Michelle asked.

'I don't know because I don't have a system like you!' was what Miles wanted to say.

"Well, let me warn you about something. Don't disclose your information to other people like your level. Keep it to yourselves. It's for your safety. The apocalypse is just starting and we don't have any idea what will happen from now on. There will be people out there taking advantage of others so always be on guard. It is better to be safe than sorry."

Michelle lowered her head and apologized.

"I'm sorry. You're right, player information is a private matter."

"It's fine." Miles waved his hand.

"Then, are you going to take advantage of us?" Julia asked.

Miles turned to her and sighed. "If I want to take advantage of you, I would have already done so the first moment I met you. What can two powerless ladies do against me? But I didn't, right?"

Julia clenched her fist and bit her lips. "Yes. I'm sorry for doubting you."

She felt very weak facing someone like Miles and she knew that he was saying the truth.

"Did you guys show each other your character window?" Miles decided to test the waters about the character profile. He didn't have any idea about how the system looks like but if he could collect little bits of information from others, that would be great.

"Yes. We saw each other's character window." Julia replied.

"I'll at least tell you about our classes. I am a 'shielder' and Julia is an 'assassin'." Michelle revealed.

"Michelle!?" Julia almost shouted.

Miles smiled bitterly. "I just told you.."

"It's fine. I trust you." Michelle showed a genuine smile.

"Well, if you say so. Then, I'm a 'warrior'." he said.