
5. Slip and Slide

His girl?

Warmed by his embrace and the stem from the streaming water, I stood there pressed more intimately closer then I have ever been with another man. Part of me wanted to lean against him and drink in the moment, but the other half knew it could never be. He was an Alpha and I knew nothing about my isolated past. He had obligations to his pack and I was on the run from the mad scientists.

Pushing gently against his stomach, I pulled away making sure to avert my eyes to the side. Arms sliding away from their firm grasp around my upper body, I almost flinched in my resolve to keep my distance. I could feel the coldness sink in where his warmth had been and I mourned the contract just a tiny bit. He was like a walking furnace.

Taking my shoulders in his large hands, he pulled me forward until I stepped into the stream of water from the shower head. Squinting through the droplets of water, I glanced up at him in question. One side of his lips quirked up in a boyish smile before he bent over to the side and to grab a shampoo bottle. My eyes followed him eagerly until I noticed his just as eager friend was pointing at me.

Flushing red, I couldn't help but stare. His skin was slightly paler around his meaty appendage. He could possibly be the size of my forearm and his girth was almost the size of coke can. Jesus. Not only was he build like a god, but he had the dick of one too. My top of my head barely reached his shoulder and the image of him trying to fit that monster in my vag was thrilling in a way, but also it worried me that he might break me.

"I won't bite, well I might, but he won't," his deep rumbling voice made me jump, causing my injured leg to suddenly give out on me. Lovely.

Gasping, I fell forward into him. My sudden weight caused him to slam against the glass panel behind him with a dull thud followed by a grunt. I felt one of his feet slide towards me, gliding between my legs, a second before his hands slapped against the glass to try to save himself. All that muscle and long limbs slick with water slide down, his sudden descent bringing me down with him. His tall form ended up scrunched beneath me, his knees were bent behind my butt while I stradled his thigh and my boobs suffocating his face that laid still propped against the glass panel.

Squirming to lean backwards to give him some air, I slide down his thigh until my feminine bits met his hip and in turn his hard length slid up to rest against my stomach. Freezing, I sat there staring down at his rounded green eyes, my breasts heaving with each breath centimeters away from his parted lips.

"Well, that was unexpected."

I let out a nervous laugh. "I promise I wasn't trying to sufficate you."

Grinning, he chuckled deep in his chest, his green eyes sparkling with humor. "It wouldn't be a bad way to go. Though I never knew you could be smothered with boobs till now."

Laughing, I smiled, grateful he wasn't making it awkward. "Wouldn't be bad? They might be soft as pillows but they'd probably be more sufficient. Have you never been hugged tightly to your mama's or great aunt's bossum? You come away looking like a gulping goldfish, desperate for air." Pausing, I blinked down at him. "Though it's mainly short people problems."

He laughed and I felt my heart stutter. Emerald eyes shining, his handsome face aglow with good humor and that smile. Perfect white teeth and a little dimple that flashed on his left cheek when he grinned. God, all that with his deep masculine laugh made him everything you would want in a man. Everything I would want.

"I was a tall lanky kid when I was younger and my brothers would always compete on would could pick mom up the smoothest at any given time. She's tiny like you, but not as... curvy as you." the last bit came out an octive lower and I watched his eyes flick down to glance at my chest before swiftly meeting mine again.

Shifting nervously, I yelped when his hands were suddenly gripping my hips. Having been staring down at him, I saw the green swirl to black and back, the change only lasting a second at most. His adams apple bobbed down his throat as he swallowed loudly, his tongue sweeping across his bottom lip. His hardness throbbed against my stomach and I was a little ashamed that I had gotten comfortable enough that I ignored it.

"Please don't move," he murmured in a slightly raspy growl. "I'm harder then I have ever been and you wiggling around might make me embarrass myself."

I was instantly hot all over. I could feel his heart beat through every throb that thumped against my stomach. It was empowering knowing that just moving against him might make him spill all over me and part of me really really wanted that to happen. To see if I could make him cum with just skin contact, but... he had behaved himself through our little conversation. Ignoring his body's reaction and mine to lessen the awkward situation we had slipped into. He was clearly aroused, but he choose saving me the embarrassment rather then give in to his throbbing desire that pulsed against my skin. I couldn't take my deprived enjoyment at the situation out on him.

Flushing with guilt, I gave a weak nod.

He grinned at me, his hands running up my sides in slow measured movements. "You really thought about doing it, you little minx."

My face went a darker shade of red. I wanted to automatically deny it, but it was the truth. Yes. I wanted to see this hunk of a man's orgasm face. Having never seen it happen I was intrigued.

"Can you blame me?" I murmured softly, I shrugged my shoulder while turning my face away, "you're handsome and well built and I'm... curious."

Legs flexing beneath me, he scooted up into a sitting position with me still straddling his thigh. Lifting his right hand from my side, he gently grasped my chin to tilt my head up to look up at him. Reluctantly, raising my amber eyes to meet his, I saw the bewilderment there and underneath I saw a hint of anger?

"You've never..." he paused and licked his lips nervously, "were they your first?"

I remained silent, fighting against the roll of emotions those simple words brought back. Shame, disgust, pain, sadness, loss. He watched all of it flit across my face and the bewilderment bled from his eyes as they turned black with anger. His beast looking back at me while my face and eyes told him what I didn't say with words.

"Fucking bastards," he growled.

Shrugging, I gave a false smile. "They're dead. What's done is done."

He growled low in his chest, the sound making my heart beat just a little quicker. "They deserved worse. It makes me want to erase their scent from your skin."

Leaning down, I watched his face and those obsidian eyes get closer, his gaze focused on my lips. He was going to kiss me. Heart pounding in my chest, I sat there naked in his lap and parted my lips in anticipation. Just as his lips touched mine, the doorbell rang, loud and startling at that precise moment.

Pulling back, he blinked rapidly and cleared his throat. Turning his head to stare at the bathroom doorway, I felt his body still beneath me. Rage contorted his face.

"They're here looking for you."

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