
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Derivados de obras
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44 Chs



Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




Hopelessness? Rage? Multitude of emotions painted Robert's face before the swift arrival of darkness. With a soft pop once again he found himself at the Hogsmeade station. His inner musings where interrupted by Albert.

"After I leave, you may continue with your sulking, sir. Contrary to your belief I actually value my time. Here, this is from Hogwarts." Albert presented a little pouch.

"This should be enough for you to get by and not bring shame to our humble institution." That smirk on its face was becoming more and more unhinged.

"Hogwarts? Do you mean from the headmaster?" Robert asked while blinking. He couldn't believe what was happening. Surely this wasn't a prank gone wrong.

Albert didn't answer. Seemingly ignoring the young man's query.

"I wish you a productive day, sir. Hopefully her trust wasn't misplaced." Robert couldn't hear the second part as wind suddenly brought up and muted the elfs words. Right when it stopped the elf left as it came, with a silent pop. Tired from today's proceedings Robert sat down on a familiar bench. He probably should engrave his name in it with how often he ends up on it. After taking a moment's grace planning ensued. Now with money by his side he should be able to find some accommodation. A cheaper one of course. He tried to remember if there where any inns in the town. Only one place came to his mind. So with lethargy showing on his face he set towards his goal, The Three Broomsticks.

It was the middle of the afternoon. A trail of people was seen going in one direction. Robert looked at where they were heading and he saw a three-story building. Leisurely swinging in the wind above and slightly to the right of the twin doors a sign hanged. Three broomsticks crisscrossing each other were engraved in what seems dark brown wood. At least he won't have to search for much longer. Following the crowd he entered the pub. Inside he saw that already half of the tables were booked. Some of the seats at the counter on the right were also taken. Suddenly through the door behind the counter a woman walked through with dishes filled with mouth-watering food. As she called out each order the dishes flew towards their selected table.

"Don't stand in the way kid!" A man exclaimed while pushing Robert to the side. "Young people and their manners."

Robert woke up from his daze and apologized for his clumsiness. He went up to the counter and sat down on an available chair. Finally he'll be able to eat and maybe enjoy a well deserved butterbeer.

"What can I get you sonny?" The barkeeper said. Long blonde and slightly hair accompanied the welcoming smile on her face. Some mischief could be seen in her aged eyes. No wonder why many found her attractive in the main series. A figure filled with curves made many boys crush hard after her throughout the years she served in this pub.

"I would like the dish of the day please." Robert said after reading the menu placed on the wall behind the counter. "And one butterbeer to start things off."

"One butterbeer and wednesday special coming right up." The barkeeper said and went to serve another customer.

Robert turned around on his chair and looked over the pub. A cacophony of noises could be heard. People talking, eating, joyfully greeting their friends and acquaintances. Even though it should have made him smile he couldn't. He was a stranger here. An anomaly waiting to be snuffed out by the forces that got him here in the first place. Finally the weight of his situation was hitting him. He left eveything behind. His family and friends. His lovable pets, a dog called Chester and cat named Misty. He couldn't even say goodbye. A sudden tap saved him from almost balling his eyes out.

"Hear you go,sonny. Your order." Said the barkeeper.

"Thank you." Robert said trying to hide his sniffling.

"Is everything alright?" She said with some concern.

"Maybe. Maybe everything's going to be alright." He said while staring at the dish. Almost as if his hunger disappeared because of the rapid influx of emotions. "I'll be fine."

"If you'll need anything just ask." The barkeeper said. "I'm Rosmerta by the way." After saying this she left to tend to other customers.

After gathering his thoughts Robert started to eat. However somehow everything had an aftertaste of salt. After dinnertime most of the patrons left. Leaving the pub rather barren and void of sound. After paying the bill Robert asked for a room. After checking if his finances were sufficient he rented the room till August. Three meals a day fortunately were also included.

Robert stood up and headed towards his room. Number seven made of copper meant that this was his place for the foreseeable future. He twisted the key and with a click the door opened. In the rather spacious room a single sized bed stood on the right in a corner. Across it in the left corner a simple desk and chair. Between them a window showing the busy streets of Hogsmeade. Robert tooked his shoes off and laid down on the bed. And suddenly the gates couldn't hold the waves of sadness. He was mourning. Despair finally sunk into his soul and took what it was owned. Trinkets and furniture started to tremble. The creeking of the floor jarring to the ears. If anyone had seen this scene they would have said that this was an episode of accidental magic. Violent energies started to rise up. However, before any disaster could occur suddenly a beeping sound made Robert open his eyes in disbelief. Quickly he sat down and reached towards his pockets. After feeling with his fingers what he was searching for he pulled out his phone. How could a device live through all that has happened? A dive through an endless void. Multiple sessions of teleportation. Not to mention being in the presence of magic. A loading screen with rebooting was displayed on it. A couple of moments went by as it finalized the set up. A nostalgic tone spread to the world from the speakers and a message appeared on the screen.

"Hello Robert."