The night before, Drake gathered the men. "Take this," He gave the map to each person. "Delaney, and Lodgy will lead the troops to directly entering the border together with two Lara and Faryal's apprentice. I can't use sleeping drugs like yesterday." With a lot of troops, parents and students inside, the sleeping drugs were working more for the enemy's favor. As they Sora might be immune to it.
"Though it wouldn't be a sleep drug like before, but definitely there will be a protected barrier. No man will come out, and no man will enter the area."
"I Understand." Lara nodded, she looked back at the two men behind her. Alek and Ekbal. "Don't disappoint me," Lara said tapping their shoulder, with her eyes penetrating them.
Though Alek and Ekbal were good Sora, they were not good and trained enough for this mission. Drake didn't argue over this, their team lacked powerful Sora.
In the past weeks, Ash, Delaney, and Marven, were training a group of Bismouth, creating their own troops. They prepared them to fight the tricky Sora, and enhanced their stamina. But still, they need more Sora to join them.
"Open the map," Drake ordered. "I will directly go to Hanilia's office. Ash, together with Lara and some men will clean up the tower ground." With the Information he got from Broom and Victor, Drake easily mapped the position of his crew.
"And Marven, I want you and Faryal to do something for me." Drake asked him. He was going to play a big role for Beddero. This has to succeed so people could believe in Samoa even more.
While everyone left the room, Marven and Faryal were staying inside the room. Drake opened one more wrinkled page of paper. "Check the list." He gave them to Marven ato see.
Faryal peeked it from his side, "Who are they?" She saw the list of names that she never heard of before.
"The list of missing students. Well, not like the missing one who got kidnaped. They were missing because the're no news about them anymore. After Hanilia took them to get trained by the Sora Union."
Faryal shook her head, "I don't understand this. Why the Sora Union always tried to take children, a non grown up teen and children. What is their purpose?"
"Is this related to the material you mentioned before?" Marven chimed in, Drake once mentioned the material as they got the information from Savanna. Kira also mentioned it, but she didn't know much. Only that Savanna referred the kids as material. "I think it was somehow related." Drake muttered, "No words from Athena?"
Faryal shook her head. "No, her mental condition had to be better first. That little girl carries a lot of psychological trauma within her." Even for an adult like her, she couldn't dare to imagine what Athena had gone through.
Well, it couldn't be helped. Drake said to them, "Alright, then I want both of you to focus on those names. If better, I want you to look for them throughout the tower, from the underground to the highest floor. A little bit of information will be great."
He knew when he gave this mission to Marven and Faryal, he believed they were strong enough to roam the ground and fight any enemy during their task.
"Don't worry, We will do our best," Marven assured him.
When they were moving, the team was divided into a group, carrying their own task. Drake, Marven, Faryal, Lana, Ash and his troops were on the same line, directly going to the Sora Tower.
After Delaney and the others finally succeeded in opening the gate from them, It was an easy path to go through. A big ambush in the daylight to the neutral zone. Who could predict such a thing?
Before they passed through the gate, Drake used the wind to chant a border. As the pink light colored border was created, it was protecting the town. Same rules, people who went through the border would feel dizzy and start to hallucinate. He hoped Delaney was smart enough to convince the local people not to leave the town.
Hanilia was also surprised when her husband told the situation outside the border. "They move so fast, wife."
"Shut up, Rabik!" Hanila was so upset as his good for nothing husband said something useless in this situation. "How could those criminals ambush my territory?!" As the news of Samoa attacked in the Zone West was heard before, she thought at least they wouldn't make a move when the Sora Union put a tight security for their neutral area.
"And all of this, happened during the outing? Isn't this too obvious to be considered as coincident? Esmos, her second husband, was already prepared, fitting himself to welcome the uninvited guests.
"Right!" Hanilia approached Esmos, she rubbed his cheeks, "Esmos, you're the only one that I could depend on."
"Tch!" Rabik didn't like how he was compared to Esmos. True, Esmos as Hanilia's second husband, was better in his easy.That's how people whispered around his back. Great body, smart, tall figure, and young. Who would expected for a fine man be a second husband from notorious fat hag.
"I will handle the ground floor of this Sora tower, and keep contacting the Sora Union." A huge man with a long beard stood up, making his way out.
"That's my third husband! Behlot." Hanilia proudly exclaimed. "Now Rabik!" She went from a soft hearted wife to hag while talking to his first husband. "Go search for the remaining professor and student. Made them understand if this ambush was their part of rebellion. I give you the right to handle everything by your decision. Don't let me down!"
"I won't!" This might be an opportunity for him to show himself as a capable husband. Poor guy, as her first husband, he was always compared with the other two.
"And I want you, Esmos, to protect the most important thing." She looked up to him, her voice was harsh. "You know what I mean."
Esmos nodded, "Of course, my lady." He kissed her hand before leaving the room.
And just like that, members of Samoa will have their own enemy to handle.
"I'll move around from here," Drake said to the other friends.
Marven nodded, "Right. Let's separate, come on Faryal."
"Roger Boss." Faryal answered.
Drake was speeding his run, and went straight to the inside of Sora Tower. But before he took the steps further, a big man, with a thick long beard, was right in front of him, blocking the pathway.
"I think you should stop right there!" That man smirked, as his yellow teeth showed in unfriendly manner.
His hand was holding a hammer, which Drake guessed was heavier than any other regular weapon. But the huge man was easily carrying the hammer and took a swing.
Drake was avoiding the first swing. But when the man was about to swing the hammer again, It was directly blocked by a long sword. Drake knew very well which this sword belonged to.
"Not so fast buddy," Ash was right beside the beard man, blocking the swing. With his sword, it was almost impossible to block a strong hammer like that. But as he trained as a Bismouth, the manna that coating his sword was thick enough to block heavy energy.
The beard man was surely not liking how a single sword could handle his strong hammer. He roared, pushing his hand more. "Who the hell are you!"
"Ha! Don't you have eyes to see? I'm your opponent!" Ash pushed back the hammer and as a result, the man was forced to take some steps back. This fight could take a longer time, Drake thought.
"I'm counting on you, Ash!" Drake said, trusting this man to Ash.
"Don't worry. Go find that old hag!" Ash voice was heard from a distance.
Drake then left the area, climbing the stairs nearby. His destination was the highest floor of that tower, where Hanilia stayed.
When he finally arrived at the top floor, he saw the only big door around. But in a second before he could do anything, the door was blown up, shattered and broken into pieces.
This sudden burst was nothing. Because the real deal that he had to face was the figure behind the door.
Hanilia. An old and short woman, that's how Broon explained to him. It was supposed to be under those physical characteristics. But the woman in front of him was way more different than it. She was huge. Huge enough that almost filled the entire room of her office.
Nothing like this could happen to humans. Not even a single drug, or even a mantra could turn a normal human into a giant. Yet she was still alive and breathing. Her eyes went directly went to where Drake was standing.
Without being called, Hora appeared right beside Drake. "Drake, this human, was a hybrid." Hora boosted his energy, seeing the enemy was not a joke. "She is a hybrid with a monster."