
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasía
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104 Chs

The beginning

"In the beginning, eighty-two years ago, various villains appear around the world spreading terror and destroying everything in their path, cities were destroyed, there was no way to fight them. Until the first heroes appeared, full of courage and incredible powers, they defeated the villains and saved the world. This is my mockup of the day the heroes won." said the girl to her two friends.

"It was a good show Zoe, but that wasn't the job the teacher gave her," said the girl in the pink outfit.

"I don't think her model shows the history of our town, other than where is Ed?" says the boy in the green clothes and the wolf print.

"Leo, he called saying he was busy helping his dad with work," Zoe said, frustrated.

"Probably another lie, if you doubt he'll make excuses until we're done Liz, you got the call from his girlfriend asking if he's there." says Leo angrily.

"It won't do any good, she's in piano class and he knows he won't get grades if he doesn't help us," Liz said as she sat down on the couch.

"Don't worry he will come after helping his father, we have to start this job with luck we will finish this job to deliver early so we can go to the premiere of the new Fire Lion movie in two days. It is said that the hero himself and his sidekick will show up, I really want their autograph." says Zoe throwing various materials on the coffee table.

After three hours, Ed arrives to help, we manage to finish the work on time and deliver it to the teacher. When I got home I noticed that my mother came back from work and was in the living room talking to my uncle, I ran to the living room.

"I'm here Mom, can I go to the Fire Lion movie premiere tomorrow with my friends?" says Zoé.

"No, don't even think about going, it's too dangerous to go to an event where there's a superhero," says the mother.

"Calm down Susan, here is a very quiet town and there has never been any incident with a super villain, other than who will attack an event that will probably be full of security and with a super hero, just a fool to do that" says the uncle laughing .

"Every day I see these superheroes on television parading around causing as much havoc as the villains they face, I'm not going to risk my daughter's life," Susan says, heading to the couch to watch TV.

Zoe gets angry and tries to talk to her mother, but unable to get her to change, she decides to come up with some plan to go. That same night, somewhere in the city, three men break into a warehouse and start taking away some containers.

The next morning, Zoe realizes that her mother left early for work and that her uncle was the only one in the house, so she starts her plan to go to the movies and get his autograph. However, her uncle eventually realizes that she is up to something and goes towards her.

"Are you thinking about going to the movies?" said the uncle laughing.

"Don't even think about it Joe, I'm just going to get something to eat and go back to the room to finish my homework" says Zoe heading to the kitchen.

"Too bad, I'd give you a ride if I went," says Joe with a laugh.

"I'm serious, but my mom would kill you if she found out," says Zoe.

"That's why I go along," says Joe.

"Thanks Joe, I'll get dressed and be right back," says Zoe happily.

Arriving at the cinema, Fire Lion and his assistant Wildcat were doing an interview, I looked for my friends in the crowd. After a while I found Ed, Liz, Steve and Jack with the most popular girl in school Serena, it seems that they met and decided to follow the event, Wildcat entered the cinema and Fire Lion started to show his incredible fire powers to the public while talked about his wonderful film.

"This hero should think about his career and dedicate himself to doing shows, he would definitely be more popular" says Joe, with Ed, Liz and Jack all in agreement.

"Guys this is Fire Lion, one of the members of one of the three great teams of heroes today" says Zoe scolding the gang.

Suddenly three masked figures appeared holding an injured Wildcat, Fire lion jumps in front of the masked ones and starts attacking them.