

Once, there was magic. Wonders that humans can no longer comprehend. Dragons, pixies, elves, unicorns. All of these amazing things and creatures. But the most fantastical wonder was the spellcasters. Spellcasters obtained their powers in many different ways. Birth, a magical object, and other means. No matter the way they obtained them, they had powers. Powers beyond comprehension. Powerful wizards would compete against each other to prove their strength, often resulting in collateral damage. Thus, the people of the world built arenas, giant stadiums for the wizards to duel in, bringing entertainment to viewers, and customers to nearby businesses. But certain spells were banned from these tournaments, of course many illusion spells would need to be banned, like the Forfytus spell, which was designed to give the illusion of the opponent forfeiting, which was explicitly made to cheat. Others were much more dangerous, such as the Formatus spell, which would permanently put the targeted being in a form for the rest of their life, and for some of those forms, it would instantly end the being's life. Many wizards did not take these rules well. Some of those wizards lived for their bloodlust, and would torture their opponents, and finish by killing them. These were the dark wizards, later known as warlocks. They conducted illegal duels, in which they could use these illegal spells. It was on one fateful evening in which an illegal duel got so intense, that one of the warlock was thrown through the roof, killing him, and alerting the rest of the world to the existence of these illegal duels. The warlocks were exiled, never to return....

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