


"where am I!!?"

"who am I?"

"Wait I know, I'm Lux Nigh"

As Lux figure out who he is, he looked around but all he saw was pure blackness. So, he focused his 5 senses and found himself in a tight and narrow space.

As he raised his hand and touched the jagged but smooth unknown material, which give out a cold and refreshing feeling. His body started to quiver and was frozen solid as an unknown terror ravage his mind.

'what was that? It probably nothing'

Like a human, he ignored the problem as he realised he can't figure out the core root of his fear.

Soon, Lux fixed his composure and started moving but realise his poor condition. His body is badly injured as it's screaming in agony as he felt every fibre in him shredding into pieces, his vision started to blur. Bloods started to drip out of his nose. Lux situation is very precarious and very dangerous.

Lux is in a unknown without food or water, if he can't get out of this space, he would most likely died here and his journey would end.

"Anyone there?"

"Please, help me?"

Only, Lux eco answer his called and soon his eyes started to filled with despair and hopelessness.

Memory of his parents and their worried faces when their only child is missing came to his mind. He knows, they would be devastated which ignited his passion to live on.

Determination soon filled his eyes as he tumbled his way forward to find the entrance, whilst blood dripping from his noise and his body aching in pain.

As time passed, his hard work came to fruit and felt and saw the gentle touch of the winds and the moonlight reflection, he scurries over but realise the wind was coming from downward. Lux frown as the serendipitous opportunity was the foreshadowing of his death.

It was a chasm; the bottom was unclear.

Looking down, all Lux see is emptiness and darkness.

Soon, Countless new wrinkle appeared on his face. As, terror filled his body. He began contemplating on why he is here.

"Is this Death way of punishing me, for belittling my death." Lux sigh. Whilst he is contemplating., his bloody noise began to dry up.

When he looked up, all he saw was the overhanging cliff. But alas, from the cave to the cliff it's 1000m apart.

A new hope arises in Lux as he realises….

'Wait, what about the other side of cave. I need to hurry; my stamina is running low and it seem like my body won't last long. '

Lux scurry and hasten his footsteps as he dived into the unknown.

Retracting his footsteps and forward to the other side. Lux body is deteriorating as time goes past. His life is not in years but in minutes. Each steps, was heavy burden.

As he goes further on, he saw countless opaque blue light shining on the wall. He now saw the true face of the cave. The wall and the ground was made out of a black metallic metal.

Lux was dumbfound about how mysterious this cave is. Quickening his footsteps, having no time comprehend this mysterious cave.

Stalling will only waste his precious time. When he reached the end of the other side, there was no exit, only a layer of concrete blocking his way.

'I see; this is the end of me'

Lux laid down, as he had given up hope.

'Mom & Dad, I'm sorry.'

'NO! I should not give up here.'

Lux around the cave and found plant growing near the side of the wall. It's a green with a hint of gold flower.

He extended his hand and grab the plant and pull it out of it roots. Lux, directly bitten onto the petal, without taking any precaution. What the point? If he doesn't eat the plant, he will die anyway.

As he chewed onto the petals, a refreshing and soothing energy circulate into his body. His fatigue is blown away like a speck of dust. Lux mind was sooth and calm down.

A burst of strength filled his body, as he continues chewing onto the grass.

'what is this plant?'

'What a unique and powerful plant'

'This plant is definitely not from Earth. If it was; Pharmacy Company would be scrambling for this'

As he finished gobbling the plant, he looked around and found countless more plant like this and different kind. Lux never realised this as he was in a hurry then.

Lux stood up and explore the cave to see if there was any other exit.


As time pass, hunger soon smashed his belly. Lux continue eating the plant from before, too scared to eat other different kind. The Irony.

Whilst eating, contemplate his finding.

1) There is no other exit aside from the one near the chasm

2) There are mysterious plants that he can live off

3) To many different type of plant

4) He might be in another world

That last point, made him worried and exited.

Lux is worried about his parent, but also exited as he never thought his dream would come true like in the novel.

But despair soon followed his excitement as he knows, he might die if any of the plant is poisonous. Even, if it not he will die due to hunger from no food left. But, hope is in his eyes as he expects someone to rescue him like a beautiful fairy.

Lux decided to eat the plant sparingly to live to that day.

Human is such creature, who would struggle even if there is speck of hope.

Please support me, if you like the story so far.

LePeasantcreators' thoughts