
Rise of the Death Ruler: Journey of Second Chances

read it. you may find it very interesting!. (failed project)

ex_berfect · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Second Chance


He never expected to die so soon. He was only 25 years old, a normal office worker with a boring life. He had no family, no friends, no hobbies, no dreams. He just existed, day after day, until that fateful night. 


He was walking home from work, as usual, when he saw a bright light in the sky. He looked up, curious, and saw a huge meteor falling towards the earth. He felt a surge of fear and awe, and then everything went black. 


He woke up with a jolt, gasping for air. He opened his eyes and blinked, confused. He was not in his apartment, not in his bed, not even in his world. He was in a large, luxurious room, with a canopy bed, a fireplace, a wardrobe, and a desk. He was wearing a silk robe, a gold necklace, and a ring. He felt a weight on his chest and looked down. He saw a notebook, with a pen and a bookmark. 


He picked up the notebook, curious. He opened it and saw a handwritten diary, with dates and entries. He flipped through the pages and realized that the diary belonged to the person he was now. He read the last entry, dated yesterday: 


"Today is my 18th birthday. I am officially the crown prince of the kingdom of Zalora, the most powerful nation in this world. I have everything I ever wanted: wealth, power, fame, beauty, and talent. I am also a hidden master, one of the few people who can use magic and fight monsters. I have a secret identity, I am the Death Ruler, the most feared and respected person in this world. 


But I am not happy. I am bored, lonely, and restless. I hate this world, this fake and hypocritical society, this meaningless and repetitive life. I wish I could escape, to a different world, a different reality, a different adventure. I wish I could be someone else, someone normal, someone ordinary, someone free. 


Maybe I should make a wish. Maybe the gods will hear me. Maybe they will grant me my desire. Maybe they will take me away from here. 


I wish I could die and be reborn in another world." 


He closed the notebook, stunned. He felt a chill run down his spine. He realized that his wish had come true. He had died and been reborn in another world. He had taken the place of the crown prince, the Death Ruler, the hidden master. He had inherited his memories, his skills, his powers, his identity. 


He had no idea what to do. He had no idea how to live in this world. He had no idea how to be the Death Ruler. 


He heard a loud noise, like a siren. He looked around, panicked. He saw a holographic screen appear in front of him, with words and numbers. He recognized it as a system, a common feature in many webnovels. He read the message on the screen: 


[Welcome to the Death Ruler System. You have been chosen as the host of this system, which will help you become the ultimate ruler of life and death in this world. You will face many challenges, dangers, enemies, and opportunities. You will also gain many rewards, benefits, allies, and secrets. You will have to make many choices, decisions, actions, and consequences. You will have to prove yourself worthy of the title of Death Ruler, or face the wrath of the system. Are you ready to begin your journey?] 


He felt a surge of excitement and fear. He had no choice. He had to accept. He had to play the game. He had to survive. 


He pressed the button that said [Yes]. 
