
Rise Of The Darth God Gilgamesh In Another World

" Huh, I wonder what I would do If I was Gilgamesh from the Nasuverse..." A simple carefree young male from one of the many Earths, asked himself. Hearing him from the nothingness, a genderless voice whispered to both of his ears, somehow," And so It shall be done." Like this, [ Welt Joyce ], a 'simple' young man, died In his sleep and woke up has Gilgamesh. And yet, why is this loli calling him, [ Lord Darth Gilgamesh ]...? Truly is this the same Gilgamesh he knew and read about...? ~~~~~~ [TAGS]: Star Wars | Warhammer 40k | Halo | Destiny 1&2 | ~~~~~~ [ 1-Disclaimer: I write for fun and my own pleasure] [ 2-Disclaimer: I don't own anything, other than my MC, OC's, and my Original ideas and my Worlds Settings.]

NasuverseGod · Cómic
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4 Chs

[ Chapter - 4 ]: Dream Or Memory? & New Ability

" London bridge is falling down... falling down... falling down... London bridge is falling down... my... fair... lady..." An adult man of average height singed out In a whisper, he possesses silver hair and a silver mustache. Due noted, he has heterochromatic eyes, with a right eye that is silver in color and a left eye that is deep red in color, the latter being covered by a monocle filled with gears. He also wears a gray Victorian Era formal suit with a white shirt underneath and a blood-red steampunk top hat. He also wears blood-red trousers, a blood-red coat over his suit, and a pair of black gloves. Finally, he carries two pouches on his thighs. 

Accompanying this unusual older man is a young otherworldly demonic-looking male child. He has white hair, white eyebrows, as well as fluttering white eyelashes. Even his pupils were a weird pink with a hint of red. His expression faintly showed some grief. He had a delicate elegant face, a good-natured build, and fair-white but not sickly pale skin. He wears a child version of the older man's clothes, just without the hat, with two pouches on his thighs.

Walking through a city at night In a carefree manner, the older man sang out," Jack, let's go have some fun~!"

Hearing the older man, the child's expression light up In the most sinister way possible, showing off his vampire-like teeth," Really Father!?" Can he have really fun? Can he?!

" Yep~ Let's go find some prey for tonight~!" Chuckling, the aged male known as Father smiled, beckoning his Son: Jack to follow him, somewhere.

" Hehehe~! Gladly~! " Possessing a childish happy wicked smile passing his ears and face, Jack hurriedly followed his Father, whose name is also: Jack.


Walking back from her job, a young woman In common wear, with slight red hair and green eyes, suddenly stopped seeing an odd hooded child get up off the floor from the side of the rod, and walk to her.

Then saying In a kind and cute Innocent boy voice, he asked," Young Miss would you be so kind to spare some money?"

" Uh, where are your parents?" She asked, seeing this poor child In a somewhat hight end neighborhood In London.

" Parents? Don't have. Don't need it. Jack is all We need." He answered In the most Innocent way possible, that would put Kafuka Fuura to shame In every way

Watching this from afar, Older Jack felt his heartstrings get pulled,' Ugh! To cute! Much Protect!'

" Jack? Who's that?" The Young Woman, asked, not seeing the thick fog surrounding them both.

" Duh! We Are Jack~" He answered obviously with a bright sunny cute smile.

Before she could say something, extremely thin and sharp wires appeared all around her, so thin to the point that it appears invisible to the naked eye.

Smiling, he snapped his right pointer finger. Obeying by the snap, the wires flickered at the Young Miss, who is frozen In fear.

" Die you Slut!" The child yelled hatefully as the wires pushed themselves Inside her holes, eating her from the inside out, slowing and painfully and somehow significantly sensually.


This wicked otherworldly shriek woke up everyone from their much-needed sleep, In cold sweat.

Running to her father's room, a young girl cried laying by him," *Sniff* Mommy, where are you?"

" Shhh, she'll be here In a few minutes, don't worry." The Father said, hugging his daughter.

Seeing this, young Jack said smirking, looking at his Father," Should I or you tell him?"

" Neither, let the young one grow, I'm sure It'll be more entertaining that way," Older Jack answered, disappearing Into the darkness of the night.

Doing the same, young Jack smiled singing softly," London bridge is falling down... falling down... falling down... London bridge is falling down... my... fair... lady..."


Fluttering open his eyes, Gilgamesh's expression became blank,' Was.. that a Dream?... Or... a Memory?' Truly, it felt he was there, doing all of that with these new wonderful emotions and thoughts. While there, he learned a lot of unusual unique abilities from Older Jack.

[ ∆ Ping~! Acquired - Assassin Creative Mind: Allows the User to think and function as a veteran Assassin. With this skill, you are willing to use any means necessary to take down your prey. With you're unique warped and creative mind, you can easily come up with a plan of action to efficiently and sadistically kill your targets, In any way possible. By using any object available to you, you can adapt to any surroundings to set up traps and improvise when fighting someone/something. | Toggle | ∆ ]

Hearing that beautiful heavenly mature female voice, ringing throughout his head, Gilgamesh's eyes sparkled,' Who's that?'

[ That my Lord, is the World's voice. Everyone hears Her, whenever they level up or when they Acquire an new Ability/Skill. ] Ophis answered gracefully In a young cute girl voice.

' Eh, Ophis why do you sound different? Is it because I named you?' Gilgamesh asked as a smile made its way to his lips, unknowingly.

[ Affirmative My Lord ]

' Huh, how marvelous.' He mumbled In his head, getting up and walking down the


Making his out of the throne room, he walked to the training area, which is a massive green grass field with large green trees scattered throughout the place. All around this field is a tall black stone wall, blocking everything Inside and outside of It.

Luckily he somehow knows the Ins and Outs of this whole Castle and Forest. Learning this, he chalked It up to Magic-bullshit and Ophis helping.

Looking up and seeing a bright purple sky, Gilgamesh smiled,' This reminds me of that anime.' Truly it does remind him of It.

[ Welcome to the Training Dimension, My Lord. Here you can train yourself and your troops for battle and the sorts ] Ophis chimed out in his head, cheerfully at being of use to her Lord[L̷̢̛̩͔̯̟̱͙͖̼͇̊̌͑̈́̆̽̿͌̕̚͜͝o̵͖̬͕̞͇̙̓͑͛̐̀͂͐͋ṿ̵̨̧̙͎̥̝͖̩̲͉̎͌̄̌̈̎̈́̍̾̅̚͜͠e̴̊͒̋͐̚͘].

' How useful.' He thought feeling some sort of calming and demonic energy flowing around the whole place.

[ That my Lord is Light Mana and Dark Mana, you are feeling ] Ophis explained, seeing the questionable expression on his face.

' Light Mana, Dark Mana? What fuck is this, Star Wars?' He chuckled at his thoughts, and asked Ophis,' Ophis do all Demon Lords have access to a Training Dimension?'

[ Negative. Training Dimensions are from the Ancient Era, where Dark & Light Gods roamed the Realm alike. So as of now and known, You are the Only One that has One ] Ophis explained cheerfully to Gilgamesh.

' Meaning I have a higher advantage of most-if-not all Demon Lords and other beings like Us.' Gilgamesh concluded with an unknown arrogant smirk.

[ Affirmative ]

" Well let's get the show on the road~" Saying this, his eyes started flickering In a demonic fashion, as void-black energy wrapped around his whole being, In a loving and caring manner, resembling an Overprotective-Mother and big sister.
